

Reincarnation online was the most popular vrmmo rpg game on the market, it had over 700 million players online its first week out.

It has been out for 2 years, and 680 million players are still playing it till this day, out of all the players one stood on top unrivalled.

A young woman with pure white hair stood in a middle of a desert, she was wearing dark heavy armor, she held a sword in her right hand.

In front of her 30 people stood all of them had a confident face, 10 people wearing heavy armor and shields stood in front of her.

"Haha, Bloodyfang you aren't your full strength in direct sunlight! Finally our guild will win this competition and earn the top reward!" A tall man in the middle of the group laughed while raising his sword in the air.

"EVERYONE ATTACK!" He ordered countless arrows and spells flew through the air at the woman, ice flew and caught her feet, she just smirked as she raised her sword up.

"Blood shield" The woman whispered, a dark crimson liquid flew out of her sword and it caught all the projectiles midair.

Without stopping 5 of the people at the front lines ran over to Bloodfang, they all did the same motion.

"CHAIN STRIKE!" 5 silver chains rushed out from their hands catching the woman and restraining her body.

"This is hopeless Bloodfang. Now die!" The man yelled as a yellow arc flew out of his sword 'Heh this should kill her, undead races are weak against holy magic!!'

Bloodyfang kept a smile on her face "BLOODY DOMAIN!" She yelled as a dark liquid surrounded everyone in a 20 meter radius.

The chains that captured her erroded, while the ice turned into a crimson color. "You all should know, even if I am weakened, none of you can stand a chance!" Bloodfang appeared in front of the five tanks and made a crimson arc slashing all of them.

A bar appeared over their heads, it looked like a standard hp bar, it suddenly drained to 0 all five of the tanks disappeared into a blinding light.

"Shit! The rest of you tanks buff up! We mustn't let her defeat us!" The man who was the leader had a worried look on his face as he saw Bloodyfang get closer.

"Sir!! We can't use our spells this skill nullifies everything! We're screwed!" One of the tanks screamed.

Suddenly Bloodyfang sent a slash at the party killing most of them instantly. Only one survived which Bloodyfang let him live.

She walked over to the trembling man. "Thanks for the fun fight, sirjackington." She raised her sword and stabbed him through the head.

A message appeared in the sky.


"Of course bloodfang would get first! The leader is the top player in the game! She literally is the most op player in the world!" A man exclaimed excitedly

"Yeah, we all knew it was gonna happen, now please keep yourself calm we know you have her as your idol!" A woman that was next to him said. She had animal ears and a tail.

"Oh shut up, its awesome! I want to join her guild I wanna become the second player to join that guild!" The main said as stars appeared in his eyes.

Bloodyfang's vision blurred till she could make out a pure white room. 'Where am I? Is this the reward room? Map' She thought and a holographic screen appeared in her view.

"Reincarnation goddess's domain? What the heck? This better be good..." She said outloud then a woman appeared in front of her view behind the screen.

She wore a white robe, that tightly fit her figure, her massive bust was about to explode. 'Lucky..' Bloodyfang thought as she looked down at her flat chest

"Congratulations Bloodyfang, you have been chosen to become a beta tester for our new game." The goddess said.

'A beta tester for a new game?! OH FUCK YES' Her crimson eyes widened as she repeated what the goddess said in her mind.

"Would you like to create your avatar now?" The goddess asked as a prompt appeared in her view.


Bloodyfang put her shaky finger on yes.

Suddenly like a mirror her current avatar appeared she was around 5'5, with long white hair, crimson eyes, and wearing armor.

'I would still like to keep my avatar.' She thought.

"Umm, I would like to keep my current appearance, is that okay?" She asked

"Oh yes, that's fine! Now, do you wanna keep your class?" The goddess asked with a warm smile

A list appeared in front of her.

Knight: Perfect in both damage and defense, an average build. Can wear heavy armor.

Priest: A mage who specializes in healing, and buffing. Can only wear robes

Wizard: An attacker who specializes in long rage or short range spells, focuses on intelligent. Can wear robes, and light armor.

