
U.S.J part 3

Tomura then called out the Nomu that was behind him and hasn't moved ever since it arrived. Seeing this the Aizawa put out his guard and prepared to fight. While Mio just smile at the nomu.

"Nomu take care of them." The Nomu then charged at Mio and Aizawa at a speed so fast that Aizawa couldn't even see. He couldn't even use his quirk before Nomu was in front of him. It pulled its fist and was prepared to have its fist right on Aizawa's face but before it could do so. Mio shoved him to the side and her fist clashed with Nomu's.

The shockwave itself pushed Aizawa back even further. Both of their strike created a shockwave so strong that some of the villains that were left over fell and were pushed back. Kurogiri and Tomura had a surprise look on them.

"Impossible! Nomu's as strong as All Might. She shouldn't have been able to take that hit even if she has super strength." Kurogiri exclaimed.

Mio then looked back at Aizawa and smiled at him. "See you should take care of the small fries and leave the rest to me. Besides, aren't you an underground hero? I'm not known at all so this will give me some fame and you shouldn't want that right?" Said jokingly.

"Alright, focus on your fight. Good luck Mio." He then ran off and used his quirk and scarf to take down a couple more villains. Mio then turned back her attention to the Nomu.

"You don't understand do you? This is Nomu and he is the Anti-Symbol of Peace. He was made and modified to kill All Might. What chance do you have?" Tomura began giggling like a psychopath.

Mio and the Nomu then backed off from each other. Mio then looked at them. "Let me tell you something. Even if he has that title, he wouldn't even be able to beat All Might." She began laughing at them.

"That's what you think but you're wrong." She stepped and thrust herself towards the Nomu. The Nomu prepared to block her fist but before she clashed again. She whispered "Sticky Fingers" and threw a barrage of fist at the Nomu's arms. She was doing it while shouting:

"Ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari Ari!!" (If you don't know what this is then I'm disappointed.)

The Nomu's arms was filled with zippers on it. And she wasn't done yet. She used her gloves and had the strings comming off of it to stick at the end of the zippers. She then pulled her strings and the zippers were then pulled and the Nomu's arms fell off.

'It seems that she has a quirk that can do different things. What's the idea of her quirk.' Tomura quickly analyzed her. He couldn't imagine someone having multiple quirks like the Nomu or his teacher without knowing it.

"It seems that you have a quirk that gives off the impression of having multiple quirks. But here we have someone that has multiple quirks." The Nomu then proceeded to bite off the zipper for its arms and it began to regrow its arms. The muscles burst forth and then it's skin grew.

"Now what will you do? You must've noticed but he has one more quirk and it's shock absorption. A creature with 3 powerful quirks. What can you do other than run?" Tomura began giggling.

"Did you become a villain because of how bad your laugh is? Because if I had that kind of laugh then I'd go down that path as well." She snorted. She whispered back to 'Star Platinum'.

The Nomu rushed at her and the two grasped each other's hand. The two were powerful but at the end. The Nomu would win a battle of attrition. She broke off the clash and whispered 'Born This Way'. And the motorcycle slammed at the Nomu. The sharp wind was shredding its skin off and ice shards propelled itself at it.

She jumped off the bike. She then whispered another power which is 'The Hand'. Mio quickly used the opportunity to attack it. She could see the bike fading away and erased the space between them with her arms. She teleported in front of the Nomu when it was being pushed by the bike.

She then crossed her arms to form an X and attacked with both hands. Mio erased both of its legs and it fell. She didn't waste any time and jumped on its chest and erased its arms as well. She could see it's leg beginning to heal back.

She whispered again but this time she used a different power. She used 'Killer Queen' and the moment she did. She instantly touched its chest and with her right hand. She clicked and an explosion sounded inside the Nomu and it convulsed. It's body grew for a second but then came back the same way. Smoke cam out of its mouth and eyes.

'Seems like the explosion wasn't strong enough and the shock absorption reduced a lot of the damage.' Mio analysed everything. The Nomu stopped moving but then began healing again. His arms and legs were healing and it seems like it regenerated it's inside as well.

"Seems like there's a limit to his shock absorption isn't there. But I know you're not done yet." Mio smiled and had a glint of enjoyment in her eyes. Mio whispered 'Star Platinum'. She quickly threw a barrage of fist at him. The Nomu couldn't defend itself properly while it was injured and it ended up being thrown away by the fist.

She threw him across the dome and followed it. The Nomu finally fell down and created a crater with smoke around it. It was about to get up and fight again but before it could do anything. Mio dashed through the smoke threw another barrage of fist all over its body while shouting:

"Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora!!" (If you also don't know this then I'm even more disappointed.)

Before it could fly off again, she said 'The World' an stopped time. Using this she threw a bunch of fist at its stomach. It began with 10 then 100 then 1000 punch in one area. With that much power in a single area, when time began again, the Nomu who didn't know what happened flew off with such speed that the shockwave destroyed almost everything from where they were.

The Nomu flew off and pushed against the dome with such force that it broke and it continued flying through the sky and cloud. It created a little star in the sky.

She pulled her arm with two fingers and did a little salute. Mio then said. "Arrivederci."

She then jumped back at where they were at the beginning and did a motion of wiping the sweat off her face. "Whew! That was intense! The guy was a bit stronger than I'd expected but nothing to sweat over." She had a grin on her face and was looking at Kurogiri and Tomura. Even the villains and Aizawa stopped and looked at her with surprise.

Fight scenes are done by my brother so tell me if you don’t like it and I’ll try it out myself.

redbluecreators' thoughts