
Pokemon: The Darkest Timeline

Volume 3 unleashes a relentless Jordan, fueled by unwavering determination, on a mission to crush Giovanni and supercharge his team. Will this surge of power be enough to thwart Giovanni, the indomitable Team Rocket leader? As the ominous Quartz Conference looms, can Jordan conquer both adversaries? Brace yourself for the high-stakes battles in Pokemon: The Darkest Timeline, Volume 3 – where every page pulses with electrifying action!

Kris_Tylers_1273 · アニメ·コミックス
114 Chs


"Butterfree, Stun Spore!" I ordered and Butterfree paralyzed the group. Haunter fired a Shadow ball.

"Counter with Psybeam!" I ordered. The two attacks collided and created smoke in the area, Butterfree quickly finished up the group with another Psybeam and I caught them. I put them into a separate section of my bag for Pokémon that I wanted to sell at the black market. We quickly advanced deeper into the cavern.

After battling three groups of Gastly which had a Haunter as their leader, My Pokéballs were completely exhausted. I didn't even have any to spare but at least the Pokémon I caught have good potential. I set camp inside the cave once it was sundown and I slept off with Butterfree and Graveler acting as my guards.

I chose those two Pokémon because Butterfree could see and hear vibrations over long distances while Graveler could hear if anyone was coming by feeling vibrations on the ground and in the air. I slept soundly and when I woke up the next day to the sound of Zubats screeching. I lazily packed up my tent and headed deeper into the mines.

Zubats were flying around crazily as they were being attacked by several Gastly who knew Shadow ball, It seemed a bloodbath was about to begin. The Zubats were killed in the next instant and the Ghosts faded into thin air. The problem with Ghosts was beginning to get major, Stone mines was originally supposed to be a safe mining zone but recently the arrival of ghosts folded up all mining activities.


"An Elite Gengar in this cave?" Erika said.

"Erika, Please save us!" Meowth shouted, They were trapped in Shadow balls which were hovering up near the ceiling.

"You cannot save them!" Gengar spoke with a voice filled with Malice.

Erika felt tension as she sent out her Pokémon, Victreebel and Vileplume. She was in her Team Rocket Admin uniform which showed how hot she was, James almost drooled at her beauty.

"This ends now," Erika said as she gave her orders.

"Victreebel, Frenzy Plant!"

"Vileplume, Toxic!"

The two attacks hit their mark and Gengar lit up with a purplish color only to return to its normal color, Before their very eyes, Gengar took out Vileplume with a Venoshock. Victreebel's Frenzy plant hardly stopped it from moving.

"Even though my Pokémon are at the low-elite level (LV.40), I can't still deal any damage to it," Erika said while returning Vileplume to its Pokéball.

"Humans are stupid creatures, Can you not feel my power?" Gengar asked.

"Victreebel, Solarbeam!" Erika ordered and Victreebel began charging up a Solarbeam while simultaneously using Sunny day, In the next moment, A green wave of energy was released at Gengar who countered it with an ice punch. Thick smoke was produced after the collision but when Erika turned to Victreebel, It was encased in ice.

She returned Victreebel.

"I...I lost," She said then she was encased in a shadow ball.

"Sucking Life energy from the 4 of you will be fun," Gengar said returning to the throne in the center of the room, "Interesting, It seems a new person has come,"

"Who are you talking about?" Jessie asked.

"I believe its the one you call Jordan, I saw him in one of your memories," Gengar said with a bored expression.

The three widened their eyes, They knew that the level of Pokémon that Jordan had wasn't enough to beat Gengar.


I was walking down the road with Haunter at my heels.

"Are you sure that we can find Valuable items on this path?" I asked.

"I know these routes well," Haunter said and we suddenly encountered another group of Gastly.

"Do what you did with the last group," I said and Haunter jumped to the group of Gastly while using Shadow punch, As soon as it defeated the Gastly group, It consumed them. With that, Haunter has managed to improve his Level to LV. 34 and even learn some good moves.



o Pokémon Name: Haunter

o Pokémon Nickname: None

o H.P: E

o Attack: D

o Defense: D

o Sp. Atk: A

o Sp. Def: B

o Speed: A

o Move List: Night Shade, Hypnosis, Curse, Spite, Grudge, Imprison, Dream Eater, Nightmare, Shadow Ball, Shadow Punch, Hypnopunch (Created move), Ice Punch, Shadow sneak.

o Level: LV. 34


I had to admit that Assimiliating Ghosts was a pretty easy way to level up Ghosts, I could only imagine what would happen when I got to Lavender tower. As we continued down the path, I saw some Fire-stones and used my hand-held scanner on them, Top quality stones. I yelped for joy and kept all 5 of them in my bag. Just in case I caught a Vulpix, I would get a Ninetales.

We continued down the dirt road and finally made it to an opening which we passed through, I saw a pile of Pokéballs and couldn't help but feel excited, They amounted to 50 and I quickly took them. I can start catching Pokémon again. We went deeper into this cavern and I saw a scene I could only remember from starter squad back in my old world.


"The lizard is here!" A Caterpie screamed as a Charmander who you could visibly see was battered up descended from the ceiling with a Sandshrew next to him. He sprayed fire everywhere.

"Give me Squirtle!" He shouted as he beheaded a Caterpie, He was sprayed with blood but he didn't care, He just wanted Squirtle back. A Caterpie wearing a white headband sent out a Nidorina and Nidorina used Mega Kick on the already damaged Charmander.

Surprisingly, It's tail began to blaze with fire as he spewed a Flamethrower at Nidorina who couldn't evade the attack and got sent flying backwards. He unleashed a fireball at the already damaged Nidorina and caused another explosion, Estimatedly, Nidorina only had 2 HP left. He shifted his anger to the Caterpie and showcased a massive Fireball but someone interrupted it with a Water gun.

"Squirtle," Charmander said but was blasted by Water gun continuously until he lost consciousness. Before he lost consciousness, He knew that he would never trust anyone again.

"Mwahahaha!!!" I laughed causing everyone in the cave to look at me with a scared expression, "Let's catch them all,"

Haunter submerged into the ground before their shocked eyes, It all begins now!

I just thought I'd give Starter Squad (which was one of my favorite shows on Youtube) a good ending and also give MC a Charmander!

Kris_Tylers_1273creators' thoughts