Assassin: Specializes in sneaking, main stat dexterity and luck, can use illusion magic. Can only wear light armor.

Archer: Specializes in long range attacking, main stats are perception, and dexterity. Can only wear light armor.

Tank: Specializes in defense, attack damage is pitiful, main stat is vitality. Can only wear heavy armor.

'I was a knight in my previous class, it was quite boring, I'm gonna pick wizard!' Bloodyfang tapped on the wizard button.

"Your character will be created, you will go in the closed beta in a minute good luck." The goddess said while going into a portal.

"W-Wait! Don't I get a choice to go in, or not?" Bloodyfang asked which the goddess disappeared without answering.

A clock appeared in her vision.



'Logout' Bloodyfang said inwardly.

[Unable to logout, please wait]

'The hell?...' Bloodyfeng felt her body get tired which she turned off exhaustion when she started.

'Status' Bloodyfeng quickly ordered

Name: Bloodyfang

Title: Blood Sucker

Species: Vampire

Level: 293

Exp: 34,598,000/41,900,000

Hp: 34,920.... / 45,000

Mp: 10,500/ 15,000

Bloodyfangs hp quickly went down every second every second she could feel her body get tired.

"What the hell is going on?..." collapsed as she saw the timer is at its last seconds.


She can feel her consciousness slip each second till it hit zero.

[EMERGENCY! HOST BLOODYFANG IS IN CRITICAL CONDITION!] A loud beep could be heard in a hospital.

People in doctors clothing rushed into an ambulance, they had their sirens going, till they stopped at a small house.

A woman and a man came out of the front dolr when they heard the sirens.

"Miss, did you make an emergency call?" One of the doctors asked as he got out of the ambulance.

"No...? My daughter might have. SHAINA DID YOU CONTACT EMERGENCY SERVICES?" The woman yelled inside the house.

There was no response. "Dang it she must be on that game. Follow me I will make her apologize" The woman walked into her house followed by the paramedics, and her husband, she opened a door showing a young woman lying on her bed with a helmet on her head.

"Hold on, I'll turn it off." She touched the power button on the helmet and took it off the young woman.

A few seconds have passed by and the young woman didn't wake up. "Damn it Shaina wake up" The woman slapped the cheek of her daughter but she didn't wake up.

"Damn it! It's never been this hard to wake you up Shaina!" Her mother exclaimed.

The paramedic stopped the mother, and checked Shaina's pulse, he felt nothing. "She's... dead. The helmet must've sent a emergency signal."

Her mother covered her mouth while tears streamed down her face.


Shaina woke up and saw 2 kids above her.

"She's awake, wow and what's with her eye color?" A little girl asked her brother who was the second kid.

"Huh, where am I? Who are you two kids?" Shaina asked as she sat up seeing that she was in some sort of field.

"Huh? You're in our families farm, do you not remember?" The little boy asked. "Who are you?"

'Is this the intro? It feels so real...' Shaina felt the field around her, and felt the sun's rays on her body.

"Miss? Are you okay?" The little girl asked as she saw the mesmorized face on Shaina.

"Oh, yes I am fine, the devs did a really good job on this game." Shaina said without thinking.

"Devs? What are devs?" The little girl asked with her hed tilted.

"Oh nevermind sorry, you guys asked who I am right, do you mind introducing yourselves?" Shaina asked while she sat with her legs criss crossed.

"Oh yes, my name is Elli, and my brother here is Will, now can you introduce yourself?"

"My name is Yuki, well it's nice to meet you Elli, and Will!" Shaina introduced herself with a false name.

'I should get off, I might be worrying mom, and dad. Logout!' Shaina expecting to wake up in her bed, got confused when nothing happened.

'Logout, logout, logout.' Shaina repeated, but nothing happened. She could feel her heart race 'What the heck is this a bug?! It won't let me logout!'

"Miss Yuki, are you okay?" Elli asked.

"Y-Yes I am perfectly fine!" Shaina said.

[System given by the reincarnation gods recieved]

Heya guys welcome to my novel leave a comment about this chapter if you would like!

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