
Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse

this is the story of Aiden-El, twin brother to Sho-El tho separated by many years, they both come from the same source, Zoa. Zoa is the oldest and most powerful of all Kryptonian Gods. He is both a Martial Arts God as well as a God of Creation. Aiden and Sho are both created at the same time but Zoa sends both to seperate ends of the Omniverse. They are meant to protect the Omniverse in Zoa's place after he was punished and eternally sealed by all the other Kryptonian Gods. Join Aiden as he discovers worlds across the Omniverse as he grows in strength, becoming a god that protects life. Aiden will journey to worlds both known and unknown. He makes friends and possibly lovers along the way. I only own my own original character and do not have any copyrights to the world and stories that the MC enters. There may be worlds that I do create but that would be later.

Sykocyrus · 映画
78 Chs

Chapter 65: Spawn Universe

Top Secret A-6 Facility, Middle East.

"Jeez, you would think they would've learned by now." Aiden said with a chuckle as thousands of bullets pelted his body every second, leaving a trail of flattened metal at his feet as he walked forward.

"Humans are known to be quite stubborn creatures, and you are the most wanted man in the world right now, in various ways. What kind of place is this to have so many defenses anyway?" Angela asked as she hid behind Aiden to avoid the onslaught.

"It's a launch site for a very deadly biological weapon called HEAT-16. It is a man-made virus that can wipe out all life on Earth in 96 hours if it was released around the globe. This is the first of many we need to take care of, they have several facilities scattered throughout the world." Spawn answered over the comms as he snuck into the facility while the guards and defenses were focused on Aiden.

Spawn had looked into his previous employer over the months that Aiden had arrived and stumbled upon Jason Wynn's files regarding this very weapon. He didn't participate with Aiden in actively seeking out people in need of saving like Angela did, he did rescue people he stumbled upon but didn't go out of his way, instead he focused on the government.

As Aiden traveled the world stopping crimes and saving people from natural disasters as well as ending large conflicts, Spawn noticed that there was something going on inside multiple governments around the world. The various governments were making moves against Aiden.

Although Aiden had the support of many regular citizens across the world for actively making the world a better place by reducing crime and ending various conficts on a global scale, for those in power Aiden was a menace.

So while Aiden was out drawing their attention in the light, along with Angela who now had her memories and identity restored, Spawn moved in the shadows, gathering intel on what was going on.

That was when he made a truly terrifying discovery, all the major powers on earth had been infiltrated and influenced by agents of both Heaven and Hell. This wasn't just in the governments, this included media and various other positions of power.

Politicians and various mass media outlets had began to run smear campaigns against Aiden, trying to stoke the flames of fear within the population of the Earth. At first it wasn't working, many people had ignored the rants that these figures went on about how dangerous the man known by the world as Superman was.

But that changed when Heaven got the bright idea to send several Angels to attack him in broad daylight, their goal was to find out if Angela had betrayed them and if so to capture her and bring her back to Heaven to be judged, also to discredit Aiden and make him look bad.

Throughout Earths history Angels were synonymous with good, so if it was shown that Angels were against Aiden, this would do serious damage to public opinion on him, making it easier to get support for using military assets against him. They also hoped to push Aiden into harming innocent lives or to stop doing good.

After Aiden killed the Angels sent, many christian believers turned on him, believing that he was evil incarnate. But to Heavens dismay, not only was he able to kill the Angels which they thought impossible, Aiden continued to help those in need. He didn't care about public opinion, he cared that those who needed help received it no matter what.

It didn't matter their race, religion, gender, or background, Aiden saved all he could all over the world. He wasn't doing it to gain admiration or fame. He did it because he wanted to, it gave him purpose and meaning to his existance. Also the feeling you get when you restore someones hope is like nothing else.

It's where the saying, "It's better to give than it is to receive", comes from. Anyone who has given a gift, or helped someone in need, even if its just giving a starving person food, knows this. You feel good when you do something good.

So when Spawn came to Aiden regarding the Heat-16 weapon, he gladly took on the governments involved. He and Angela even took a trip to the place that developed the virus, a place called Medlab 005 located in Brazil, and destroyed the research and killed the two scientist that developed it.

They had purposely created the devistating virus, knowing what it could do. Their plan was to hold the world hostage, selling the antidote to the virus, which only they had. But before they could enact their plan Jason Wynn had stolen it and took over the research and facility.

