
Rai x Frankenstein (New Adventures)

Frankestein is trying to provide peaceful and joyful life to Raizel after the Apocalypse. And he was successful for time being. But the adventures returns as an unwanted guest enters to their peaceful life on a very unlucky day. The mysteries unfold and new monsters rise, to haunt the mankind once again. Frankestein is doing his best to keep Raizel out of this fight. But will Raizel have to fight them again? Will Raizel sacrifice his remaining lifetime to save the world which he needs to live into it?

Nik_The_Wordsmith · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

The blood and power!!

Raizel kept walking towards the door, which was emitting immense amount of power.

'If the door was such powerful, then the person who was occupying it, should be beyond imagination.' He thought to himself.

They reached to the door. Raizel stopped for a moment before opening it. He stopped in front of the door for a moment and asked Joshua to open it. He was finally going to meet the enemy, who was powerful enough to destroy whole moon clan. He was curious to meet him.


Frankenstein's team was almost reached at Shinni's Granduncle's house. It was old fashioned small family house. They crossed the ordinary gate and entered the premises of the house. As soon as they crossed the gate, everyone felt the power around the house. Shinni's granduncle was indeed a powerful and the most knowledgeable person alive in entire moon clan kingdom. Shinni walked towards the main door to knock. But the door opened before her hand could reach. She smiled to herself realising that her granduncle was still sharp to catch up with others. He was indeed mysterious. She looked at her teammates and asked them to get inside.

They all walked towards the door and entered the house. The house was quite old, but was kept neat. It wasn't too fancy but it was occupied by all necessary arrangements.

Frankenstein looked impressed by the vintage house. He was busy in enjoying the simple beauty of the wall, when he heard the voice,


Frankenstein looked at the direction of the voice. His eyes witnessed a presence of very old aged but brightly smiling person. Shinni's granduncle! He smiled in reply.

Uncle smiled even brighter and showed them chairs to sit. He walked towards Shinni and hugged her tightly. Shinni's stiff face turned emotional and tears rolled down from her eyes. Uncle softly patted on her back and made her calm down.

"Shei will get better soon. I know it." He assured her.

She sobbed for few more seconds and wiped her tears off. M-21's heart broke in thousands pieces seeing her crying like that. She was a strong girl, but she lost her calm after seeing her granduncle. Everyone understood her situation. No one interrupted them.

Uncle made her sit down and looked at everyone else.

"I know what you're planning to do. But it is impossible to break the blood bond. No one in the world is powerful enough to withstand that much power apart from god." He said.

"We have our own tricks, Sir. We believe we can harness that much blood power. We just need your help to perform the ritual." Frankenstein answered confidently. He looked in total control.

"I believe you think you know the power of blood bond. But I have spent half of my life to find the way to break it. But I had to accept the fact that there isn't any." Uncle looked disappointed with the world and also himself.

"Uncle, just one more time. Try for one more time. If we have any chance to save my father's life by any way, we have to try that. This may save all if us." Shinni pleaded.

Uncle made serious expressions. He thought for few minutes and said,

"Fine. There isn't any harm in performing the ritual one more time. I will make the arrangements." Uncle said.

"Uncle, all the necessary arrangements are already done. You just need to follow us." Shinni said with excitement.

"Fine. I will gather my necessary belongings and we can leave." Uncle said.


Raizel and Joshua entered through the door, into the big central room. There was a long pathway which led to the throne, where he was sitting. Raizel's eyes were focused on his feet. The red ruby eyes, emotionless! They kept walking and the sound of their steps filled the silent room with life. Everyone was staring at that odd couple. The assassin and his high royal prisoner!

They reached to the steps leading to the throne. Joshua looked at the enemy's master Kennei for a second and looked down in respect. He said,

"My lord, I want to present a prisoner I found. I was assigned to finish the subject, but I spared his life and brought him to you. He is royal and maybe useful to you. Pardon me, if I made any mistake."

Everyone was curious to hear the royal prisoner's voice. But instead, the enemy's master Kennei's strong powerful voice broke the silence.

"No worries, Joshua. You gave us great service by bringing him here. We will take care of him. You may leave now."

"No, master. The prisoner can be dangerous. I know him better, hence I think I should stay here to make sure everyone is safe." Joshua tried to convince his lord to stay with Raizel. He wasn't going to leave his real master in his lifetime.

"Do you think he is so powerful that you're afraid to leave him alone with us, when I'm present. Do you doubt my abilities?" Kennei asked.

"No, my lord." Joshua shouted. He continued,

"I am worried about your safety. That's it. I don't want to make any trouble for you. He is my prisoner, so I will make sure that he doesn't trouble you in any way."

"Fine. You can stay." Kennei closed the matter and continued,

"But why doesn't the prisoner look into the eyes? Is he afraid of my gaze or is he hiding something?"

"Anyone would be afraid of meeting an eye with you, master." Kennei's captain said with pride.

Kennei didn't believe that. He suspected something was wrong. He stood up from the throne and started to walk down the stairs. Everyone's eyes were focused on Kennei and Raizel.

Joshua's heart started beating faster.


Shinni, her granduncle, Frankenstein and all other reached back to the mansion. The necessary arrangements for the ritual were already in process as per Shinni's instructions. Her father was also ready for the ritual.

The fire was ready.

Granduncle asked Shinni's father to sit in front of the fire. The ritual was being started. Granduncle strated chanting the ancient enchantments. Everyone was concentrating on the situation. The ritual they were witnessing, would change the fate of their kingdom.

