
Quest Beyond The Shadow

In the sprawling continent of Andhi, where magic ebbs and flows like the tide, young Aelar Wyrmsbane stands at the precipice of destiny. As a budding mage in the bustling city of Toika, Aelar's latent powers awaken under the guidance of the wise Osho, guardian of the Nalanda Library. But the path to mastery is paved with secrets. A chance discovery of "Juma Al'Jari: A Life Amidst the Waves" unravels a tale of legendary water mages, forgotten wars, and cryptic messages that hint at a hidden chamber beneath the very library Aelar has known all his life. As the shadows of the past intertwine with the present, Aelar finds himself drawn to Ilyana Nightshade, a mysterious fellow seeker, their fates seemingly entwined by the shadows. And in the backdrop, the looming threat of the Desolation promises challenges that will test Aelar's resolve and determination. Join Aelar on his journey as he navigates the treacherous waters of politics, power, and prophecy. In a world where the line between stars and shadows blurs, the mystic tides of Andhi await. Dive deep, for magic, mystery, and destiny beckon. Will Aelar rise as a beacon of hope, or will he be consumed by the very shadows he seeks to dispel? The tide is turning, and every droplet holds a secret.

OriginPi · ファンタジー
17 Chs

Mastery is Mostly About Five Things

The morning sun streamed through the gaps in the buildings, illuminating the bustling streets of Toika. For Aelar, today was no ordinary day; the promise of learning under Master Osho filled him with a mix of trepidation and anticipation.

As he navigated the streets, the distinct sound of creaking wheels and the gentle hum of a melody caught his attention. A group of gypsies had set up a makeshift stall, and their cart, adorned with vibrant fabrics and shimmering trinkets, was a sight to behold.

Their attire was a kaleidoscope of colors, a patchwork of various fabrics and patterns, yet enchanting in its unique way.

"Ah, Aelar! You come seeking our rare herbs again?" Marisa, a gypsy elder rich in the wisdom of exotic herbs, greeted him with a twinkle in her eye.

Aelar glanced at the array of botanical wonders on the table. "You've got Silverpetal, Nightshade Bloom, even Lumina Root that's practically glowing. What's next? A plant that grants wishes?"

Marisa chuckled. "You jest, but be careful what you wish for. Some of these herbs are as dangerous as they are rare."

Aelar's gaze fixated on a leafy green specimen. "Ah, Moonfern! It's been eons since I saw one this vibrant. Harvested during the last eclipse, I presume?"

"You have a keen eye," Marisa confirmed, her tone a mixture of amusement and respect. "It's at the height of its potency."

"So, what's the damage? How many Tronies are you planning to extort from me today?" Aelar teased, reaching for his coin pouch.

Marisa smirked. "For you? A mere 50 Tronies."

"A hundred? Are you selling the moon itself? How about twenty five and I promise not to tell anyone you're overcharging?"

Marisa laughed heartily. "Forty and it's a deal."

Aelar removed Tronies from his pouch, the official currency of Toika.

They were Tronies, the official currency of Toika, issued by the Agni Academy.

The Agni Academy served as an institution of learning and a central bank of sorts. Those who discovered rare artifacts, elemental stones, or even unique herbs could exchange them at the academy for Tronies.

These coins were not just copper; they held a minute amount of energy. It was this inherent value that made Tronies so coveted. The academy, working hand in hand with the Kingdom of Toika, ensured the stability of this currency, bolstering the kingdom's economy.

Finally settling on a price, Aelar handed Marisa the agreed-upon Tronies. With the herbs safely in his satchel, he made his way to his father's store, handing over the day's acquisitions.

The afternoon saw Aelar meticulously cataloging and organizing scrolls at the Nalanda library. As he moved between the aisles, he passed by the Eclarian Shard. For a fleeting moment, he felt an odd pull, a gentle tug at his essence. He paused, looking at the shard, then shook his head, attributing the sensation to his overactive imagination.

Evening cast long shadows across the library's stone floors as Master Osho approached. Dressed in a flowing robe of deep indigo, embroidered with intricate symbols, he was a figure of both authority and enigma. His black beard, long and untamed, added years to his visage, but his eyes—sharp and discerning—defied his middle-aged appearance. "Ready to embark on the path of the mages?" His voice was stern, yet there was an unmistakable glint of excitement in his eyes.

The evening light dimmed, replaced by the soft luminescence of floating orbs Osho had conjured for their session. TThe master cleared his throat and said in a booming voice that echoed around the spacious library, "Magic," he began, "is an intricate tapestry of knowledge, essence, and will. Understanding it requires diving into its core components."

