
Say what now?


( Winter's POV)

RISING ON my bed and doing the same routine everyday to prepare myself for school. I was shocked seeing mom on her pajamas while preparing breakfast. It's Wednesday I'm sure she has work today, it's not even holiday.

"Morning mom. What's up? Your not working today?" I asked her and kissed her cheeks

"Actually I'm on leave"

"On leave? Are we going somewhere mom? Are you not feeling well?"

Mom smiled sweetly at my consecutive questions "no sweety, just eat your food and I'll drive you to school"

Still confuse of her sudden day off I nod my head and ate silently.

"Oh my freaking gosh! He's so hot" one of my classmates who's sitting in front of me loadly shouts in the most flirty manner.

Their gossiping, again d→_→d. To be exact, they've been talking till their mouths content ever since to they sat on their respective chairs. And not to mention that they're so loud.

You thought that the ok be they're talking to is on the other side of the earth. Goodness gracious, you're just facing each other!

These people, can't they tone down their voices? They have the rights to speak but duh it's disturbing.

"Where is he studying?" Asked the girl with blonde hair

"Pristin Northern Academy sis" Jack answered or is it Jackie, no I think it's Jassi. We're group mates the last time. I'm pretty sure her name sounds like that.

I've never heard of that school before

"He's famous. You know what he won't even notice us Jamie" blonde exclaimed

oh so it's Jamie. Tsk I thought so

"but he's so handsome, those TDAH type of guys. Look at him, I think I'm inlove"

TDAH? What's that?

"you're so right he looks like a celebrity. Wait where did you find this yummy panty dropping daddy?"

Is he really that handsome?

"remember that club that I've always wanted to join"

"You mean the dark bitches club?"

"Yep that's the one. It's a private club for elites and Heather is a member they're friend with this hot guy"

who is this Heather? Why are they friends? And why the hell do I care!? Whatever your doing Winter Villegas stop it! Now you're being a gossiper.

I heaved a sigh and blocked all the noises. I continued answering my homework.

Class ended early and mom picked me up. After our dinner we sat on the sofa watching news together. I'm a bit sleepy but I wanna savor this moment. We seldomly do this I don't wanna miss the chance.

"Winter sweety" mom suddenly called me

I looked at her direction "hmm?"

She held my hand " is it okay if you'll transfer?"

Say what now?

"W-what?" I barely managed to ask her

Transfer!? Are you kidding me? I can't- I... This is unbelievable

I couldn't speak it's like my tongue is tied and I stated at her void with emotions.

"I received a transfer letter from the head doctor and it's very far from here. I can't leave you here alone in Townsville. I also thought that maybe this is the chance where you can experience another environment you know make friends and socialize with peers"

"Sweety?" Mom called in a worried voice when I didn't answer her

I don't wanna socialize with peers mom

I slightly coughed "when...when do I get to transfer?"

Her face lit up and smiled sweetly "tomorrow"



Great thanks to webnovels or is it AnD entertainment? Okay thank to the both of you for giving me the chance to write my story here. It's a great honor specially to a newbie writer like me d꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡b

ehzrra the crazy witch