Frankenstein was ready to contact his master. They needed access to his blood at exact moment, so they can use an element of surprise against the enemy. Else, the enemy could create obstacles in the ritual.

Everyone was alert, waiting for the it to happen!!


Kennei stepped down from the top and stood near Raizel. Raizel was still looking down, hadn't met his eyes with the enemy.

Kennei didn't say anything. He kept looking at Raizel, observing him. He walked around him and tried to study Raizel. But he couldn't understand his nature, neither his powers. Raizel's powers were unrecognisable for Kennei. They were beyond his territory. He walked around him few more times, stood in front of him and asked,

"Why don't you look into my eyes? So that we can speak properly with each other."

"We don't need to talk to each other." Raizel replied.

Kennei didn't understand Raizel's reply. But he found him brave to answer so confidently, in his presence. He liked Raizel's confidence. He said,

"Nice. You may sound crazy but you are brave. I am not sure if you're making the right choice, but I liked your confidence."

Raizel didn't reply, instead he lifted his hand and touched the earring which controls his powers. He knew what to do.

Joshua was looking at both of them, making sure everything was fine. He was worried that Kennei might hurt his master.


The ritual was intense. Everyone was feeling the power of blood. The air was feeling dark and thick suddenly. The god's power were dancing in the fire, waiting for the blood to fullfill their wishes.

The time was near.

Shinni's Granduncle's instructions were clear. Frankenstein was ready to contact his master. He closed his eyes a and tried to find Raizel. This time he didn't face any difficulty.


Raizel heard Frankenstein's presence on the other side. The situation was in his favour. Kennei was in Raizel's zone, he could touch him anytime he wanted. Still, he didn't look at him, kept staring down.

Kennei was losing his patience.

Suddenly the atmosphere got tense. Someone opened the door and ran towards the captain. He reached and mumbled something into his ear. Caption's expressions changed suddenly and he tried to contact his master Kennei by telepathically. Kennei realized the situation and looked at the Captain.

He was saying,

"My lord, moon clan is performing a blood ritual. The spies brought the news."

Kennei didn't care less. He replied,

"They have tried to break the bond several times before but have never been successful. What will change this time?"

"My lord, I don't think we should underestimate the enemy. With the arrival of their new friends, I believe they have something up their sleeves, we are not aware of. We should try to stop the ritual as soon as possible." Caption replied with great worry.

"In order to make the ritual successful, they will need my blood too. And they don't know that. And there isn't any person in this world, who have the power to reach my blood. You know my powers very well. Don't make me brag about them. I'm a humble person. It makes me uncomfortable to brag about myself." Kennei answered with confidence.

Caption nodded and said,

"My apologies, my lord."


The ritual was getting intense. It was the time. Shinni's granduncle looked at Frankenstein and nodded his head, saying,

'It's time!'

Shinni's father grabbed a knife and slit his finger. His blood touched the fire and fire got stronger.

Frankenstein nodded back and closed his eyes to contact his master.

Raizel realized Frankenstein's call and replied back.

Frankenstein said,

"Master, it's time."

Raizel held his earring tightly and pulled. His aura changed from 0 to 100 within seconds. Everyone around him felt the powerful aura around them, but they couldn't understand the source.

Raizel lifted his head, looked at Kennei, and lifted his hand to touch him. Kennei was still trying to find the source of the immense power, hence he couldn't understand what was happening. He suddenly saw Raizel's lifted head and his ruby red eyes gazing at him, piercing through his soul. He felt frozen for a moment and Raizel's finger touched his forehead.

Kennei felt the unusual energy flowing through his body, surpassing his own powers. He tried to fight back but it was too late. He felt his blood moving on his own. His nose started bleeding. Raizel touched Kennei's blood and looked towards the sky. The blood stream was moving towards Kennei destroy him. But Raizel didn't want to kill Kennei. Not yet. He wanted to deliver his blood to Frankenstein. Hence, he reversed the blood stream in opposite direction carrying Kennei's blood towards Frankenstein, up through the sky.

Frankenstein looked at the sky, roaring by the blood stream, carrying Kennei's blood, touched by his master. Kennei's blood touched the fire and fire got even bigger now. Everyone moved back to save themselves by growing fire.

Shinni's father, Mr. Shinnei's blood touched the blood stream and started behaving differently. The blood of two brothers got mixed up and fire grew even stronger. Everyone jumped back. Granduncle was looking at the power of blood, but he was unsure about the results. He started chanting the ending rituals.

The fire kept roaring, until the blood was all burnt. Then the suddenly the fire blew itself into a blast and the transperant layer of powers released through it. The fire stopped roaring now. But the blast changed something. Everyone felt it, but couldn't understand.

Shinni's granduncle kept looking around and realized something. And he shouted,

"Everyone run inside the mansion! We have lost our protective shield. We can be attacked any time now."

Everyone looked confused.

"Was ritual successful?" Shinni asked with dying curiosity.

Mr. Shinnei replied,

"Yes. It was successful. I can feel it in my blood. But we also lost our shield which was protecting us from the enemy."

Shinni looked at father with disbelief and looked For Frankenstein.

She said,

"Father, we will not run. We will fight till death."

"We need to get inside first." Granduncle said.

He continued,

"I will surround the mansion by temporary shield to protect us. It can give us some time to prepare. Everyone get inside, and get ready for a battle. Real battle!"

Everyone was scared, but nodded with determination. They all were ready to fight, even it killed them.