He described the various types of magic, each with its signature energy and application. "There's Elemental Magic, which is the most common. It pertains to Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and their derivatives. Then there are the more exotic forms like Space, Time, and Shadow.

Fewer mages are attuned to these, making them rarer and, in many ways, more potent." Osho continued, introducing Aelar to more unique energies like Luminescence, which dealt with light manipulation, and Resonance, a rare magic form that interacted with sound and vibrations.

"Some mages," Osho elaborated, "possess 'Unique Abilities.' These are rare traits or powers that don't fit into traditional categories. They might allow a mage to see glimpses of the future, manipulate memories, or even interact with souls."

Aelar's mind raced as Osho delved deeper, sharing tales of the origin of magic—a subject still shrouded in mystery. "There are old tomes in this library," Osho whispered, "that chronicle the basics of magic. They're graded from Basic to Peak and even levels beyond human comprehension."

Without missing a beat, Osho guided Aelar's focus to a specific spell—a basic water manipulation technique. "It's called the 'Aqua Orb Invocation.' You pull moisture from the environment, concentrating it into a sphere." He chanted softly, "Voda Sfera," and a shimmering orb of water formed before them, floating gently.

Osho's tone took on a deeper resonance as he delved into the intricacies of magic. "True mastery," he began, "boils down to these core principles. First, it's the duality of Essence and Energy. While Essence is drawn from one's aligned power realm, energies are harnessed from the nature that surrounds us. Next, we have Weaves and Spells. Weaves channel essence, and spells project energies, invoked through words and patterns.

Then there are the Magical Abilities and Traits. Abilities are learned skills, like walking on water or maintaining a flame in one's hand, while traits, being rarer, stem from our power realm. But remember, realms are a topic we'll dive into later.

The foundation of our power also has roots in Lineage and Bloodlines. Over generations, certain families develop a closeness to specific realms and essences, cultivating unique abilities or traits that sometimes pass down through the ages.

And lastly, we have Forms. These hand and finger patterns act as amplifiers, magnifying the potency of our weaves and spells manifold."

Osho demonstrated a form with his fingers moving in intricate patterns, face contorting momentarily. "These are special hand signs, with thousands of variations, each aligning with specific energies or realm essence. When used correctly, they amplify our weaves and spells manifold—but mastering them? Few have even scratched the surface. Their origin and the principles they operate on remain among the grandest mysteries."

Aelar, overwhelmed, tried to absorb everything. The world of magic was vast, and he was only at its threshold. Yet, with Osho's guidance, the path ahead seemed more straightforward.

The library's grandeur faded into the background as the evening progressed, with only Osho and Aelar remaining in sharp focus. Osho's descriptions of magic were like a cascading waterfall of knowledge, and Aelar eagerly drank from it, trying to internalize every droplet.

After introducing the vast expanse of magical realms, Osho returned to the 'Aqua Orb Invocation.' "Now, Aelar, it's not merely about chanting 'Voda Sfera.' It's about feeling the moisture around you, understanding its essence, and drawing it towards you with your will. Let's try it."

Aelar nodded, closing his eyes. He took a deep breath, trying to sync his senses with the environment. At first, there was nothing but the usual sounds—the soft rustle of scrolls, the distant hum of the library's protective barriers, and his heartbeat.

But as minutes turned into what felt like hours, Aelar began to sense something new—a subtle, gentle pull of moisture in the air, beckoning to be molded.

Guided by this newfound sensation, Aelar whispered, "Voda Sfera." At first, nothing happened. But with repeated attempts and Osho's patient guidance, a tiny droplet formed in front of him. It wasn't an orb, but it was a start.

Osho, watching intently, nodded approvingly. "Good. You've taken your first step. Sensing the energies is the foundation of all magic. You can draw more moisture with time and practice and form a perfect orb."

Aelar opened his eyes, surprise and thrill evident in his gaze.

As insignificant as it seemed, the droplet was a testament to his potential—a potential he had doubted for so long.

Osho, sensing Aelar's emotions, offered a comforting smile. "Magic is vast, Aelar, and you've only just begun. But remember, a thousand-mile journey begins with a single step—or in this case, a single droplet."

Aelar chuckled, feeling a weight lift from his shoulders. As they wrapped up their session, he felt a surge of gratitude toward Master Osho and a renewed determination to explore the depths of magic. The road ahead was long and challenging, but for the first time, Aelar truly believed he was on the right path.