
Pokemon: The Tale of A Legend

The tale that started in Lumiose City in the Kalos Region. Caleb Laurent, held an unfortunate past that was subjected to the cruel virus known as COVID. Because of this, he was reincarnated to the world of Pokemons. In this world of Pokemon, Caleb realize a much crueler reality. He began to overcome the surrealism of transmigration and challenged himself to reach higher heights compared to his past, which had achieved nothing but caused worry and grief. He got all the perks supporting him on his journey. A loving family, a powerful and influencial household, informations of this universe, and his trust worthy Pokemons. Read as they trek through mountains of records that made people revered him as: ***** ... Be warned; Slow paced story, dark, it would be as long as a novel(planned to). So if you don't have patience, this isn't for you. #Distress #Dark #Rape #Deaths #Low-Progress #Romance #School Life #Male Lead #Weapon User #Reincarnated #Slow Romance #Pokemon #Battling #Gods #Companionship ... Patreon is now available. Visit me here if you want to see advanced chapters Patreon .com/Sleepingwaters

AiLund · アニメ·コミックス
54 Chs

Chapter 7

Trainer Oro Master Academia, a school that teaches specializations on different kinds of pokemon careers.

The first two years in the academy would just be basic imparting of pokemon training, general, theoritical and practical knowledge.

Pokemon Training are one of the fundamentals on a trainer's foundation. Knowing what could be the problem and how to solve it is one of the main focuses of the subject.

For example, if a trainer found out its pokemon lacks something in regards to strength or ability(mastery and movesets), they would have the knowledge on how to improve or give something to the pokemon to have it strengthen or polish said problem.

General knowledge basically means teaching basic lessons to the students, such as math, science, history and so on.

Practical knowledge is acquired by day-to-day hands-on experiences. In other words, practical knowledge is gained through doing things; it is very much based on real-life endeavors and tasks. The school teaches students this by going through trips or camping in the wild with supervision.

On the other hand, theoretical knowledge teaches the reasoning, techniques and theory of knowledge that they had been educated.

There are also activities that are sessioned in a weekly cycle. Such as pokemon battling and hand to hand training, this activities are conducted every saturday. A student could ignore this and be absent. However, it is required by the school that a student should at least be present three times in any day, so if one had no interest in this, a student could just attend this activity three times in every school year.

There are six different sections in Caleb's year and he guessed it was so for senior years as well. From class A-F, kids are placed according to their social standing. F-D are students that have passed the entrance exam with no back door that helped them, C-B are students are the opposite as they have the backing of either their families or some organization. Finally, students that are assigned to Class A are students that have not just backing but also held recommendations from a powerhouse recognized by the League.

It is obvious that Class A student's are kids that have been biased heavily.

However they couldn't do anything about it... for now.


Caleb got out of the room after all the classes ended. There weren't anything special today since it was just the first day. All they did was the introduction of his classmates and the subjects.

Caleb was walking in the hallways with Magby.

After Magby hatched, he immediately brought him to his grandfather for his potential to be tested. He was with his cousins. The results shocked them including his grandfather.

According to the data collected. Both Shinx and Budew's potential were both deep-green! Both Christian and Korinne's jaw dropped and we're enthusiastist about it. The serious old man Cesar even wanted to get back the pokemon, but he painfully reigned it in.

After Magby was tested it was also a deep-green potential, however, it has more bluish blue hue found around the dominant green than was found on Magby compared to Shinx and Budew.

This also meant that Magby has the easier way for it's potential to be upgraded compared the others.

Their parents and grandfather congratulated them on that day, and held a feist for the happy blessing.

After that, nothing much really happened as the days passed. As Magby is still a baby pokemon, it is recommended that his training on Magby would be after the baby-phase which is a month after pokemons hatched from their shell.

Caleb couldn't make use of his pokemon knowledge much and since he is still not that familiar in the new world he lived in. He goes with the flow as his body is still young.

Caleb and Magby walked towards the gate, he saw his parents on the highway conversing with a girl with companions. His eyes rose in curiousity when he saw who it was. He quickened his steps, Magby following closely behind while complaining to walk slower with poketalk.

"Hey guys!" Caleb hugged his mother and father as soon as he reached them he then looked towards man and the woman who were behind the girl after that he moved his gazes towards the girl. "You're Diantha, right? Do you remember me? We're from the same class I'm the one who is sitting right beside you."

"Yeah, the one who is a human and would want to become a successful pokemon trainer." Diantha immediately recognize Caleb, she easily had recognized him since the impression of his introduction wasn't that easy to forget in hours. She chuckled under her sleeves as she remembered it.

Caleb laughed bashfully when he heared that. He asked. "So what were you guys talking about? Do you guys know each other, Dad?"

Clint smiled at Caleb as he gestured his hand towards the Carnotion Family. "This is the Carnotion Family, their family and ours are very close. Do you remember the first potentialed pokemon that your grandfather had breed? They were one of the strongest competitors that could have got it before Professor Sycamore made his appearance. Although, ever since then our family were tied by destiny as they soon got the next green potentialed pokemon that your grandfather had procure. Then, some things lead to another we are now research partners that are helping Professor Sycamore's main research."

Caleb eyed the Carnotion Family. The man was around in his fourties including the woman.

The man has a temperament like his father. Serious but has a carefree smile wore on his face. He has blond hair and was wearing a suit, looking like a businessman.

His breath was taken away as he stared at the woman more intently.

She was just too beautiful. She was the older version of Diantha but with more appeal and boldness. She was wearing a very revealing dress, and her hair flowed down to her waist.

Caleb almost got a boner. He then looked away as he don't want to get caught.

Luckily the family had continued on their conversation. He turned his focus on Diantha who was also looking back at him. He then noticed her Ralts who was behind her. "That is your starter Pokemon right, Diantha?"

"Uh-huh." Diantha nodded as she smiled brightly while petting her Ralts familiarly. "Ralts was given to me a week before by dad. She is quite shy, like the majority of it's species."

"It's a she? So it's a female then?" Caleb was startled slightly. Female Pokemons are quite rare, since any Pokemon species, females are usually treasured. Additionally they are classified as Rare pokemon, although they are not just famed for their scarcity they are also one of the very powerful psychic types out there.

Diantha nodded. "I'm also amazed by your Magby, however aren't fire-typed usually very boisterous? Your pokemon seemed to be so calm and... lazy."

"Mag." Magby waved at her and Ralts not at all caring about how he was called.

"Well, Magby does looked like that. But he isn't like that though when we trained and battle wild Pokemons. He is still a baby pokemon though but next week would be the time for that to change since that's the day his baby phase ends" Caleb laughed playfully. Although it is recommended for baby pokemon to not train. Basic exercises are okay and small battles that won't leave any major injuries are fine too, it won't affect the pokemon.

"Oh yeah, the teacher said that in Saturday we would have pokemon training right? Are you gonna participate?" Caleb asked.

"Of course! Ralts and I had just started to train her abilities. We would love to try how strong we are in a pokemon battle against our classmates." Diantha seemed to love pokemon battling apparent by the fire blazing in her eye. She was a calm and polite girl, however pokemon battling was her passion.

After a while. Harold and Venice, both Diantha's parents seemed to have already finished talking with the Laurent family. They looked towards their daughter and said. "Honey, let's go?"

"Ok dad." Diantha holds both her parents hand. She then turned back towards Caleb saying her farewell. "See you tomorrow, Caleb and Magby."

Caleb nodded as he waved them goodbye.