

What will you do when you wake up in the middle of the night and find a man, dressed in a black suit, black shoes, and black leather gloves looking at you with a professional smile? Scream? You can try. Call Police? Many tried before, but none survived. Pray to your God? He will pray with you for your survival before gouging out that pink tongue and gulping it down in one swift move. This is the story of a man with a twisted personality, who is searching for the meaning of his life. He lives for the thrill and goes to any lengths to get some excitement. In his fury, he impulsively kills a girl whose death was never reported in the news. Is she still alive and if yes, why didn't she report him to the police? What will he do when a mysterious part of his past is uncovered due to this event? What happened to him that he became a monster? What will happen to him in the future? P.S. He never loses his professional smile during working hours.

SilentMan · ファンタジー
19 Chs


"Fight with me will be a Deathmatch!"

Both of them looked up at me dumbfoundedly trying to comprehend the meaning of what I just said.

I don't mean to brag but when it comes to startling people, I might be on the top list.

I appear out of nowhere, inside your closet, in the back of a dark alley, underneath your bed, or even in your bathroom.

That is why I am so used to people looking at me awkwardly with surprise written all over their faces.

Thus being the professional I am, I maintain a bright smile like it was natural.

After a few seconds that felt like an eternity, they finally break out of their stupor and made eye contact with each other as if confirming whether what I said was the same as what they heard.

"Um, Sir," The woman quickly got hold of her wits and smiled awkwardly, "That is quite difficult as the rules of the Arena don't allow anyone-"


Before she could continue I cut in by slamming my palm on the table.

"Then the conversation is over. I'll find someone else to sponsor." I interjected.

I don't really care that much about this deal, and I could just let it go...

But, the fact that I will be fighting to the death with my life on the line excites me.

Am I a psychopath? Obviously Not.

I am calm and composed most of the time. Most.

Seeing a bit of hesitation in their eyes, I decided to push them further, "I don't care whether it's just a bunch of scapegoats or your elites. You can choose whoever you like." I leaned forward on the table, and whispered in a low voice, but clear enough so that they could hear me, "You can put up a high prize on this deathmatch and you will naturally get a bunch of scapegoats willing to do anything to earn some quick money."

My smile broadened, "Not only that but think about the increase in viewership. The betting market will go crazy, wouldn't they? And so much more..." My voice trailed off mysteriously.

Their eyes lit up brilliantly.

As expected of people in the business industry. Just hover some carrots in front of their eyes and they'll let you smack their butts, and even wiggle their lower bodies in delight.

"No need to think now," I stood up from my seat, "Talk about it with your superiors and give me an answer via IntraNet. I'll be waiting till the end of the next 6 cycles(Days)."



Upon exiting 'Geheim', I saw a crowd gathered near the entrance. Most of them were filming me with their phones pointed in my direction, although they were trying to be sneaky about it, I knew everything.

This is troublesome...

Some might even be live streaming on their social media accounts. And some of these guys might be the spies of the government.

I wish I could kill them all, but from my understanding, there are several magicians in the crowd.

[Lunatic's Phantom], I activated my unique skill, disintegrating my body into small particles,


I ran away into some dark alleyway.

Or so I thought. I can feel several presences following...

Fuck me sideways.

I am sure they have some kind of tracking skills or some special technology that allows them to locate the particles in my body.

Ahh! I hate, hate, hate absolutely hate these guys. There's already a dearth of professionals like me, but they want to hunt me down as well?

The good thing is they are still relatively slower than me and not attacking me. I can easily escape as my phantom form grants me absurdly high mobility.

I turn around one corner after another, running through the entirety of Felony of Night without caring about the consumption of magicules in my body.

Slowly but surely the presence that I felt following me, got lost and I was able to successfully escape. I hope so.

I was almost out of magicules, thus I had to transform back into my human form and change my clothing to a more appropriate one.

I got out of a passageway wearing a hoodie and mixed with the crowds on the sidewalks. I heaved a sigh as I looked up, but instead of a starry sky, I was greeted by a metal ceiling that was just slightly higher than the buildings in this entire city. I was again reminded of the fact that I was in an underground city.

It's going to be so troublesome... My eyes narrowed with a tinge of annoyance. The more they see me using my skills the more easily they will find a way to track me. For example, they now know that I am Very Fast. Next time they will group up spies who have a lot of mobility... And If my sponsors decide to accept my conditions then they will see me using my skills often in the Arenas.

I am hungry but I don't have enough strength to hunt my prey with my own hands...

I weaved my way through the hustle and bustle of the crime city where people are getting drunk and losing themselves, their minds, their sanity, in endless narcotics. Loud music boomed everywhere, while women gave flirtatious coy looks to woo men.

I naturally ignored all that. I am a professional and this doesn't suit me.

I found a nice restaurant and entered it, finding a seat by the window.

"What would you like to have, Sir?"

I placed my elbow on the table and leaned my head on my palm, "Anything."

The waitress cocked her head in confusion but I didn't care about that as I moved my gaze back to the people outside.

"Sir, then would you like to have our specials for tonight?"

Do I look like I care? I am not a food enthusiast. I eat food to fill my stomach while I eat humans to fill my craving desires.

The look that they have, when they die by my hands...

The look while I eat their innards as they become eyewitnesses themselves...

That look excites me.

Am I crazy? What? Is that even a question?

Obviously not. I am not crazy. People have different hobbies, like some playing golf, some prefer dancing like monkeys in front of a camera, while some might as well go nude to get some likes. All so pitiable.

When I made no sound or gestures, the waitress understood my clue to not bother me and went back to the kitchen to bring something.

If you want to have a hobby, then why don't you start by controlling the population as I do. It is such a noble cause.

As I was blankly staring out the window and amusing myself with my own thoughts, I suddenly felt someone else entering the restaurant.

It's just another customer, right? Yeah. Probably.

The figure sat across from me at the same table.

What the actual fuck. Can't you see there are other tables?

Since my face was blocked by my hoodie and I was looking outside, I didn't see the figure.

At that moment a horrifying thought crossed my mind. No. No. No. It can't be the spies as they wouldn't directly confront me, rather follow me like vultures follow the animals that are about to die.

My brain ran at rapid speed and I know I needed some time to naturally recover magicules. Right now, I was as defenseless as a chicken on a chopping board.

Meanwhile, the waitress brought back a bowl filled with delicious-looking noodle soup with salivating garnishing and placed them in front of me.

The waitress probably looked confused at the arrival of another figure beside me, but I felt the figure making some gestures, shooing away the waitress.

I need time. I am low on magicules.

Magicules naturally recover in a magician's body but it depends on the quality and quantity of the magicules a magician uses.

I tried to ignore the presence as much as possible while I picked up the chopsticks and started slurping down noodles very slowly to buy as much time as possible.

"Why did you do that to me? I thought you came to save me, but you almost killed me..." I heard a feminine voice.

Huh? Who the fuck are you?

I try to keep my face down, while continuously slurping down on my noodles and hiding my face underneath my hoodie.

"If you won't even look at me then what's the use of me trying to find you for so many years you went missing?"

What the fuck are you talking about bitch?


The noodles are delicious by the way.

"I just saw some footage of you roaming in Felony of Nights... So I had to check it out by myself."

When I didn't respond and kept trying to accumulate enough magicules to plan my escape, she said something that made me drop my chopsticks.

"Mavros! Hey, Mavros? Did you forget me?" The feminine voice asked in a tone that stated her obvious annoyance.


My eyes shook, and my heart ached as if someone ripped it out of my chest...

I involuntarily looked up and found those Azure eyes looking at me with a mischievous smile...