
Puppet's leash

Cilia is only one of millions of chosen ones, used by the Gods to entertain themselves, while all others were thrown away like trash. However her wish to live a relaxing life, is but a dream as she is forced to choose, become the enemy of her race and sacrificing her family or to be free. What is her future going to look like and how will she continue or will she just be used until she is but a mere puppet. –––– This Novel is basically dropped. If it will ever be continued it will be made completely anew. THIS IS A TEMPORARY COVER! I don’t have any rights, if it’s yours and you want it taken down, tell me.

Cetotris · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 11

„I have a question Cilia."

„What is it?"

„Although its hard to notice, your face has a slight differences since we met the first time. I know it was you at that time and no one can change the shape of their face like this without surgery. It's a trait, isn't it?"

„…" Cilia wasn't eager to answer, she had hoped that Nisha would not notice, as the difference was minimal, but because of the 24/7 surveillance, Cilia was unable to change her appearance again. „I'll tell you if you explain to me why you can control me all the time." Nisha was already aware what her ability could do, as such this deal was heavily in her favor. At least as long as Nisha would really tell her.

„Sure, but I won't get into detail. You start."

„Well, I can basically change my appearance, race and gender quite freely. But it's hard to control, because I have to imagine how I want to look while transforming. As such It's almost impossible to change into someone, whom I have never seen."

„Oho, can you turn into me?"


„Do it."

Cilia felt uncomfortable with turning into Nisha but did it either way but not before going to a separate room. She didn't know how she would look like while using her trait and she wasn't very keen on trying it out.

While she made her way to her chair, Cilia was able to feel the interested gaze of Nisha, who was inspecting the replica of her own body.

„I really am beautiful, now strip for me a bit, I want to see my own body from another angle."

Cilia could only relent, as the mysterious power made her body obey.

„Hm…. I really am magnificent. Though It seems like I can eat a bit more without having to worry.

„Can I change back now? You are taller than me and it makes it harder for me to walk, because I have to concentrate on each step.

„Sure, I've seen enough."

Cilia made her way to the bathroom and changed back to her original self.

„Make sure to keep your word, I want to know why you can control me every time."

However Nisha just stood there in a daze, looking at her with her mouth wide open. Cilia was confused as she just stood their, waiting for Nisha to calm down. However at that moment she noticed herself in the mirror and paled. She had accidentally turned back into the appearance of her original self.

Thoughts ran through her head as she quickly adjusted her expression, into one of calmness. She couldn't care about how she looked like while transforming right now, as she changed her brown hair into a beautiful purple, with her eyes turning into a deep ocean blue. She didn't want to arouse any suspicion and didn't change her body and face structure. Thinking that Nisha would calm down soon, Cilia made herself comfortable on the couch.

However this shocked Nisha even more. At first she was only shocked at how beautiful Cilia had looked after transforming back, but also the differences and similarities to her previous appearance. She was sure, that this had to be the original appearance, which was Cilias foundation to design her mission appearance.

However this just made her question much more, how the original Cilia looked. She didn't have much knowledge about Cilia, for all she knew Cilia could be over 100.

If the previous Cilia looked like a hidden gem, then the new one looked like a unrefined beauty, which would shine even brighter if one would take care of it.

Then Nisha witnessed Cilia while she slightly transformed herself a bit. It looked like a wave just passed and changed her. Her wavy brown hair started turning into a beautiful purple, starting with the base of her hair as all strands slowly changed their color.

While noticing this she was also able to take a glimpse on Cilia's eyes, as they slowly turned from a dark green to an ocean blue.

It was fast, but Nisha savored each moment of witnessing this sight. Nisha felt a warm feeling spreading from her abdomen, as Cilia sat onto the couch.

Cilia had just made herself comfortable on the couch, when suddenly the dazed Nisha started moving, jumping onto her, knocking her out of her sitting position.

Cilia was shocked by the current happenings, Nisha had suddenly jumped on top of her.

Cilia shuddered as she saw the apparent lust in Nisha's eyes.

„Cilia, I don't want to force you… but can you do me the honor?"

Cilia was torn inside, her body was telling her to go for it, while she was restraining herself. But she was unable o endure as she looked at the beautiful woman on top of her. Unfortunately or fortunately, Nisha was kind of her type and she had already marveled how good she looked.

