18 Life but I Hanged my Queen?

*A week after the events of the previous chapter

Currently, my mana gate came back. It's far too small from my previous one or is because this is what a default 6-year old's mana gate is.

Well, it's better than having nothing.


"e5," Aoi said.

I moved the piece for her. We were cooped up in my room, waiting for my power to come back.

My parents thought it would be good for me to get some rest and relaxation, which was an offer I took wholeheartedly.

As of the moment, I was playing chess with my friendly neighborhood bot (Spiderman Reference). With an ELO adjustable from 100-3600.

I set her to 2500 to spice things up. I was nowhere near my playing strength when back on Earth, so I decided to get the gears turning again with all the free time on my hands.

"E takes on d5," I said. "So, what's your purpose here in this wonderful world? "

"Bishop to c5." She said. "I was created to serve the Master."

"Knight to f3." I paused. "By whom?"

"I don't know." She deadpanned. "My data saves are corrupted. I play d6"

"Pawn takes on d6." I yawned. "So, you say this world is a game, right?"

She paused for a second. ". It isn't, but I refer to it as such, because you view the world as so."

"So what's with the stats?"

"They serve as my approximations of your current talent presented in numerical form."

". Also, shouldn't they be back to normal?"

"They should, but I recommend that you rest for a week before strenuous exercise." She gave me a head pat. "Knight to e7."

"Pawn takes on d7," I said. Realizing my blunder, I palmed my face, rolling around in frustration.

"I forgot my theory." I chuckled, then sighed. "So, what are you?"

"I belong to Master. My goal is to help you in whatever way you need me to."

"I resign, my head hurts." I jumped onto my bed. "So, be serious. What are you?"

"I am a manifestation-"

"Look, are you programmed to give me the same generic responses?"

She thought for a bit, then nodded. I threw up my hands and packed up the chess pieces.

"I give up," I muttered. "Wait, there's something I'm forgetting…"

I turned towards her.

"Can my parents see you?"



I stretched and hopped to my feet.

"Can you teach me how to dance?"

"Why. No."

"I wanna practice for my wedding dance."

"With whom?"

"Oh, why are you curious?" I gave her a sharp smirk.

"Beats me. You're irresponsible, unimpressive, a walking disaster, and stupid, smelly, not to mention, a loud airhead." She said bluntly. "All you do is cause trouble, and it would be impressive if a girl will still fall for you."

That hurt. Very much. She just shattered my fragile heart, bit by bit I was torn apart. Please stop. I don't wanna die a virgin again.

"That's too much." I consoled myself. " I have my good points too."

"Like what?" She grinned.

"I have you to help me." I tried to pull a flag out.

"I'm an astral projection. Never have I ever heard of somebody stupidly falling in love with a fictional character."

"Please stop." I cried out.