In fact the chemical plant that Al Simmons was killed at was one of the facilities that mass produced the virus, the explosion released the virus in a small area, which allowed Jason to get the real life data on the viruses capabilities so that he could sell it to the highest bidder.

This is what brought the trio to this hidden base in the middle of nowhere in the mountains of the middle east. The facility was only a single story above ground, but went five stories below and also went further into the mountain itself.

At first glance, it looked like a normal house, but the structure above ground wasn't a house at all. There wasn't a single room within the structure, it had a door that led into a hallway which had several doors that led to maintenance rooms for the defensive turrets that would exit from the structure when needed. The hallway led to an elevator that took you down to the main compound where the crew stayed.

The structure only hid the multiple defensive platforms that would rise up from the structure when needed. There were a few towers that also allowed surveillance and target tracking as well as a satellite connection to receive launch codes and any other orders from A-6 headquarters.

"Make sure you get the other locations of the launch sites while your inside the facility, I'd rather not have to fly around and look for them myself. I still don't know why I have to be the distraction while you get to do the fun stuff." Aiden responded as he fired his heat vision at one of the turrets to destroy it.

"What, I like having my good looking meat shield around to take the brunt of the shots, when you're around they always tend to focus on you." Angela chuckled as she dashed out from behind him to take out a military helicopter that began to attack from the rear.

"Thanks, I guess." Aiden responded with a sigh. He had noticed this as well, anytime he was on the battlefield, it was as if everyone wanted to try their luck at being the one to kill him.

This was due to the fact that the higher-ups, meaning the Angels and Demon agents within the governments, had issued orders to prioritize killing Aiden.

Within the base, the commander of the defense forces was watching the battle from within the control room, every monitor was showing what was happening outside.

"Switch the turrets to another set of experimental rounds, use the depleted uranium rounds, high explosive rounds, diamond rounds, and the Graphine rounds. We need to find his weakness, and where is my air support?!" The middle aged man shouted out the commands.

"Turrets 1-3 are being loaded with the Depleted Uranium rounds, 4-6 will have the Diamond tipped rounds. Turret 8 is being loaded with the Graphine rounds, turret 10 will have the new experimental explosive rounds. Torrets 7 and 9 are down." One of the men responded back.

"Sir we have an intruder..." Another spoke up but was cut off by the the commander.

"Nevermind that, the team that was sent to investigate has already returned stating that it's a false alarm, it is due to an overload of the system that we are getting false alarms, ignore internal alarms and focus on this Superman, he is the priority. Now where is our air support?"

"Sir, three F-16's have taken off from Al Udeid Air Force base in Qatar, ETA fifteen minutes. They are equipped with nuclear missiles." Another soldier answered, fear evident in his voice.

"Good. Don't worry, this base is designed to withstand a full size nuclear strike, we are underground so we will be safe." The commander responded to ease the mens minds.

While the battle raged on outside, Spawn was able to get into where the multiple Heat-16 missiles were being kept. Spawn was easily able to sneak thru the facility thanks to his suit and shroud, it had the ability to hide him from sight, so anytime a patrolling guard came near he could hide in plane sight, this is why they thought the sensors were malfunctioning.

He began to place the kryptonian detonators that Aiden provided all around the facility. These were specialized to eliminate biological weapons, it would destroy the missiles while also keeping the virus from being released upon their destruction.

Spawn has a host of abilities thanks to his symbiotic suit called K7-Leetha and the shroud which is a seperate symbiotic entity.

These abilities include; resurrecting the dead, teleportation, reality warping, flight, time manipulation, transmutation, shape shifting, invisibility, mind reading, talking to animals, portal creation, amongst many others. Though his power source is finite his biggest limitation is his imagination.

This made him perfect for infiltration and espionage when you coupled all those powers and abilities with his military training when he was alive. Not only that but contained within Spawn were six thousand souls that he could use and summon to assist him. These are what gave him the power to avoid being controlled by Malebolgia after becoming a Hellspawn.

After placing the detonators, Spawn pulled out a USB drive and plugged it into one of the terminals within the room.

"Alright, the detonators are in place and the AI has been uploaded to the servers. You can go all out, I'm going to teleport back to the surface, also I heard we have three bogeys inbound with nuclear bombs aboard, so you may want to finish this quickly." Spawn stated over the comms.

