

Amarachi_Ojukwu_6308 · 若者
4 Chs

Chapter one.

Picking at her nails, the moment she was dreading neared.

The car came to a standstill and her heart skipped a beat causing a thump in her head .

She pressed two fingers to her temples.

The chauffeur walked over to her door and opened it welcoming a cool breeze into the warm car.

She looked straight ahead.

People had stopped walking and stopped to look.

Her heart pounded with a million questions, fear of rejection but of course she was too used to that already she couldn't let rejection bring her down.

She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and took another glance this time tears threatened to escape from her eyes.

"Ma'am", the chauffeur said breaking her from her thoughts .

She looked up and put herself together before stepping out of the car.

She eyed her surroundings catching people's eyes here and there, every time they'd make eye contact with her they'd flinch and turn away.

Her heart broke every time someone would look away but she put her self together yet again and stepped onto the gravel pavement.

She followed the path keeping her head down to avoid eye contact.

Once she reached the door she entered.

The siren rang, clearly unaware of how loud it would be she palmed her ears receiving strange looks from people, she removed her hands from her ears and the sound still vibrated in her ears.

She looked up turning her head to the side ,she saw a girl with her hands stuck in her pockets.

Probably a nerd she assumed.

She walked over to her and extended her hand.

"Hi", she said in a husky voice.

The girl looked her up and down offering her a scoff before walking away. Aware of the fact she was clearly ignored she decided to stop with the 'hi's'.

She took another breath in searching the lockers for one that had the same numbers as the card in her hand.

A sigh of relief exited her mouth when she saw it, she didn't want to ask anyone knowing their response will hurt her.

She clumsily rushed for it swinging it open.

She emptied the contents of her bag into it leaving only lip balm and a box of mints in it .

Offering a glance to her time table she groaned knowing her first lesson was English.

She grabbed her English book and dumped a couple of pens into her bag.

When she was about to walk away the siren rang again and she found her self clenching her ears yet again.

Feeling the noise subsiding she removed her hands from her ears that had started to vibrate.

Wondering why it rang again she effortlessly glanced at her time table only to have her eyes bulge out.

She tightened her grip around her bag and rushed down the hall, according to the tour the previous day she ought to turn right and then left then head straight down the hall and that's where her first lesson would be.

She rushed down the hall taking her right and she couldn't help but notice she was already five minutes late and the halls had not a single person insight.

She groaned taking her left and then running the rest of the way to the class, once she got to the door that had the subject written in bold she applied a faint knock to the door.

"Come in", a male voice replied from inside.

She readied her self blinking multiple times and breathing faster than necessary.

"I said come in", the voice said louder.

She gulped as fear rushed through her veins .

She pulled the door open and stepped in and the exact reaction she was expecting is what she got.

Gasps were sent through out the class room .Some had their hands to their mouths like they had seen the grinch.

She swallowed and walked over to the teachers desk.

He was eyeing her like every one else.

"I'm new here", she informed him.

He nodded and looked at his book she assumed to be a register.

"Write your name here", he said pointing his index at the bottom of the endless number of names.

She picked the pen up and scribbled her name on the paper and without being told she filled in the rest of the details such as surname, age and origin.

"Um class...uh, We have a new student uh..... her name is Amara", he said squinting his eyes at my hand writing.

Amara offered the class a small wave earning awkward looks in return.

"Um please uhh take a seat".

She nodded and walked to the seat she saw no one sitting at, she took a seat there knowing that no one wanted to sit with her.

"Could you please open your text book to page fifteen", the teacher said.

She flipped to the required page.

"Draw a neat thin line under the topic".

She watched as people took out their pencils she looked in her bag and confirmed her thoughts. She had left her pencil at her locker.

"Stellar", she muttered to her self.

"I forgot the pencil".



This is my first chapter I'm not too good I'm only fifteen but I appreciate you reading thank you .

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