
Purak , cursed by luck

True face of society and my true story

9999kal · 都市
6 Chs

Back at the beginning ' History of purak the end ""my history "

Well all this began at Nepal , Kathmandu,Patan hospital

A boy was born in a family ,with his birth the family were happy this only happened to others not me.

When I was born the whole family was crying not with happyness but with sadness . I was born like a crippled baby my legs weren't straight was what they thought and it was true I was not some demon hat was born straight out of hell was I?

I wasn't born out of hell then why did they cried?

I didn't know

I had made into an ordinary persons by don't know what

Well I some how grew as a baby

Then my father went away to Rolpa to work in a cement factory

I was taken to my maternal house by my mother

I usually use to go to school with my step maternal cousins

I didn't worry about anything

The drivers used to say that they would sell me Infront of my mother

I thought they were teasing me

Until I saw my mother crying alone

The next day we went back to our village

On the way I asked her why are we going back she said laughingly that they threatened to sell you

I don't know if it was a joke or truth but that word sell stuck to my head like a word Ram stuck to the mind of Hanuman in Hindu mythology

Well later it saved my life though I had no good feeling for this word