
Purity Of Heart

Collection of poems dedicated to Lord Krsna and His Hladini Potency, Srimati Radharani. Please, don't compare them to ordinary romantic couple. They're divine. Everything about Them is divine. If you want to know more about who's Krsna and who's Srimati Radharani, well, I've explained it a bit in the first chapter! Thank you for choosing to read my poems!

RadhaKrsna · 歴史
93 Chs

When Will I?

My dear Krsna...

When will I be serious again?

When will I stop searching for some gain?

When will I pause my stupid mind?

When will I stop becoming so blind?

When will I remember Your words so true?

When will I stop ignoring Your ecstatic form so Blue?

When will I be away from lust?

When will I stop yearning for material dust?

When will I serve Your devotees so good?

When will I stop getting inclined for sinful food?

When will I be humble and kind?

When will I befriend my mind?

When will I be tolerant and full of gratitude?

When will I stop taking shelter of my egoistic attitude?

When will I understand Your love?

When will I stop judging Your beloved?

When will I be in Your remembrance?

When will I be in Your trance?

When will I chant Your name out of love?

When will I stop seeing myself above the world?

When will I move ahead of gratification of self?

When will I stop thinking about myself?

When will I yearn to come to You?

When will I yearn to do anything for You?

When will I get ready to even burn my body for You?

When will I get to be with You?

When will I fall in love with You?