
Queen Danika: More than just a woman.

It has been instilled in danika's mind that she is s weaker creature she is born to be a slave born to serve people she can't talk if not talked to according to them. "A woman should know her place and give birth to beautiful and handsome heirs not try to compete for power" She was born to be different from horse riding to fencing to fighting with the warriors to ruling her father's kingdom in the sidelines while her brother takes the credit she was more than a woman she was what a woman was meant to be a perfect example of a virtuous wife. She fought to be recognized until she finally heard. "Let all rise for her royal highness Queen Danika wife to His royal highness King George the first of Vivere" Now that hit different.

Jemima23 · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Chapter 1: Danika

The soothing sounds of the violinist was flowing in the air people were chatting and laughing happily but I knew it was all a facade as usual a ball is held for people to form alliance and they hope their daughters are noticed by a prominent figure. My feet were aching for the long hours of standing beside my brother who doesn't have any intention of stopping his chat with the king of Zanska.

King Akeem he is quite admirable despite the all round difference in colour and language his kingdom is one of the greatest producers of Gold making them the major suppliers of jeweleries to the other kingdoms what comes to everybody's mind after this is are they not prone to war of course they are and of course the enemies die a miserable death after the war ends the Zanska soldiers match to the enemies kingdom and destroy everything I guess his heart is as black as his skin color.

I looked around again and my eyes landed on the throne the greatest of the greatest the sit of the king of the kings. It is very beautiful carved with the finest wood and adorned with the purest gold The roaring lions on each sides symbolizes the strength of the Vivere empire.

Something whispered in ear that is where I belong where I should be I stared at the throne intently I forgot the pain I was feeling in my legs. King Akeem's voice brought me back to reality.

"Your sister is quite beautiful" he said staring at me and boom our eyes met the worst thing a woman should do I quickly averted the gaze before my brother finds out or I would get sent to the governess for another month even though I secretly rolled my eyes I find this law or should I call it tradition very stupid.

"Indeed she is, she takes after her mother" My brother said more like reminded me we are not real siblings just bound by a father how petty is he I thought and rolled my eyes secretly again.

"Princess Danika do you like the carvings on the throne" Akeem asked and my brother secretly jabbed my side reminding me to talk t

with caution.

"Yes I do..." I answered my brother jabbed me harder and I let out a small groan. "Your Majesty" I completed.

King Akeem chuckled. He is quite handsome he is tall well built and his hair is neatly trimmed his color made him look nice he might be ugly if he was white I thought to myself.

"Do you know what they symbolize" he asked and I was surprised why was this man talking to me I am not interested in this man not one bit am not even interested in any man I know I was going to be married off one day but not now at least.

"Yes....hmmm" I groaned because my darling brother jabbed me even harder. how could I forget a woman must be stupid oh no I mean hmmm how did the governess put it again ah I remember and I quote "A woman's knowledge must be known only to herself she must not show off her vast knowledge as it makes her seem proud and chases away potential suitor away because the see her as not submissive"

"No I don't enlighten me your Majesty" I said fuming with anger.

"Why don't you come with me" he said surprising me again I looked in his eyes and I found no ill intentions in it. Was he trying to help me I heard the kingdom of Zanska is different from the other kingdoms women over there have the freedom to learn and own properties.

"Princess Danika" his voice jolted me to reality and I felt a burning gaze that was trying to drill a hole in my head.

"I do not have the right to reject yo your Majesty" I said bowing slightly and leaving my brothers side to his.

"You two are a perfect match" My brother said and I widened my eyes is my brother drunk.

"Please Orion I have enough women already" Akeem said and I sighed in relief though his image dropped in my mind he is just like them keeping women like toys.

"Alright I will leave her to you Danika" Orion said looking me in the eye I bowed slightly and he left.

"You do" He said after Orion left and I looked at him in confusion

"You have the right to reject me" he said shocking me

"What do you mean your Majesty" I asked and he chuckled.

"You know what I mean" he said and led me to the front of the throne.

"Now tell me what you know about the lions on the throne" he said and I was surprised was this some sort of test.

"I know nothing of it your Majesty" I said trying to calm myself down

"You do know something my princess and I would like if you shared it with me am not like those brainless fools who think women shouldn't share their knowledge" he said shocking the living daylight out of me. It took me sometime to come up with something to say.

"Are you serious with me" I asked cautiously. I still couldn't trust him this man looks like he as an harem of women and I don't dare think he was different from the others.

"Yes I am, the women in my kingdom are educated and are free to share their knowledge without restrictions polygamy Is practiced but they are thought not to be jealous of each other so if you come to my kingdom you might see a man with five wives and they are all living peacefully" he said dealing me another major blow my cold facade cracked and didn't know what to think or say are the women over there crazy or are they just dumb.

"They are not dumb" he said and my mouth dropped

"H....h...how did you know what I was thinking" I asked

"It is written all over your face" he said and I didn't believe him one bit.

"How many wives do you have" I asked changing the topic

"None" he said and I turned to him is he trying to play with my intelligence.

"Yes I have a harem full of women they are just the spoils of war nothing else and most of them have husbands" he said I think am going to loose my composure today.

So this hot handsome chocolate man is single am loosing my mind.

"Now I asked you a question what do you know about the lions on the throne Danika" he asked.

"They represent the kings immense strength" I said simply.

"Is that all" he asked and I ft he could see through my soul so I nodded that was the truth anyways.

"The lions well how do I put, it is a lion and the one on the left is a lioness the lioness hunts for food and protects her cubs when other lions try to take them away she protects her pride when the lion is not around" he said and left me standing there thinking about what he said.