
QT: Beauty And The Beasts

Latham lived a miserable life on earth. He died and transmigrated in the body of the crown prince of Zoltar. A world of beasts where men are handsome and charming in every possible way. The place of his dreams where he could be someone that he has ever wanted to be. Stuck in the body of the next king of the kingdom. How will he, a modern boy from another world navigate through life in the royal palace? Will he be able to avoid falling for the handsome beasts and keep himself alive long enough to be king?

Xizzem · LGBT+
11 Chs

Ten: The type of man he fancies

Alain and Latham spent time together under the moon and enjoyed each other's company.

It was just the break that Latham needed from everything that has been going on.

He finally felt at peace for the first time after waking up in this strange land where people can fly.

He missed his life back home where the only thing that kept him on his feet was worrying about getting stuck in traffic or not. And paying rent on time.

Latham watched the beautiful stars that were the only things that hadn't changed.

The same stars that kept him company in his lonely nights were with him even today. He closed his eyes and thought of happy things to keep his mind from the thoughts that troubled him.

Latham realized that he had almost died again for just trying to stay alive. Everything and anything he says or does might be a reason that he might die.

He was caught between a rock and a hard place. He had to be careful of his actions and his words, for the first time in his life, he felt trapped.

He had no freedom of speech in this place nor did he have the right to be free. There were so many rules to follow and the sand that to remember that he felt as though his head was going to explode.

He had Nuru who helped him and is always around to save his neck and he thanked the Lord for that.

Had Nuru not been with him, he would already be dead, either killed by the emperor for being disrespectful at lunch yesterday or by the lightning sent by the heavens.

He had gone through so much in two days than a

he had experience in his other life.

Latham wondered if anyone would believe her back home if she ever told them about this experience. They would probably think that she was crazy and had lost her mind.

He could just imagine being sent to a psychologist to help with his problems and make him normal again. He dreaded the thought of being sent to a mental asylum.

"Adrien, if you don't mind me asking. What does the Lord look like up close?" asked Alain.

He was curious since he has only ever heard of the male but never really got the chance to meet him.

"He wears a mask so I don't know what his face looks like, he wears a white robe and has a very powerful aura," Latham replied without opening his eyes.

"There are rumors that you are his lover is that true?" Alain asked the question that was puzzling him.

"No, I am not, and don't say that again. He almost killed me today for that reason and I don't want to die," Latham said getting up tenses and turned facing Alain.

"Sorry I didn't know that. Tell me then what kind of man or woman do you fancy?" The male asked to change the topic.

Latham thought about his question seriously and the only person who came to mind was the man at the lake. He had developed a major crush on him and wished that they would cross paths again.

He was nice and rude but Latham liked that about him and the way the man was made him smile. He was carefree and he didn't try to be anything he was not and did only what made him happy.

Even if that includes cheering for someone who is fighting for their life instead of offering a helping hand.

If Latham were to choose one man among all that he had met so far, the lake man would win and second place would be Alain. The lake man was nice, handsome, and considerate which are all good qualities.

The last man he would pick was the Lord, he could kill him by just taking a breath and that was not something Latham was up for.

He wanted someone who would annoy him and also be able to make him smile and occupy his mind when she is troubled. The man at the lake had done all that without even trying.

"I like someone who is not uptight. Someone who doesn't take life seriously all the time and knows when to take a break and have fun," he began to say.

"Looks are not that important because everyone in this world is good looking so the character is important. He should be someone who challenges me and makes me want to become a better version of myself," Latham said and smiled at the image in his mind.

He had described the man at the lake as best he could.

"That is a very weird description, girls normally want someone from a good family, rich and powerful but you want someone so simple. Those qualities are simple but not easy to possess in a land where power rules over everything. It won't be easy to find such a man so maybe change your likes a little bit," Alain replied.

"It is not difficult to find him and I already did. It was a chance encounter but I hope to meet him again soon, I pray that our paths cross again," Latham said with bright twinkling eyes.

"Then tell me more about this young man that has won you over," Alain asked curious and excited to hear about the man.

"We met yesterday I had gone for a run and got chased by wolves and jumped into the lake to escape from them. There was something in the lake that also wanted to eat me so I swam as fast as I could," he narrated.

"That is when I saw him with his boat fishing in the middle of the night. Instead of helping he cheered for whatever was chasing me to swim faster and eat me and cheered for me too. He was enjoying the show while I fought to survive," said Latham with a big smile recalling the events of that night.

"He sounds like a terrible person. He should have helped you when you needed his help and not acted the way he did," said Alain in a serious tone.

"But he made up for it by flying me to the sky," he said excited.

"He had a sword?"

"No, he just flew, with no aid whatsoever. He flew on his own to the sky and he floated in the middle of the air on our way back down," Latham replied.

"Adrien, do you realize what you just said. The man you met was probably an Asedai or a silver guardian to fly on his own. Other practitioners fly with animals, swords, and even heavenly scarfs but the Asedai, the Lord, and the divine silver guardians are the only ones who have reached a level where they fly on their own," he said and paused in thought.

"The Lord never shows his face to people so it couldn't have been him, the guardians are all meditating right now so it wasn't them either. It had to be an Asedai," Alain analysed. Before he turned to Latham with a serious look.

"It will not be wise to think of him in that way," he said in a worried tone.

"Why can't I?" Latham interrogated puzzled.

"Because it is punishable by death If anyone hears you or finds out. The Asedai's are holy people that should be viewed with respect. They are not as powerful as the Lord but they are powerful enough to cripple this entire kingdom if they felt like it. And it wouldn't even take any of their energy," Alain explained.

"They are that powerful?" Latham asked and he nodded.

"Yes, it won't be wise for you to fancy them. They are close to being gods," Alain informed him.