
Two brothers

Legend has it that this word can be used in several ways. A fantasy narrative, if we used this meaning we are reducing it to something imaginary, but this is not the explanation we want, after all, the one who reads it may confuse it with a myth, which would cause a problem, because legends are based on real facts and, although they are distorted with time, they arise from a true context.

There is importance in defining terms, words have weight when used and, although they may have different meanings in different contexts, there is still the weight of their emergence, the reason for their use. The expression 'legend' perhaps needs, more than others, a meaning that comes close to an idea of accuracy, since the very creation of this world is mixed with its letters.

It is not known for sure when "or why" the gods will come to this world, but its importance for the development of today's world is well known. With the coming, there was also the arrival of the greatest gift, the appearance of rational races, those that populated the world and where the fuse for its transformation.

Five of these gods were stronger than their fellows, those who would later come to be known as the great pentagon, the basis of the religiousness of the greatest nations of the world. Believing that each god was responsible for the creation of a thinking race, the five most powerful in the world were those created by the quintet: Half-Heavenly, Glubinus, Dadízhi, Diaincis, and Spioradros. The others, created by gods of lesser importance, were left only the acceptance that they could not be the protagonists of their history.

"Come on, fifty more sequences" You could hear the screams coming from inside the forest.

"Yes, sir. "

The dense trees prevented the sight of those who passed through a path that passed by the origin of the noise. Soon after the answer a loud sound resounds, as if something big had collided with a tree, the shaking of its leaves amazes some birds resting there.

Passing through a few meters of foliage, the vision was completely transformed. An open area without a single plant seemed to hide from the rest of the people. In this place was a small and worn out chalet, with a straw roof where you could see several holes and a chimney, from where some smoke came out.

In front of the residence, there was a small plantation, several plants were close to the date to be harvested. The dark soil fertilized made to contrast with the hard soil that came soon after, but it was not in this state for lack of care or something like that, close to some trees you can see several mounted structures, training dolls, targets, and several weapons, in front of them there were three figures, a man, who appeared something around fifty years and two more young boys, who attacked the targets with spears.

"Nalkim, you're taking it slow again. "Once again the tone of voice exceeded the recommended so as not to damage someone's hearing.

However, there was no answer, the young man seemed to be out of breath, even though he tried his best to speak a few words.

Meanwhile, beside him, another boy, who seemed to be the first's brother by his features, was attacking his target with great vigor. His spear hit the doll's vital points, clean movements without wasting any energy, his ability could be compared with that of his master.

"The food is ready, come while it's still hot. "A female voice was heard by all three. It came from inside the cottage.

"We're finishing the training for today," says the old man looking at his two apprentices. He turns to start walking, but he gets interrupted.

"Master, please let me continue for a little longer, at least until I finish my sequences. "Nalkim was the one who spoke.

The man looks at his two disciples. Lenmin, who had managed to finish all past activities, had already kept his weapons. His brother, however, still held on fervently, as he crossed his gaze the old man felt a slight sense of nostalgia. "Just like that man when we were younger," he thought, which led him to open a little smile.

"Continue if you wish, just remember not to force your body to the limit, rest is also an important part of the training. "His voice goes out calmly, but without losing the strength shown previously as if he were reciting the passage from some book.

"Yes, sir! "Unlike before, the boy seemed more determined to keep going.

"Thurial, come on, the food's gonna get cold. "Once again the scream echoes through the forest.

Following the advice, the two go to the chalet, while the third starts its sequence again. Looking briefly in his direction a great difference between his brother could be noticed. His blows were clumsy, his posture, although he was right most of the time, still showed small flaws every time he went forward to launch an attack. However, this only encouraged human beings. "You cannot compare yourself to your brother yet, but he has an even greater power of evolution" walked while these thoughts went through his head.

"Where's Nalk? "

Three people were sitting around a table that, above, boasted a feast worthy of a feast. The owner of the voice was a woman, different from her husband, who didn't seem so close to her old age, although one could see a wrinkle or two on her face. His hair, greenish and straight, reached his waist and, when he moved, revealed pointed ears, characteristic of a Spioradros.

"He asked me to continue training for a while longer," Thurial replies by taking a spoon and starting to serve himself.

"And you let it go on? "His voice came out in a threatening tone, which made the old man tremble and feel the temperature go down for a brief moment.

"Understand..." Try to explain yourself. "I couldn't just tell him to come back and ignore his request, I think it would be harmful to the boy. "Your argument ends with a forced laugh.

The temperature doesn't seem to rise again, even with the excuse that was given, but the woman stops staring at him with that penetrating look. The left of the Lenmin couple, who seemed to have difficulty understanding the reason for the discussion, enjoyed their meal as if everything was in perfect order. "This boy, though a genius with a gun in his hand, seems to sin in his ability to read the weather," thinks the man with certain envy and fear of the young man's ability.

"Miss Merill, the food is delicious," says Lenmin devouring his food.