
quaid e amaz muhamd ali jenha

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What is quaid e amaz muhamd ali jenha

WebNovel で公開されている、Abdul_Salam_2080 の作者が書いた quaid e amaz muhamd ali jenha の小説を読んでください。im very exited for this awrad...


im very exited for this awrad


Joni's Note (Boys-Love)

[On-Going] Cheng Jinhai, also known as "Joni", an endearing but incompetent young teen who lives next door to Hou Jianhong, a matured and well-mannered man. At first sight, you could say that this man is a god. Built with a good body, a silky raven black hair, and most of all, a face of an untouched gem with a gloomy and menacing look. But more than his great appearance, his personality is of great works. He is, as described, a god to Cheng Jinhai's eyes. Cheng Jinhai, on the other hand, was a so-called-wimp. Made with sticks and mud, face like it has been rubbed with a millions of Gua sha. But for Hou Jianhong, he's the most lovable and handsome boy he had ever seen in his whole entire existence. Cheng Jinhai and Hou Jianhong had been friends since childhood. They'd do everything of anything with each other. Others would say that they're brothers with just one look. But Cheng Jinhai doesn't look at Hou Jianhong that way. Will Hou Jianhong accept a frivolous confession of someone so dearly, or will he go against his own will and leave Cheng Jinhai? Cheng Jinhai wrote as he couldn't get Hou Jianhong out of his head. "Jian-gege, please say you'll wait for me. I'll grow up, someday, you'll see. Signed with love, forever true." And what does he expect? Of course he'd get rejected by the matured Hou Jianhong. Cheng Jinhai cried as if the heavens fell down on his head. Hou Jianhong just couldn't bear seeing the young boy in dismay and so, he left. But after five years of being gone, "HE'S BACK?!" Let us witness the twist and turns of the life of a 22-year-old man with his unbearable love for a 15-year-old boy. Or vise versa.

Kerceeh · LGBT+
2 Chs

Reinkarnasi : Kehidupan Baru Di Sisi Dunia Terbalik!

K r y #1 | Fiksyen "No matters how many good deeds you perform, your past sins cannot be erased." "... Orang yang tidak menunjukkan bakatnya adalah orang yang bodoh." " Kalau aku betul nak menang, dalam dunia ni akan tinggal aku seorang sahaja ... yang menjadi pecipta dunia ini." --- Akira Hazune, 17 Hazune telah dibunuh oleh rakan sekelasnya, Kaito Kazuya di sebuah sekolah para elit. Kematian Hazune telah menyebabkan dia direinkarnasi ke sebuah dunia terbalik, dimana dunia itu dipenuhi keganasan dan kekejaman. Setelah Hazune direinkarnasi di sebuah tempat di Shukketsu. Dia telah berjumpa dengan seorang gadis jalanan bernama Karuizawa Kei. Karuizawa Kei, 16 Pada mulanya, Kei membiarkan Hazune berjalan keseorangan menghala ke sebuah hospital, tetapi atas sebab belas ikhsan. Kei telah membahu Hazune ke apartmentnya dengan syarat, " ... Aku nak kau tamatkan peperangan ni dengan merampas Grail dari semua makhluk jijik ni." Kei merupakan seorang gadis sekolah menengah yang tinggal berseorangan tetapi mempunyai kemahiran iq yang tinggi melampaui batas manusia biasa. "Aku, satu-satunya, orang yang tak perlu ... membuat kawan atau mencari kawan. Dan mereka sebaiknya layak menjadi hamba aku." Walaupun latar belakang mereka yang berbeza, tetapi mereka mempunyai matlamat yang sama. Iaitu, "Merampas Holy Moon Grail dan jadi sang pecipta." --- Penulis : Kyrielight 1️⃣ Sesuai untuk kategori 17+ 2️⃣ Genre : Romance, Slice Of Life, Psychology. 3️⃣ Volume #1 : Kehidupan Baru Di Sisi Dunia Terbalik! ©️ Hak Milik Terpelihara

kyrielight_ · SF
2 Chs

Finding Emma

Jeff Boston is a successful musician who goes out in search of his sister who was falsely accused of murder and was later found to be innocent. With the help of his fiancee-Tricia and secretary Ian, he is able to trace Emma but upon arriving in Los Angeles, where she resides , finds out that she has lost her memory and undergone plastic surgery. He also finds out that she currently lives as Marina Daisy, a well renown actress. The two meet each other countlessly and start afresh as friends with Emma not remembering anything about Jeff or her past. Eventually, Emma's friendship with Jeff soon turns into love. Jeff feels it is an abomination to get married to his sister but doesn't know how to explain to her that she is his sister without causing any more damage to her brain by trying to make her regain her memory. The wedding soon gets called off as Emma regains her memory due to a fall and plots revenge against Jeff. For this purpose, she comes to California. Jeff also returns to California as all his efforts to bring Emma back home and reconcile with her is proved futile. After a robbery is committed which makes Jeff lose almost half of all his funds, Jeff suspects Emma. He lambasts her and decides to cut off all ties with her. Later, he finds out Emma is innocent but is too late to apologise as she returns to Los Angeles. Emma decides to give up on her quest for revenge against Jeff. Todd, Walker's brother, who has been having Emma followed from the time she came to California arranges an accident for Emma all because she proved that Walker was the robber. He uses his car to hit her car and tries to flee the scene but is caught red handed and arrested. Meanwhile, Emma is rushed to the hospital and goes into a coma but when she wakes up sees Jeff by her bedside. The two apologise to each other and happily reunite.

Nifemi_Mohammed · 現実
24 Chs

regression of the sword masters bastard son

In the realm of martial arts, talent is both a blessing and a curse. For Tai Jin, the illegitimate son of a renowned martial arts master, it proved to be a double-edged sword. From a young age, Tai Jin displayed unparalleled natural ability, his movements fluid like water and strikes as precise as a falcon's dive. However, his existence was a stain on his father's prestigious lineage, a reminder of a forbidden affair that threatened to tarnish his reputation. Growing up in the shadow of his father's prestigious academy, Tai Jin endured the scorn and ridicule of both students and instructors alike. Despite his unmatched skill, he was treated as an outcast, a pariah unworthy of his father's name. Yet, Tai Jin persevered, honing his abilities in secret, determined to prove himself worthy of his bloodline. However, as Tai Jin's talents blossomed, so too did the envy within his father's heart. Consumed by jealousy and fear of his son's surpassing skill, the master resolved to rid himself of the living reminder of his infidelity. In a cruel twist of fate, Tai Jin's own flesh and blood became his betrayer, orchestrating his downfall with the cunning of a viper. One fateful night, Tai Jin found himself ambushed by his father's disciples, betrayed by those he once considered brothers. Overpowered and outnumbered, he was dragged before his father, who gazed upon him with eyes devoid of mercy. With a coldness that chilled Tai Jin to his core, his father proclaimed him a disgrace, unworthy to bear his name. In a final act of cruelty, he sold Tai Jin off as a slave, casting him into a life of servitude and suffering and then he was reborn as a worker of the inn where he used to go to drink the most

Karthik_Kandula · アクション
Latest Update
1 :Abdul salam


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