
Poor guy become Immortal God

**Synopsis: "The Path to Divinity"** In "The Path to Divinity," we follow the journey of Theron, a humble farmer who embarks on an extraordinary quest to become a god. Guided by the enigmatic mentor Alaric, Theron faces a series of trials that test his courage, wisdom, compassion, and resilience. Chapter by chapter, Theron navigates through the mystical forest of Eldoria, encountering challenges that force him to confront his deepest fears and reconcile with his past. From facing mythical creatures to deciphering ancient texts, Theron's journey is fraught with danger and self-discovery. As Theron progresses, he grapples with doubts and uncertainties, questioning his own worthiness and fearing failure. Yet, with the guidance of Alaric and the lessons of the forest, he learns that true strength comes from within and that the path to divinity is not about perfection but about growth and self-awareness. Through facing his fears, embracing his past, and finding solace in the wisdom of the natural world, Theron grows into a formidable force, ready to take on the challenges that lie ahead. Along the way, he learns that becoming a god is not just about acquiring power but about embodying compassion, wisdom, and harmony. "The Path to Divinity" is a captivating tale of self-discovery, resilience, and the transformative power of the human spirit. Set against the backdrop of a richly imagined world, this novel invites readers on an epic journey of adventure, enlightenment, and ultimately, the realization of one's true destiny.

DaoistatW0mU · SF
101 Chs

Chapter 98

**Chapter 98: Unforeseen Shadows**

The Guardians of Balance continued their work with unwavering dedication. The villages flourished, unity strengthened, and the land healed. Yet, beneath the surface of their growing prosperity, an unexpected threat was quietly taking shape.

One night, as Theron patrolled the borders of a recently rebuilt village, he noticed an unusual chill in the air. The stars overhead seemed dimmer, and a sense of unease prickled at the edges of his awareness. He scanned the surroundings, his instincts on high alert.

Without warning, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness, its form shifting and intangible. Theron drew his sword, ready for combat. "Who are you?" he demanded, his voice steady.

The figure laughed, a cold, echoing sound that sent shivers down Theron's spine. "I am but a whisper of what lies beyond. You thought you could restore balance, but you have merely awakened a greater force."

Theron tightened his grip on his sword. "We defeated the darkness. We will do it again if we must."

The shadow hissed, its form swirling ominously. "This is just the beginning, Guardian. You cannot comprehend the true depth of the ancient darkness."

Before Theron could react, the figure vanished, leaving behind an eerie silence. He knew he had to warn the others. He rushed back to the village, finding Elion, Nyx, and the rest of his companions.

"There was a shadowy figure," Theron began, urgency in his voice. "It warned of a greater force awakening."

Elion's eyes widened. "We need to investigate. This could be linked to the ancient deity we read about."

Nyx nodded, her expression serious. "We can't take any chances. Let's gather more information and prepare for whatever is coming."

The next day, the Guardians convened a council with representatives from the villages. Theron shared his encounter, emphasizing the need for vigilance and preparation. The villagers, though uneasy, trusted in their leaders and pledged their support.

Elion, ever the scholar, suggested a deeper exploration of the archives. "There must be more clues about this greater force. We need to understand what we're dealing with."

Theron agreed. "We'll split into teams. Elion and I will return to the archives. Nyx, lead the patrols and strengthen our defenses. Gaia, Lyra, and Seraphina, continue your work with the villages. Ignis, keep the morale high with your festivals."

As they prepared to set off, Gaia approached Theron, concern etched on her face. "Be careful, Theron. The shadows are unpredictable."

Theron nodded, feeling the weight of responsibility. "We'll find the answers we need. Stay strong and keep the balance here."

The journey to the archives was tense. Theron and Elion traveled swiftly, their minds racing with possibilities. When they arrived, the Keeper of Knowledge, Alaric, greeted them with a grave expression.

"I feared this day might come," Alaric said, leading them to a secluded section of the archives. "There are darker secrets, hidden from most. The ancient deity you read about was only a fragment of a much larger entity—a primordial darkness that existed before time."

Elion's face paled as he studied the ancient texts. "If this force is awakening, it could plunge our world into eternal night."

Theron felt a surge of determination. "Then we must find a way to stop it. There must be something in these texts, some weakness we can exploit."

They spent days poring over the manuscripts, uncovering fragments of ancient rituals and lost knowledge. One scroll, written in a language long forgotten, hinted at a possible solution. It spoke of a ritual that could seal the primordial darkness, but it required immense power and the united strength of all the elemental relics.

Elion translated the text, his voice trembling with urgency. "We need the relics, and we need the strength of every village. This ritual will demand everything we have."

Theron nodded, resolute. "Then we must gather the relics and rally our people. This is our only chance."

They returned to the villages, where their companions awaited with anxious anticipation. Theron explained the ritual and the need for unity. "This will be the greatest challenge we have ever faced. But together, we can protect our world."

The villagers, inspired by Theron's leadership, pledged their support. The Guardians of Balance set out to retrieve the elemental relics, knowing that time was of the essence.

Each relic was guarded by powerful forces, remnants of the ancient battles between light and darkness. But the Guardians, united and determined, overcame every obstacle. With each relic they retrieved, they felt the weight of their mission, but also the strength of their unity.

Finally, they stood in the heart of their land, the relics assembled before them. The sky above had grown darker, a sign that the primordial force was nearing its full awakening.

Theron, holding the final relic, looked at his companions. "This is it. Our moment to protect everything we love. Are you ready?"

One by one, they nodded, their faces a mixture of fear and determination. They began the ritual, chanting the ancient words that would seal the darkness. As they did, the relics glowed with a brilliant light, their power intertwining and growing stronger.

The ground trembled, and the air crackled with energy. Shadows began to coalesce, forming a massive, dark figure. The primordial darkness had arrived.

Theron stepped forward, his voice steady. "We stand together, as Guardians of Balance. We will not let you destroy our world."

The figure roared, its voice shaking the very earth. "You cannot defeat me. I am eternal."

But the Guardians did not falter. They poured all their strength into the ritual, their unity creating a force stronger than any single power. The light from the relics intensified, pushing back the darkness.

With a final, earth-shaking roar, the primordial darkness began to dissipate, its form unraveling. The relics' light grew brighter, enveloping the land in a warm, golden glow.

As the darkness faded, the sky cleared, revealing the stars shining brightly once more. The ritual had succeeded.

Exhausted but triumphant, Theron and his companions stood together, their hands still joined. They had faced the greatest threat their world had ever known and emerged victorious.

Theron looked at his friends, pride swelling in his chest. "We did it. Together, we saved our world."

Elion smiled, his eyes filled with relief. "And now, we can truly build a future of peace and balance."

Nyx, her face softening, added, "We'll remain vigilant, always ready to protect what we've built."

Ignis, ever the optimist, grinned. "And we'll celebrate our victory with the greatest festival this land has ever seen!"

Gaia, Lyra, and Seraphina, their expressions serene, nodded in agreement. They had faced the shadows and emerged into the light, their bond unbreakable.

As dawn broke, casting a golden light over the land, the Guardians of Balance knew that their journey was far from over. But they were ready, united and strong, to face whatever the future held.

Together, they would ensure that the light of their world never dimmed again.