

The day everyone remember. August 17th in the year of 2022.

The world was struck by another calamity.

East asian countries were the first to become the victim of such disastrous event that lead to its ultimate collapse.

China, North and South Korea, and Japan.

Japan was the country with the most destruction upon its arrival. However, due to their technological advancement, they were able to halt the growing disaster of this thing.

Third of Japan remains the same, however, the rest can be called the same as the No Man's Land. Where the moment you step on its soil, it will only be miracle that will save you from the guns and rockets that will fall upon you.

Contrary to the east, the southeastern nations and western nations remain intact.

The United States call the attentions of the world leaders to seek unity against the growing power of the other side.

However, this decisions will have to wait for years. And this is not most favorable to the Republic of the Philippines, the second nearest country from the Portal.

"Mister President, if we do not act now, we will only collapse like the eastern countries or worse, fall to our own destruction!

Civil Unrest have occurred, wanting to fight for great cause, we should return the conscription and recruit all enable population!"

A member of a protest spoke harshly in front of the President which can be considered as rude. However, he has the point so no one in the room stop him.

"We will wait for the decision of our allies. If we wait, we will receive supports that will be used to defend our nation until this great calamity end. For now, we should take it easy." he said calmly as he took a sip from the glass of water as if it's a normal thing to do in this current situation.

"He's right, we should wait for further announcement to the stronger nations. If we do not comply, we do not know if we will receive their support. We better not act rashly as they have their eyes on us just like they do in Japan."

'Fuck you!' He thought as he irratably listen to the words of foolishness of the President's spokesperson.

Not being able to endure the stupidity in the room, he left.

That was Jonathan Ramirez, chairman of the nationalist party and leader of the ongoing protest outside the Malacanang Palace.

He can not endure it anymore, he cannot lead this people of his if those in the higher echelon won't even move a step.

There's only one things he should do, seek attention from the mass and overthrow the current government.

As a nationalist person, he will do anything for his country. Even if he sacrifice himself.

"What happen, Ramirez? How did it go?" Upon arriving outside the palace, his partner ask the question.

"Its no good, brother. They won't listen." He said with a dejected expression. If only he were more insistent then surely he would have change the mind of those people even for a little bit.

"Did you tell them?"



What they're talking about are the current movement of the enemy.

The enemies are weak, most consist of medieval soldiers. However, those that truly gave damage to our world are the Sages which they identify themselves as Great Magicians.

They are the ones that did the most uncivilized thing to do. And that is the massacre of the humans.

And now, they seek revenge, and as a person who admire the Japanese people, Ramirez pledge to himself that he will do everything he can to make the enemy retreat to their homeland and if possible destroy their nest.

Even if it cost the annilihation of the species in the other side of the portal.

"Let's just go back. We should just seek the attention of the mass."

"Right. That's... Fine... I guess..."


Three months later, the Democratic Party of the Philippines was overthrown and the Nationalista steps in.

"As the newly President of the Republic of The Philippines. I hereby declare war against our enemy called Sages and will send Lease to our long traditional allies, Japan!" Ramirez said as he gaze the masses cheering in front of him.

"We will avenge our own people and destroy the enemy. The Earth is one and no one but us will destroy it." he mutters to himself.

This Psychopathic personality of his was hidden behind the masses. But it was the one that made them love him and accept him as the president of the newly reformed country.