"Alright, once you get on the surface, you and Angela head back to the fortress. I need these guys to see that even their nuclear weapons won't save them from me. Once you are back to base go thru the data retrieved by Kelex and find the other locations of these launch sites." Aiden's voice came over the comms.

Stunned by these words, Spawn had to confirm what Aiden said, "So you purposely plan to get hit with a nuclear bomb? You do realize that this isn't a normal everyday bomb, right?"

"I am aware, but until these governments can see for themselves that they don't have a weapon capable of harming me, we will not be able to bring them to the negotiating table to end the plots of both Heaven and Hell. They will continue to take orders thinking that they are protected." Aiden answered as he began to unleash greater devistation onto the facility.

Spawn just shook his head, he had to agree with Aiden, but that didn't mean it was still a bit overwhelming. After portaling out of the facility and grabbing Angela, the two appeared back within the underwater fortress in New York.

As soon as they appeared Spawn stumbled forward but was caught by Angela, he had been excessively using his powers recently, draining his energy.

"You good?" Angela asked as she helped him over to the main terminal.

"I will need a vacation soon, I need to recharge my energy. But I am fine, thanks." Spawn said as Angela sat him down so he could begin to process thru the data that was retrieved.

"I second that. Ever since Heaven realized I regained my memory, they have sent several hunters after me every time I leave this place, thankfully this fortress hides me from their tracking. But constantly being cooped up in here isn't ideal, unfortunately no matter where else I go, they will track me eventually." Angela said with a sigh as she too took a seat to rest.

"Not necessarily, you both could go to my world. There is plenty of evil souls that you could use to recharge your reserves, and the Angels wouldn't be able to track either of you. In fact I was going to bring it up once we got the other locations. I can handle the rest on my own. The only thing is that its more of a medieval world, so not sure if you would have as much fun." Aiden commented as he had just finished setting off the detonators within the base, completely destroying the facility and annihilated all within.

Spawn could recharge his necroplasm by consuming souls, the more evil the soul the more energy he would gain. Aiden figured that the Wights and White Walkers would do perfect to recharge Spawns energy. Although they didn't have souls, they were full of dark magic, magic was an energy source. If that didn't work, Planetos had plenty of evil people around the globe.

Essos especially so, they had the Good Masters that delt in slavery and extortion, they took what they wanted and did whatever made their fancy. That was just the Free Cities, you still had Slavers Bay and Yi Ti who had their fare share of monsters in human skin.

"You both would practically be invincible there, the only thing that could kill the two of you would be Valyrian steel weapons, but those are pretty rare, plus regular humans wield them so unless your careless you shouldn't have issues." Aiden said after some thought.

Magical weapons were basically the only weakness the two had, Angela more so than Spawn. The only way to kill Spawn would be to behead him with a Holy or magical weapon. He didn't need his internal organs to live, Angela did, so even if he was stabbed in the heart, it would only slow him down for a small amount of time.

"Sounds interesting. Maybe I will take you up on that offer." Angela mused after some thought.

She had been around since medieval times so returning to such a time period sounded good to her. Spawn too thought on Aiden's words, if he could recharge his energy easily there, why not.

As Spawn's fingers danced across the terminal, searching for the information of the other launch sites for the Heat-16 weapon systems, a notification popped up on the screen.

"Three nuclear missiles are inbound at your location Aiden." Spawn stated as he pulled up satellite footage of Aiden's location.

"Copy that, lets see how these governments react when they see even nuclear weapons won't protect them if they go too far." Aiden replied back with a smile as he turned his head eastward.

Seeing the three jets turning to ensure they weren't caught in the blast radius, Aiden used his heat vision to destroy the three fighter jets while the bombs made their way towards him. They didn't even have time to eject from the plane before they exploded.

Back at A-6 headquarters as well as various other goverment intel bases, they watched with anticipation as the three missiles sped towards the target. Many had their fingers crossed in hopes that they could put an end to Aiden.

He had cost many nations billions if not trillions of dollars in losses. He had destroyed tanks, naval ships, jets, satellites and various bases across the globe. Each one were participating in plans made by either Heaven or Hells agents, but the general soldiers didn't know this, they only knew that it was their countries equipment being taken out systematically.

When the three bombs hit, a massive explosion rocked the area and a large mushroom cloud rose into the air. The military leaders all held their breath as they waited for the dust to fade to see if they had succeeded or not.