
Chapter 1: Basuki Star

'A lot of people say that if you dream big, you can do whatever you please, as long as you put your mind and work into it. Unfortunately for me, that's not the case.'

It was dark at first. Only dim light were seen in a pattern of purple, yellow, and green.

A snazzy man with styled hair came out and held the black microphone up to his lips. His clothes consisted of trousers, an unbuttoned white shirt and a purple jacket. He grinned behind the microphone as his pearly white teeth shined.

"Ladies and Gentlemen - mostly gentlemen - keep your eyes on the prize tonight as we present to you... the witches of The Witch's Hut!"

The black curtains parted in an upward direction as many beautiful women in robes came out and stood beside each other. Many men rubbed their hands together as they had easily distinguishable perverted looks on their faces. The women then took off their robes to reveal that they were only in their bra and panties! The men cheered and clapped as they waited for more 'action'. Slow, bass music started to play to add more atmosphere to the already exciting place.

'That's right. I'm with them. We work at a place called, 'The Witch's Hut' which is basically a strip club. It's diagusting to know that you have to use your body to entice people so you can get paid.'

The woman show off their dance moves, which was like one of those spiral hypnosis images, and the men were under it. Some even licked their lips at the sight. What felt like hours, which was really minutes, the same man came out as the spotlight.

"Good work, girls, but we have one more person. Put your hands together for our star of the show."

Purple soft smoke filled the room as an absolutely breathtaking woman came out of the smokescreen. Her hair was a lucious blonde and looked so silky that the mere sight of it would make your eyes pop out of your head. Her eyes were an ominous orange colour, which was strage to some, but they did not care. She had a perfect figure and her skin was fair.

"Basuki Star!"

Basuki stepped towards the pole in front of her and grabbed it, sliding her body in spicy and exciting ways that made some of the men have a nosebleed.

'Don't mistake my face and actions fir what I'm actually feeling. I hate this job, and I'm stuck with it until I can find a way home.'

They continued to entice the audience around them, putting a metaphorical spell on them, but the session soon finished. The man came out soon and grinned again, grabbing everybody's attention. "That's the end of this spell, ladies and gents! Thanks for giving these girls something to work with as well as giving them something!"

Basuki left the studio through the backdoor and she turned to her friend.

"Affrin, quick!"

Affrin followed Basuki to her car and Basuki drove off. The streets were full of life and vibrancy. Rainbow colours lighting up many buildings, but they were not living in this city. Oh no.

"It's nice outside, isn't it?"

'The black-haired girl with the cat ears and tail is my friend, Affrin Awl. She's been my friend ever since we were little and we always helped each other when we needed to.'

Basuki turned to Affrin and a smile crept up upon her face. "Yeah. Too bad that we can't stay in the city. We'd be found out."


Affrin's ears drooped. She had black hair, fair skin, and green eyes. Affrin's appearance was nearly as stunning as Basuki's, but just below. Affrin placed her head on the window of the car and put her hood up. Basuki then stopped the car near a cave that was in a lagoon, surrounded by forest. They both got out of the car and Affrin put a cloaking spell on the car.

"You okay, Basuki?"

"Yeah, just annoyed. My bottom hurts after that person spanked it."

"Trust me, I would want to kill that man."

The sound of a soft 'hoot!' was heard by both of the gorls as a snowy owl came swooping down to Basuki and Affrin. Basuki smiled and extended her arm out, allowing the owl to land.

"Hello, Broffin." Basuki softly greeted, making the owl hoot again. Basuki and Affrin entered the cave and sat on the sofa soon afterwards.

"Want some tea?" Affrin asked with a concerned tone.

"Please, Affrin." Basuki nodded, making Affrin go to another part of the cave almost immediately. Broffin then got onto a post ruffled his feathers.

"Hey, Basuki, have you been doing alright at The Witch's Hut?" Broffin could talk! However, this was not a shock to Basuki, nor Affrin.

'This is Broffin, my owl. I gave him thought and speech after he saved me from some strangers and he has become my companion. It's funny how a snowy owl exists in Florida, but I'm not one to judge.'

"Yeah. Same old routine, you know. People staring at my bottom and some of them spanking it." Basuki's voice was filled with annoyance and tiredness.

"But things can only get better, right?"

"No, Broffin. I don't think they will. After Odin amd Zeus were killed, the balance between those realms-"

"Have been broken and you can't get home. You told me already."

"Oh. Sorry. I must've been rambling."

"It's okay."

Broffin flew over to Basuki and perched himself on her leg.

"You're still in you work cloak."

Basuki saw that Broffin's word was true, making her run to the bedroom and get her pyjamas on. They were just regular purple pyjamas that looked like robes.

"Hey, Basuki, I've wanted to ask you something. Where exactly did you come from?"

"I came from Midgard. One of the nine realms. It's a beautiful place. Not as beautiful as Alfheim, but still beautiful. My mother would always take me for boat rides around the Lake of Nine."

"That sounds nice."

"It certainly was. Hey, Broffin, the cauldron didn't boil, did it?"

"No, ma'am."

"Thank the gods."

Basuki breathed a sigh of relief and went over to her cauldron, which was foaming lightly in a red colour.

"Basuki, another thing."

"Yes, Broffin?"

"Did you get me any-"

"Mice is in your nest."

"Thank you!"

Broffin flew over to his nest like a bullet from a gun as Affrin came out with some tea. The steam was warm and Affrin set the mugs on the table in front of the sofa. Basuki sat down on the sofa and grabbed her tea.

"Basuki... will we ever get home?"

Affrin's question made Basuki stop from putting her lips on the mug and taking a sip of the warm beverage. Basuki knew in her heart that Affrin was scared. Basuki set her tea down and brought Affrin into a warm embrace. Affrin's cat ears drooped again as she hugged back. They parted the hug soon after and Basuki went back to drinking her tea.

"Thanks. I needed that, Basuki." Affrin started to drink her tea as Basuki looked at her. Her blonde hair shining from the fireplace.

"Hey, we look out for each other. Let's just be lucky we haven't been seen yet."

"I know. I'm just scared that something might happen to us. Or... happen to you."

"Affrin, calm down. We'll get through this. Besides, Trofski can help us with new spells."

"Yeah. I guess. All I can do is cloak things and levitate stuff."

"Affrin, come on. You made mistakes in the past and so have I. Tell you what, I'll get us some supplie from Oak and Spruce and we can try and make a portal that leads home, or we can expand the cave and possibly have a swimming pool."

"Sounds good, but I don't know." Affrin yawned as her tongue hung out of her mouth and her hair shot up a little. "I need some rest if I'm ever gonna get through tomorrow. Good night, girl."

Affrin picked up her tea and left to go to her bedroom. Broffin then came back over to Basuki, ruffling his feathers again as he yawned.

"Basuki, about what I said earlier. Tjing CAN get better. Sure, you may be the most beautiful witch in your rave and the mist experienced because you have exile magic and all. But you can still find time to be yourself and have fun."

"I don't want to have fun, Broffin. We need to get home."

"It was just a suggestion. Besides, I'd like to come with you after this is all over."

Broffin flew back to his nest and settled down to go to sleep. Basuki put out the fire and got into her bed which was made up of stones, sticks, cotton for the matress, duvet and pillow, and wolf skin for a pillowcase.

'My name is Basuki Star, and this... is my story.'

End of Chapter 1