

Iris,a beautiful young woman destined nforgreatness. but whem evil people and last enemies stand In her way would she able to over come them or fall down? would she be Queen of the seven kingdoms or a prisnor for the witch Morgana? find out. please read the book I promise you won't regret it.

lovebaidoo22 · ファンタジー
1 Chs


The moans and whimpers of a young girl alone in the old park of Hadenville. She was badly bruised and hurt. she had on a. white dress which has now turned brown due to sleeping on the muddy floor of the park. the young girl has been unconscious for hours now. the droplets of rain landing softly on her face as if trying to wake her up.She whimpered, her face scrunched up. The rain hit her harder this time and she woke up. Her beautiful silver eyes were blood shot, she groaned and clutched her head. she got up with a lot of effort and looked around her unfamiliar surroundings. the young girl took a glance on her body saw big red bruises spread across her arms and neck. she started walking to find shelter or food or anything to keep her safe. she walked sluggishly like she hasn't used her legs for days.

The wind blew her black hair covering her heart shaped face. she couldn't see where she was going and bumped into a pole. finally, having been able to tame her hair and put them in place, she looked up and saw a sign on the pole which read"THANK YOU FOR VISITING HADEN PARK" which had an exist sign. She followed the sign not knowing where it will lead her.she walked on the road trying to look for a vehicle or a person or anything that could help her. Bright light flashed her eyes. she looked for the source of light and found nothing because she was blinded by the light. The light came closer but she made no attempt to move. The vehicle coming at a full speed didn't see her because the driver was inattentive. He almost hit her with his vehicle if she didn't shout drawing his attention to her. he swerved the car into a tree. she was terrified and shocked.

The driver of the car came out and asked if she was okay but he had no response. What is a kid doing here at this time of the day? She couldn't be older than 10 years old, the driver thought still examining her. He checked her body for any sort of harm and saw bruises covering her body. What happened to her? he thought. She looked at the driver with fear glowing in her silver eyes. the driver seemed to be put under a spell by a beautiful silver eyes. she collapsed in his arms with a single word coming from her mouth "Issac.

This is a book that I am really working hard on with so many ideas. please do not steal my book or my ideas and characters.

Iris is a young girl destined for greatness bit evil people and enemies and standing in her way. can she overcome them? and be Queen of the werewolves.

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