
Chapter 66

To make sure his pokemons grew up with no wasted potential, Jax had Metagross and Deino hunt only very specific pokemons so that they could gain perfect EVs like Vioarr and get a stat upgrade across the board! Going from one hunting area to the next, the quartets hunted down Oddishes and Glooms for Teritus while Nemsus mostly stuck to killing Caterpies. Since both pokemon needed SPD EVs equally, they just took turn killing Pidgeys. As such, Jax collected a multitude of those four pokemon with good potential and just threw them into his sub-space to breed.

Now that the Incubator function was finally unlocked after the Fearows gave birth to eggs, Jax could finally start his new operation, Operation 631! To make sure that the parents could pass down their best IVs, Jax scoured all the stores downtown and auction houses but couldn't find the items he was looking for. After a long time searching with no luck, Jax finally cashed in on that favor that he received so long ago from a certain blue-haired steel-type trainer! Steven was easily able to provide him Everstones but he had no luck finding the elusive Destiny Knot!

Destiny Knot was the most important item and without it, Operation 631 might as well not exist! By having the parent of whose IVs you want passed down hold the item, the egg was guaranteed to inherit five IVs from either parent! That was five out of the six basic stats! If even a big corporation like Devon couldn't find it, Jax had no idea when he would even be able to catch a glimpse of it! For a while, he was down in the dumps since the most important item for his operation was nowhere to be found.

Running up to the boy who had a pouting face, a platinum-blonde girl wrapped her arms around his and beamed him a bright smile. "Did you just get done with your training today?"

"Mhm. I just got back from Yulti Mountains. I got chased all the way to Ryul by a huge Skarmory. Who knew it would get so mad after I plucked some of its feathers?"

"Hehe, obviously it would be mad! I know their feathers are great for making knives and swords, but I'd be mad too if someone always came to pluck my hair!"

"I'll beat down anyone who tries!"

"Mhm! I know you will. Anyways, Evelyn told me about how the Empire is having its 100th anniversary this Friday. I was wondering if a certain boy would like to come with me?"

"Oh? Are you asking me out on a date?"

"Hmph! This is supposed to be the boy's job but he's too busy running through the woods! If I wait until he takes action, I'd have become old and wrinkly by then!"

"Haha. Okay, my old and wrinkly princess, I'll come pick you up in the morning on Friday so get ready by then." Agreeing to her invitation, Jax spent the rest of the week hunting down pokemons and by the time the date was upon him, his two latest pokemon had completed their perfect EVs! Making his way through the residential area, Jax came to pick up his princess for their date in the Empire today.

After their six-hour flight, Jax, Ally and their six pokemons finally made it to Borden Empire! As it was such a monumental celebration, the line for the drop off/check in landing zone was completely packed! Squeezing through the crowd, Jax led Ally by the hand through tightly packed group of people who were all trying to get through.

Blushing, Ally allowed Jax to keep holding her hand while she looked around to see if she could spot her friend. Before coming, Evelyn told her that she would be in the Empire first for family business and that she would come pick up the duo when they arrived. Because she was still only a 7 years old child, Ally couldn't see past the tall adults so she could only wait until they were out in the open before trying to spot her friend.

"People! No need to push! Please exit the drop off point in an orderly fashion! Before reaching the gates, the soldiers on either side of the exit will have to check your bags first!" A soldier in metal armor could be seen shouting orders from atop a podium. From the emblems that decorated the side of his armor, he must have been pretty high up the ranks. Not wanting to get in trouble, the masses hurriedly formed lines that orderly exited the drop off point and had their bags checked before allowed entry beyond the Empire's gates.

"Ally! Over here!" A pink-haired girl was waving towards the two children while being surrounded by her usual security detail. Finally spotting her friend, Ally rushed off, this time dragging the boy with her by his hand.

"Evieee! I finally found youuu!" Letting go of the boy's hand, Ally rushed up and hugged her friend who she hadn't seen in days. As the two girls caught up with each other, Jax looked around at the bustling atmosphere. He could see stalls that had been set up that weren't there the last time he visited, merchants that had traveled across many regions pulling their wagons through the gates, soldiers walking through the streets to ensure the Empire's and the guests' safety, and even famous trainers checking out the stores selling their most exclusive products they had brought out just for today.

'Mhm. I have a good feeling about today. Who knows, maybe I'll even get to see a legendary pokemon. Nah, who am I kidding. I'm not some protagonist like Ash that just meets them on the daily.' Lost in his thoughts, Jax was pulled along by the girl who had rejoined him with her friend, making their way through the gates. Having one of the Empire's VIP by their side made it much easier and simpler to pass through the gates.

"Jax! What should we do first!? Evie says there's a small tournament being held! The prize is 100,000 Pokedollars and a Gold grade pokemon! There's also so many stalls and merchants! Maybe they'll sell whatever it was that you were looking for! Ouuu! What about…We can also check out…Look! What a cool pokemon!"

Listening to the excited girl, Jax gave a light chuckle before pulling her back into his arms. "Haha! Ally, relax. The event is happening all weekend long. We can do all of those things one at a time. But first, let's grab some food. I'm starving after that long journey and I'm sure your pokemons are too." Saying so, the three children were escorted to a fancy restaurant that was reserved ahead of time followed by the entourage of security detail.
