
Pokemon: The Darkest Timeline

Volume 3 unleashes a relentless Jordan, fueled by unwavering determination, on a mission to crush Giovanni and supercharge his team. Will this surge of power be enough to thwart Giovanni, the indomitable Team Rocket leader? As the ominous Quartz Conference looms, can Jordan conquer both adversaries? Brace yourself for the high-stakes battles in Pokemon: The Darkest Timeline, Volume 3 – where every page pulses with electrifying action!

Kris_Tylers_1273 · アニメ·コミックス
114 Chs


"Oh, I didn't know we would have two new gym trainers, This is refreshing in a way!" Violet said with a smile, "What are the names of the two of you?"

"I'm Jordan and this is Ran," I said with a charming smile.

"Welcome to the Cerulean City gym, The attendant will show you to your rooms, We are going out soon so all gym trainers will have to battle against each other to decide who the temporary gym leader is," Lily explained, "This battle will be held in a week,"

I nodded and the attendant took us to our rooms. Ran and I had separate rooms so I didn't need to worry a lot but I had to train this girl, She was my fucking sidekick and her Pokémon was weak, Not to mention that she was well a dummy sometimes.

After I settled into my room, I pulled out my phone and texted Jenny.

[Are you going to come?]

[It's not our agreed time yet but I will soon be there, I just have to settle some matters at the office first]

[See ya!]

I went to Ran's room and dragged her outside, The Cerulean sisters showed us to a training field and we thanked them. Two minutes later, Ninetales was battling Pikachu. Pikachu had the advantage of Speed and superior strength so it was able to knock out Ninetales but Ran used a revive and the battle continued.

"Ninetales! Flamethrower!"

"Pikachu! Double team then Iron tail!"

The hot Flamethrower blasted Pikachu but it passed through, signifying that it was an illusion, A dozen Pikachus suddenly surrounded Ralts and the real one hit it with an Iron tail.

"Alright, Pikachu! Wrap this up with Shockwave!" I ordered. Pikachu used Shockwave and the battle ended.

"I want you to practice your moves more and more, Ran. I will be going out and you will be fighting against this Pokémon," I said while sending out Geodude.

"Geodude, try to go easy on her," I said with a smile and we fist-bumped.

I left Ran alone with Geodude.

"Humph...So he thinks a common geodude will be able to beat me!!! I'll show him!" Ran shouted and ordered Ninetales to use Flamethrower. Geodude chuckled before using Rollout to evade and then began using Stone Edge.

I was heading to the train station with Pikachu.

"Hey, Buddy. I wanted to ask you this question?" I asked.

"What do you want to ask?" Pikachu asked in Pokémon language.

"Do you want to evolve?" I asked.

Pikachu looked at me with a smile before nodding. I dipped my hand into my pocket and brought out 5 thunderstones.

"You'll become a very powerful Raichu," I said while throwing a Thunderstone to it. Pikachu caught it and it began glowing in a golden and orange color. Suddenly, My hands slipped and the other stones fell on Pikachu, The golden and orange color suddenly became red and chaotic as a daring wind sweeped me away.

"Pika...Rai! Rai!" Raichu shouted as the light diminished and Pikachu got replaced with another Pokémon, It was a Raichu.

It was different from a normal Raichu, Let's start with some notable things, It was huge for a Raichu. It was about 5 feet tall and its tail was more longer but that was not the abnormal thing about this evolution, It was its color, Raichu had a shade of dark red and light orange.

"You're finally bigger and stronger," I said while returning Raichu into its Pokéball. I made it to the train station just as the train stopped, Many passengers got out but the most notable was Jenny who was dressed in a blue shirt and tight black pants.

She jumped to me before kissing me.

"We can finally go on a date," I said.

I wasn't an idiot who would go on a date without making reservations, I made reservations for two at the Burg restaurant and we had our date there, It was really special.


"Why can't I hit a Fucking Geodude? Ninetales! Flare Blitz!" Ran ordered, Ninetales rushed towards Geodude while being shrouded in flames.

"Geo..." It muttered before it released a bright blue light.

"Do you have to go?" I asked, it was evening now and Jenny was standing in front of the train.

"I have to but next time, Maybe you'll drop by Viridian City and we'll spend some quality time," Jenny said with a wink before kissing me on the lips.

"I'll see you later," I said as she entered the train. The train doors closed and it sped off. I turned around and walked to the gym, I went to the training area and saw Ran sleeping on the ground while Ninetales was battling with Geodude, I mean a Graveler.

"Geodude, so you evolved," I said and Graveler nodded. Two evolutions in one day, Are strange things happening to me all the time? I returned Graveler into its Pokéball and looked at Ran, She probably wanted to prove that she doesn't slack off and then fell asleep while training.

He took Ninetales's Pokéball from her waistband and returned it to its Pokéball before clipping it back then he carried her to her room, Bridal style.

I dropped her on her bed and looked at her vulnerable self.

"No, She's too..." I said while face-palming myself and leaving the room. I got to my room and opened my phone before pulling open Lisa's contact list.

[Hey, Are you awake?]

[I am training my Pokémon right now]

[What are your Pokémon anyway?]

She suddenly sent me an image of a Machamp and Alakazam.

[Wow, Those are some strong Pokémon]

The muscles on Machamp were visible and sturdy, as if they were stone.

[Heh, Let me send you mine]

I sent her an image of Raichu and then a separate image of Wartortle lying down on the bed next to me.

[Your Raichu looks adorable and you've even caught one of the Kantonian Royal trio]

[Huh? Kantonian Royal trio?]

[Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle. Don't you know them?]

[I do,]

[Whatever, I bet I could beat you in a battle easily]

[Back to your Haughty old self and here I thought you were a little bit meek]

[I guess I disappointed you a lot]

[Meh...I already knew you were like that]

Combining more stones can create a genetic change in the Evolution of a Pokémon. I just thought of this idea, Hope you like the Chapter!

Kris_Tylers_1273creators' thoughts