
Little World

She likes certain music, she loves Kpop, he favors his game more than anything, he loves soccer, that person loves reading so much she buried her face into the book most of the time, another person is in love with his favorite characters; so what? That's their little world, little happiness. in this rough world, they found a door to a little world of joy. Being there makes them happy, they smile and feel joy all over. Let them dance and sing to their favorite song like no one is watching, let them talk about their favorite movies and books with passion.

Let them express what they want. Rather than hating on them, why don't you use this time to find your little happiness, and maybe you could understand them a bit? Not all people are as strong as you are to cope with their struggle, as complete as you are; some are breaking and tearing apart and they aren't as content as you are; some are missing the joy of life. Who are you to say that their burden and misery are not bad enough to end their life? or that it is only a 'small problem'? You tell your story, in a sense that it seems much worse than their story but who are you to judge who's having it worse? How can you count or equalize the pain when it is subjective?

Only those who went through it knew the pain, and not you. You got a broken family and was struggling financially, you told that you find a way to cope. Good for you, then. But the other person who had a stable financial and a broken family, you told them to be grateful at least they are stable financially. How would you know it won't hurt them more than it hurts you? Everyone has their own story and we would never understand every single details. So when they finally made an escape to their little world, some people just have to ruin it. Just because you can't relate, does not mean you can destroy it.

Everyone put a meaning to something they like or favor. There's always a meaning behind every songs they listen to, every movies they watched, every books they read and every characters they adore even though to some, those are just illusions. It is not illusions, it is alive; in their mind and their heart. Not everyone could see it, at least not someone who go around finding faults in people. As long as they know their limits and it is not excessive, let them be.