
Puppet's leash

Cilia is only one of millions of chosen ones, used by the Gods to entertain themselves, while all others were thrown away like trash. However her wish to live a relaxing life, is but a dream as she is forced to choose, become the enemy of her race and sacrificing her family or to be free. What is her future going to look like and how will she continue or will she just be used until she is but a mere puppet. –––– This Novel is basically dropped. If it will ever be continued it will be made completely anew. THIS IS A TEMPORARY COVER! I don’t have any rights, if it’s yours and you want it taken down, tell me.

Cetotris · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Author announcment


First of all, I wanted to thank all of you for reading my book, even if there were many errors, be it logic, grammar, or spelling.

Second of all, I wanted to explain how this book will continue,

Now, I'm gonna be honest, I have no clue why you would read my book actively. I mean I probably changed things in the first chapter like 10 times because I was unsatisfied. Though I'm still happy for the support.

While I have been writing this novel, I have noticed multiple problems with how I'm doing things.

The most fatal one was however that I started uploading chapter 1 the moment I had written it and made the book on webnovel. Although not as obvious, this caused me to feel the need to write a chapter sometimes, because I didn't want to have anyone wait for a chapter for over a month. Which I did in the end, but well.

This sometimes caused me to start writing in class, even if I could have done a bit more for school. Though that's not a problem anyway.

As I said, I had too many problems with this novel and as such have decided to not continue the story. The main reason is probably, that I got tired of the idea behind the story.

Now, I've written quite a lot about this but what will this mean for my novel and you, the reader, that wants to continue reading the story.

Conclusion: I will drop the story for now. I've decided to write a few Fanfics to hone my writing skills and get a bit of experience in character development and stuff. And I have to say, what I've written till now is already way better than this novel.

Coupled with the point that I've written about 3/4 of what I have in this novel in 2 weeks, instead of 1/2 a year, deciding to continue there was an obvious decision.

This means, that there is a chance, that I will continue this novel at some point. Though the chance is not that big.

Why leave you with an unfinished story, you may ask:

Well, because if I continue like this, no one will have fun. Neither me with writing, nor you since the story will be predictable: Jamie dies and Markus maybe too, or he escapes and builds a force somewhere else to fight against humanity in a new age, where space is the playground.

If I do ever decide to continue, then I will completely remake this book.

Meaning: I will delete this one, rewrite everything I have written till then and more and republish it.

Now that this is out of the way: Thanks a lot for reading and some of you for commenting. Especially many thanks to Daoist690532, you and many others were the reason I was motivated enough to go this far.

Now, I'll have to excuse myself, I currently have holidays and am trying to finish my Naruto Fanfic by the end or at least get up to the 4th war.

(I know, kinda basic but whatever. It's one of the few anime, which I watched till the end that is worth writing a Fanfic about.)

Have a great day and maybe I'll see you guys another time!