She couldn't and didn't want to resist, as she slowly nodded, giving Nisha all the confirmation she needed.

Nisha scooped up Cilia into her arms, carrying her onto her bed.

Cilia was intrigued, this was her first time. She was an introvert and unlike other people she didn't even have a crush through her life. She was never very interested finding a girlfriend either.

Nisha took the lead, kissing Cilia while slowly taking off their clothes, while both just stared at the other persons body.

She stopped for a second, when Cilia's nude body was exposed. She had only seen it once on the first day, but the previous transformation had changed Cilia's body a bit.

Cilia on the other hand, was also focused on Nishas body. She had never felt like this in her life, as she noticed her underwear, which she was still wearing getting wet.

Nisha didn't idle any longer as she moved her fingers to Cilias breasts, while grinding her hips against Cilia. They didn't need any more foreplay, they both were excited and couldn't wait any longer.

Although this was Cilias first time, she didn't hold back as she too moved her fingers to Nishas chest.

Cilia felt a bit of pain, while Nisha inserted her fingers, making them slow down for a bit until the immense pleasure suppressed the uncomfortable feelings.

As such an exciting night started for both of them, who had never once done it before.

Both of them were exhausted after the deed and barely got up to take a shower. Nisha would normally go to her own room, but decided to sleep with Cilia on a whim.

Both of them fell on the bed, feeling a bit lightheaded. Nisha felt happy, that Cilia had accepted and snuggled into Cilias bed, vanishing under the blanket.

Cilias feelings were mixed. She was happy, but a tiny bit of her was questioning herself for sleeping with her enemy, who had kidnapped her.

However she couldn't get herself to hate the woman, sleeping peacefully next to her.

As such Cilia also decided to sleep as she used Nisha as a teddy bear, cuddling her for more comfort.

Nisha, who had yet to sleep smiled lightly as she too slipped into a deep and comforting sleep.


The next day, Cilia was told to go to Nishas office.

„I still have to honor out deal you know, but I forgot because of our juicy time. Anyway I don't want to lose your trust because of such a minor issue.

I'll sum it up for you because the whole story would be a bit too much. First you have to understand that this is not my own trait, someone close to me transferred it to me after they died, as such I don't know it's whole scope." Sadness could be seen in her eyes as she continued.

"As for why I can control you, that's because those are minor things, which I made you do. If I use it like the first day and force you to do something, then I will lose control quickly.

However If you don't mind doing it, my control will only tire me out a bit.

For example if I would tell you to strip now, I would only use a bit, but I would be unable to force you to strip, when there are many unknown people around you.

Also the only reason I can control you to such a degree is because your abilities are sealed and that choker you have on amplifies my abilities when directed on you."

„So you can't control me anymore if I strongly hate the idea of doing the task or if I get my magic back?"

„Yes, if separated you would regain control after 0.5 seconds or less and both combined would prevent me from doing anything."

„Thanks for keeping your word." Cilia smiled at the person who was standing in front of her, before she thought about the thing which she had been thinking for the whole day. "I also wanted to talk to you about something."

„That's surprising, but you know I can't let you go, your still our prisoner."

„I'm not taking about that. You want more information about the group behind me, don't you?"

„You are right my dear Cilia, but why are you asking?"

Cilia was already rolling her eyes, because of the blatant acting Nisha was performing to hide her eagerness.

„3 questions for now, nothing more nothing less."

„Really?!" Nisha had been unable to find much information about about Cilias group.

„Yes, think of it as a thank you for treating me so well."

Nisha couldn't hide her excitement and hugged Cilia before separating after having calmed down. Cilia could only chuckle, seeing her act like a little kid who just got a new toy.

„Hm…, what is your group doing here?"

„We were tasked to gather information about the group who did the massacres in this city and eliminate them if needed."

„Alright, at least that means we are not enemy's right now."

„Second one, what's the name of your organization?"

„Shadow Squadron, behind them is the council."

Before Cilia could react, Nisha was already choking her while she winced in pain, because of the sudden impact her back had on the wall.

Nishas eyes, who previously held a bit of affection and attraction turned murderous in an instant.

Cilia could only remember Nishas grip weakening as she blacked out, slumping down onto the ground.