107 Follower

The world is unfair. It gives life and throughs everyone into a situation they did not sign up for until eventually the world takes back what it has given and they perish. The people are never ready for what isn't the norm. A hair out of place will cause disarray, being too tall or too short makes a mocking out of you, not talking a certain way makes you uneducated, or common. The world is a cause for suffering for all in one way or another nobody is perfect, or that's what I try to tell my self anyway. It doesn't matter where I go its always the same when we go by the staring, whispering, and laughing have become a normal occurrence whenever we go out in public. I hate it. I hate how Sir. doesn't do or say anything to them. He just continues to go on walking by without a care in the world. Sir. goes around in second hand tattered clothes that are always too big on his small frame. It doesn't matter when the sole of his boot becomes holey he continues on his way, but if it was me it would be a different story. He always buys me new clothes, not the second-hand stuff he goes around in, if I'm still hungry he will give me what little he has himself, and he always comes to my defense when there is a problem. Whenever I ask him why he doesn't help himself its always the same response " I'm fine". I wish I could do something for Sir. but he won't let me. He always does everything on his own without any help. I wish I could call him something other than Sir. but it seems that Sir. is without a name. He refuses to come up with a name for himself saying that he had one once. From what he told me it was given to him as a present, but not too long after he had to give it away. I stopped asking after that. Sir. looks a little different than others. He is shorter than most women and as pale as snow. His right arm looks the wrong bent in a weird way and an odd shade of peachy blackish-blue. I love it when Sir. smiles at me, but others are bothered by it as half of his face refuses to move and his face looks like a grimace. I hate how other people treat him like he isn't there when speaking to us or just tells us to leave. Its been getting worse with the Summer months starting with so many people out and about. The sheen of sweet on his arm makes the coloring more obvious and causes more stares. A couple of weeks ago there was a storm and we were forced to take shelter in a church. One of the sisters noticed Sir.'s right arm and screamed calling him a monster. It got so bad that we had to leave because they were trying to force an exorcism on him. I hate how they treat Sir. he has done no wrong if anything he is a savior. He helped me when no one else would Sir. clothed me, fed me, taught me, Sir. loves me when no one else would. Without Sir. I would still be in some backwater town where I was unwanted and had nowhere to go. When Sir. first found me he helped me with no rhyme or reason why. Eventually, I asked him what was the reason for his kindness and how could I repay him. He told me " if it means that much to you, repay that kindness to another". Ever since that day, I have followed and when given the chance someday I will do the same. The world needs more of Sir. in it and I will carry him with me and one day stop being the follower but the one leading the follower out of the gutter.
