
Probability of Success

Some kid with powers gets a system or whatever. I don't really know what I wanna do with it.

CookieCroncher · ファンタジー
3 Chs

The Beginning

A couple hours later Paha had finished school for the day and was finally about to go home. He remembered Valerie had said something about a shop and being able to help.

There was a lot of information to absorb and he couldn't handle all of it so fast. He had such an amazing power, but could it improve?

Of course it could improve. He could force it to improve by affecting the probability. However Paha realized that he didn't have an infinite amount of percent he could use.

If he continued to use 100% each time then he would only be able to use it 57 times. This couldn't accomplish nearly as much as he wanted to so he had to get smarter.

"Valerie you mentioned something about using my power in a different way. I'm assuming its more efficient or something. What should I do?" Paha said as he was walking home from the market.

"Well if you can give smaller percentages like .1% or even .01%. Going even lower is also possible, but that starts to make it less efficient." She responded.

"Wait... what? I'm sorry lowering percentages is more efficient? That makes no sense." Paha said confused.

"It doesn't makes sense until you factor in time. If you say there is a .01% chance of something happening in a a picosecond then within the next second it is guaranteed." She finished. (A picosecond is a trillionth of a second)

"Let me see if I understood it all Valerie. So if I change the chance of getting a dragon egg in a second from 0% to maybe 5% then it will happen?" He said out loud.

"Yes thats correct." She assured him.

At that moment a hover truck came speeding around the corner and started swerving all over the road. A box flew out of the bed of the truck and slammed into Paha.

Just then some special law enforcement also rounded the corner and started chasing after the hover truck. Paha stood there stunned completely bewildered by what had happened. He hadn't realized what he had done.

"Valerie, do you have anything you can give me right now that can help me get out of here?" he said.

"I can't give you anything besides part of what I was going to give you once you arrived home." She said.

"Ok well what is it then i need it sooner than later." He was worried that the truck would notice the box was missing or even worse, the special law enforcement.

Special law enforcement have priorities on high value things like technology or drugs or whatever was in the hands of terrorists. If they caught him and thought he was working with them then there was almost no possible way he wouldn't end up in jail.

"A screen is going to pop up in front of you, don't be scared it's just asking if you wanna be a bad guy or good guy. Just a little advice, bad guy is easier." Valerie responded.

Suddenly, like Valerie said, a screen popped up in front of him and it wasn't in his eye like the confetti was. He immediately selected bad guy because of Valerie's reccomendation and because nice guys finish last.

"Check your back pocket and do what you normally would with what you have." Valerie said after he finished his selection.

Paha checked his back pocket which had a wallet in it. As he pulled out the wallet it flashed light blue and his finger felt a little buzz.

The wallet had changed to only be opened by him. As vaguely instructed he put the 1.5 million Eks into the wallet even though it shouldn't fit inside. With a slight green glow all the money disappeared.

"Ok so now what my money is gone." he said.

"I'm going to use your Eks to buy anti-points. I'm only able to do this because of the current conditions such as it being your birthday." She responded.

A screen appeared in front of Paha.

[[ Exchange 1.5 million Eks to 15,000 anti-points? Confirm/Deny]]

"Notice: This rate is a one time rate are you sure you want to continue"

Paha continued on and surprisingly felt like he had more money. He was still confused how how this was suppose to help him get away. Suddenly another screen popped up in front of him.

[[Do you want to buy the skill 'Blink' for 15,000 anti-points? Confirm / Deny]]

"Notice: This is a one time sale are you sure you want to continue"

As Paha selected the confirm button a whole bunch of information and knowledge flooded into his head and he made sure to absorb every last bit of it.

The blink skill was a mixture or all fast transportational movements. It combined the run with the jump and everything in between.

The end result was a swift looking movement that made you look blurry. It was as easy as walking and felt close to it. It was called blink because when you blinked it was like you were in a new place.

Paha got home in 10 seconds which would have been 10 minutes without the blink skill. He had a lot of questions, but for now he would only ask a couple.

"Valerie I bought something with a thing called anti-points. What was that all about?" He asked.

He talked out loud because he had no family and it was more comfortable. His family was unknown and he was given money from the government and would for another two years.

"Anti-points are points you get for doing bad things or things interpreted as bad. You got them from buying them for a considerably low price which you will never be able to do again." she replied.

"Oh cool so can you give me the rest of whatever present you were going to give me?" he asked cautiously.

In an instant a screen with an inventory appeared and it contained all his school supplies and birthday presents. It also contained extra slots for things like his pockets and backpack.

"Woah what an amazing and easy way to set this up. Now I can instantly take a pen from my backpack or whatever I need." He thought to himself.

Valerie knew he was grateful and she was happy because of it. At that moment Paha remembered the heavy box he had gotten on his walk home.

He walked over to the box with his bagel in hand and began to open it. The opening was extremely difficult, but it finally opened up to reveal a faint black glow coming from inside.

Inside the box was a bunch of different element sticks. Those sticks formed a colorful nest that made a rainbow look dull. In that nest was a scaled and feathered egg of a dragon.