

"It's a shame that a soul like his would face such an end. Souls-like us, we don't deserve much, we are like (insert a comparison), pretty and great, but pretty much insignificant. But souls like him, they're like the sun, bright and almighty, felt even when not seen. They shouldn't be fading away to nothingness, not when everyone is in dire need of their strength."

Hearing those words, her expression softened, gradually, to the Sophia I knew and everyone adored, the Sophia that loved him, that could and would do anything for him. Someone who once put herself on the line just so that his smile won't fade.

But it was just worth a moment. Her eyes froze back and so did her words. "Tonight."

With her retreating figure, went the hope of a new beginning, hope, that the masses had desperately clung to, for decades. A hope which proved nothing more than a dying fire on a chilly night. The venom, that that woman had poured into her heart, led on to poison even the purest love of all three worlds. A love that was meant to lift up the ones who looked up to them as if they were the only ones who could make a difference in their mere lives.

In the end, it was her victory. And it was indeed an end.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is fun but hard, so many ideas, but only one path.

Adawna_29creators' thoughts