
Pokemon: The Darkest Timeline

Volume 3 unleashes a relentless Jordan, fueled by unwavering determination, on a mission to crush Giovanni and supercharge his team. Will this surge of power be enough to thwart Giovanni, the indomitable Team Rocket leader? As the ominous Quartz Conference looms, can Jordan conquer both adversaries? Brace yourself for the high-stakes battles in Pokemon: The Darkest Timeline, Volume 3 – where every page pulses with electrifying action!

Kris_Tylers_1273 · アニメ·コミックス
114 Chs

Umbreon Research (1)

Wartortle emerged from the smoke with one knee into the ground. He was bleeding immensely and Lisa checked my expression only to see a wide smile.

Who said this again? Great minds think alike!

Wartortle had used Substitute at the last moment then used Dig to head underground so this one in front of me was just a clone.

"Wartortle! Water Photons to end this!" I ordered. The clone in front of me faded and Wartortle burst out of the ground, behind Alakazam. It shot out some water photons which made Alakazam hit the ground.

"I win this battle," I said.

"Oh alright," She said while returning Alakazam to its Pokéball. She turned around and tried to conceal her happy face but was caught off-guard when I hugged her from behind, taking in her voluptuous figure.

She broke the hug and wanted to say something but her phone suddenly rang. She raised her phone up to her ear before answering the call.

"Yes, Boss?" She asked.

"I need you in Viridian City right now, Lisa. We need to sort out our haul of Magikarp and think about the auction," Giovanni said.

"I'll be right there," Lisa said while hanging up, She turned to me before leaving. As she was leaving, I could hear a mutter.

"Goodbye," She whispered as she left. I fumed after she left, Giovanni interrupted me while I was supposed to be having a fun time with her. Anyway, I have two missions to get to.


Bill had two places where he lived, His cottage and the Lighthouse. The Lighthouse was where he went for serious experiments while his Cottage was just there for relaxation and minor experiments. I knocked on the door and a brown-haired man in a blue shirt and black khaki pants opened the door, He was Bill.

"May I help you?" Bill asked.

"I wanted to meet the famous researcher who created the PC transfer system, Are you, Mr. Bill?" I asked.

Bill who was being praised couldn't help but smile.

"I am Bill, Who are you?" Bill asked.

There are two ways I wanted to do this operation:

1. Chat with Bill and get him to give me some of his research while trading some of the Eevolution research that I had gotten from my past life.

2. Wear my Team Rocket Admin uniform and invade his house while stealing all of his documents and then sorting some out before giving it to Executive Arianna.

I really wanted to do Number 2 but being a reasonable person, I didn't. If I managed to retain a standing friendship with Bill, He would be able to provide me with some necessities whenever I needed them."I'm Jordan, I have some research that I've been having on Eevolutions and well I needed a partner so I decided to come to you," I said.

"If it's about research, come in and tell me what you have in mind," Bill said.

We entered his living room and talked about the Eevolution I wanted for a while, During this time, I initiated in some small talk with Bill.

"Hmm, That Eevolution seems promising and I happen to have an Eevee here with me," Bill said.

He went into the cottage's inner room and brought out an Eevee.

"Eevee really wants to evolve but she doesn't like Flareon, Vaporeon, and Jolteon so we can use her for your Eevolution," Bill said, "As you said, She should focus on Dark-type moves and she should take Dark-type supplements, right?"

"Yeah, They should be of high quality to quicken the pace," I said, "Bill, I have to leave now, I'll drop by tomorrow morning to check up on Eevee,"

"Alright, I can't imagine what kind of Pokémon that she'll evolve into once we complete this!" Bill said, hopefully.

As I left, I decided to head back to the gym. Daisy was standing next to the pool while there was a trainer waiting for me in the gym.

"The rest of the gym trainers left, They said that they just wanted to travel around the world so I let them," Daisy said.

I shrugged and went to the Gym Leader's platform while a Referee stood in the middle of the Arena with a shrug.

"Alright, This will be a 2 VS 2 Pokémon battle. The Challenger is allowed to switch out his Pokémon, If the Challenger's Pokémon are unable to battle, The Gym leader wins and if the gym leader and the challenger get a draw, The challenger wins," The Referee said, "Alright, Send out your Pokémon!"

We sent out our Pokémon, Wartortle vs Bulbasaur. This rookie was going to get creamed.


I had finished about 12 challengers that came to the Gym today and even helped Daisy in training, Now I was in my room on my bed with a tired expression on my face, I had forgotten to exchange numbers with Bill to see how Eevee is doing.

In the games, An Eevee has to have Max happiness and evolve at night to become an Umbreon but in the real world, It ain't that easy, That Eevee needs to be properly versed in how to perform Dark-type moves and even take some supplements to get used to Dark-type energy before any of those things would work/or before Evolution would happen.

I had Ran sweep my room and even arrange my Pokéballs into the drawer on the right for safe-keeping, Yeah I was very lazy but alas she couldn't say anything about it because she didn't want to anger her Master and Also yes, I had got Ran to call me Master. It wasn't really that hard considering her personality.

"So Master, did you have a long day?" Ran asked.

"Why are you asking me that question? Do you want something?" I asked while looking up from my phone.

"I want to go on my first Team Rocket mission," She said.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yes, I am serious, Master," She said.

"Well, Well. I'll just enroll you with the other Team Rocket grunts of Cerulean City and see how you fare, although when I leave the city, You are going to follow me," I said while getting up from my bed.

Of course, I knew about the hidden base in Cerulean City, Strangely Giovanni had hotels in many cities as well as many towns. Ran chuckled in delight before hugging me.

After she realized what she did, Her face became red.

Who can blame the girl? When you've got Charm like mine, You're Irresistible.

Sorry for not updating yesterday, My network was acting up.

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