
Executioner's Blade

"Captain, where did you pick this one up?" Said a short stocky man with a brown beard.

"Yeah captain, I was wondering the same thing ever since you walked in," said an average-looking man with a cowboy hat.

"Sssssame here captain, you usually tend to bring some people against their wills, like all of us" Said a female serpentine.

"Wow, I'm offended that you think that of me, but no this time I didn't do that, this time we got one from the human brigade training camp. Orion here is sharp, but he needs some combat training with his weapon" Elaine said while slapping Orion's back.

"What weapon does he exactly use, I thought the training would involve weapons training," the cowboy hat man said

"Jack you're right about that, but his weapon is a bit different, lets just say its a bit heavier, Eric come here I think you would be best suited to give him some quick tips in sword fighting right, I mean you use an axe but its heavy weaponry so you probably be best for it," Elaine said.

"Orion this is Eric, he'll be your instructor until our next mission, and the last one you haven't met yet, is that girl over there, her name..." Elaine got interrupted by the serpentine.

"Name's Sith,".

"Sith, I was trying to tell him, why did you have to ruin it for me, anyways Orion go with Eric, we will meet later so I can show you your new quarters," Elaine said while looking kind of disappointed.

"Orion lets go, I want to see what you got," Eric said to Orion while grabbing his axe from the corner of the room.

"Oh Orion before I forget, take this" Elaine out of nowhere threw his sword at him and Orion caught it by the sheath.

"So you did take my sheath, and thanks though," Orion said.

Orion followed Eric to some stairs at the side of the main room, and after a bit of climbing down, they finally reached their destination.

The room was large with all kinds of training equipment and had a fighting ring in the center of the room. Orion could see even seen some magic training devices in the room, this was strange to him though since he had never seen anything like it before because he himself didn't have mana.

"So first of all, I want to see what you are working with," Eric said while pointing at the sword Orion was holding. Orion then gave his sword to the dwarf, "lad this right here is a shitty sword, where did you get it from, I mean in two more swings the blade would have come flying off, and this here blade is a heavy one."

"I made it actually," Orion said in a hushed voice.

"What you say there lad, I didn't quite hear ya," Eric said.

"I made it sir,"

"Who you calling sir lad, my name is Eric Stormstout, and I'm proud of my name so don't you dare call me by that little pussy word "sir"." Eric turned defensive as soon as he heard the word, sir.

"Sorry I didn't mean it, sir, no sorry I mean Eric"

"That's better lad but I think we need to get you a new weapon, you really fucked this thing up, you couldn't even full tang it. You know what I haven't had a good forging in a while, I'll make you a new weapon, think of it as a welcome present for joining the team"

"Thank you so much, Eric, and how about teaching me some forging too,"

"Not so fast there lad, first I need to get you in shape you barely have any muscles on ya," Eric said while pointing to all the training equipment. "Your training is going to be so intense, so difficult that you would want to die but it's all for you to get stronger, then ill teach you how to forge a weapon of such weight. Anyway, by then I probably would have finished weaponsmithing," Eric said while laughing out loud.


'It's been four months since I started training with Eric, I wonder when will he finish the sword' Thought Orion

6'4 and muscular, his blond hair and beautiful blue eyes just made him more handsome, looking at this man before one would think he was ok looking but now he wasn't the little skinny young man anymore, he was the new confident Orion.

Orion got to the training room of the Fallen Angels base like he had every morning for the past 4 months.

"Hi, lad look at you now. You have changed fully from that weak little boy to this strong amazing confident man in front of me in the span of four months, be proud of yourself and today I think you are ready for some real swordplay, you have had enough lessons without a real one" Eric said to Orion.

"Does that mean you finished my sword?"

"It does my dear boy," Eric said while walking to the fighting ring, Eric then grabbed a sheet and pulled on it to reveal a 4-meter long sword that looked like it was just a massive chunk of iron with no grip, with its thickness at least 20 centimeters. The sword handle had a chain attached and the blade itself was curved being black in color.

"This is the Executioner's Blade weighing at a little over 400 kgs, the metal I used was a combination of black steel and a little bit of andrium for anti-magic, the perfect weapon for execution. The blade is curved to allow you to cut better and the chain you see attached to the handle is made of titanium alloy so you shouldn't have a problem swinging it by the chain, now let's see you actually using it." Eric said.

Orion walked over, the giant blade in front of him, and took hold of the handle lifting the blade off the ground.

"So with this kind of weapon you will have the power advantage, all you have to do is to swing in smooth and controlled motions to best take advantage of your momentum when striking. I took the liberty to set up a training dummy, this training dummy though is special see I got it from the magic division so it's animated. For now, we can get you sparing with something".

Eric walked to a closet and pulled out a training dummy and told it something, almost immediately after the dummy came alive and Eric gave it a sword to fight with, "lad, to win this match all you have to do is put a small cut on the dummy and it will stop working since the andrium will absorb the mana inside of it, ready, set, fight".

As soon as Eric said to fight the dummy rushed Orion, however, Orion kicked the dummy and it crashed into an invisible wall, "right I forgot to mention, the fighting ring in this room has a barrier attached to it, take care not to slash it with your sword, or else I would need to call in a mage to fix it."

"Got it, Eric," when Orion finished saying that though the dummy was already back up and came rushing again, learning from its past mistake the dummy evaded the kick and went to slash down on Orion's leg but before that could happen, Orion jumped back, 'This thing is learning, I need to be more careful'.

The dummy not wasting any time rushed again but this time Orion was prepared, he grabbed his sword with both hands and lifted it above his head, and slashed it down with all his might. Intense winds came out because of the weight of the blade, the air pressure was so high that the dummy wasn't only cut in half down the middle but so was the barrier and cutting about one meter deep into the wall of the training room, there was a cut on the floor leading up to the slash in the wall.

"Kid didn't I tell you to go easy, Elaine is going to be pissed off," Eric said.

"Say Eric I haven't seen Elaine in a long time, I should probably tell her that I'm done with training and that I'm ready to go out on missions with you guys now," Orion said as he heard a voice from his back.

"So you now know how to fight, took you long enough, I mean 4 months is a long time, and Orion you seem more confident than you were before, you aren't nervous anymore, I like this side of you more. Get ready since tomorrow will be your very first mission with Fallen Angels, sleep well since briefing will start at 6 am, be ready." Elaine said, but not in her usual teasing voice, she actually sounded genuine.

Elaine then looked at Eric and said "Eric this is going out of your paycheck, he was your responsibility".

So sorry the chapter was a bit later than usual, I completely forgot to save my work and then I had a power outage, all the writing I did. TT

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Thanks to whoever is reading this, for reading what I wrote, as I get better at storytelling and improve on capturing moments the characters are having.

Killerpandacreators' thoughts