
Quiz hardest questions+commentary

作者: Daoist4KPQux
連載中 · 1.1K ビュー
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What is Quiz hardest questions+commentary

WebNovel で公開されている、Daoist4KPQux の作者が書いた Quiz hardest questions+commentary の小説を読んでください。...



Solanuria : Humanity's Bastion

[After the Great Chaos and the Greater Crusade against chaos, Humanity now establishes itself again as the core of civilization in the south continent, as the Gods have helped them against chaos itself they felt confident and cocky believing the Gods are on their sides, This lead them into an era of civil wars, revolutions, re-unifications, divisions and genocides, This in turn created the current era of uncertainty. The continent once controlled by 15 or so nations and 4 of them at the core now is shared between 50 and non on the center of political intrigue, nations and their leaders seek more power and land destroying everything in their path. A small nation in the mountainous regions of Rajia became the only bastion of peace as the southern nations began mass militarizing for their move to the north, and on their way is the tiny mountainous nation.] Rahzi, a young bright kid now devastated by the lost of his mother seeks for revenge and power that led him into the capital of his beloved nation, Seeing as the situation is tense and armies marching in the streets he came to the camp to enlist to fight for his nation and a way to gain power. But his request was rejected for being young, But fortunately for him, He rescued a beautiful young lady stricken in a white long dress that accompanied her blonde golden honey hair, which was a noble of the nation, and as a sign of thanks he was given the position he wanted to join for the upcoming war and there he became the Knight.

Pvovkawaiii · ファンタジー
2 Chs

The Deadly Pieces of Us

All she knew was pain. Her past struggles, traumas, and concussions were a permanent part of every stage of her existence. Although not hers, home is supposedly a place of comfort. A mother who is too egotistical, a father who treats his children badly, siblings to look after, and little sense of independence. She had no idea how she was going to make it, but he was there to help her, albeit the weights were constantly harder. He's someone she shouldn't want. One she's to stay away from. One she's to leave alone not only because it's dangerous but because he's older. He's not for her. He's a distraction, a form of temptation but that made her want him to even more. Those who don't hear, will definitely feel but she didn't heed this warning, because the sole thought of "I couldn't possibly go through much more" was singing in her brain. Years have passed, and she's still stuck. Decisions have been made, consequences to actions have been given and now she's on her own with responsibilities to bare. Addiction. Depression. Anxiety. Mental Disorders. Lack of self. Sex. And Total Shortcomings. Her fate, her destiny and her life. This will either be the best struggle she went through, or a good tale to tell in her memory. • Happiness was a factor for him. An overbearing mother. A strict father and a close knitted bond with siblings. Home was a place he looked forward to, and through it all he felt alone. It is said that wealth is the greatest pleasure but it's also the greatest sun. His family was rich, exceeding rich, they were known— too known but he wanted to be different. He wanted to be simple. He didn't want this life but he couldn't complain because as his mother always said, "there's someone else who has it worse than you do." As the years passed, the wealth and flashy lifestyle consumed him. The loss of those dear to him. The endless partying. The parades of women. The domination. High taste for sex. But nothing could quench that endless thirst he had. But then he saw her. She was everything at just the first sight but she was too meaningful to him. She's someone he shouldn't look at. A person he should stay away from but temptation is his favorite flavour. • Two different people.  Two different lives. One epic story.

jmwreads · 都市
17 Chs


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