(SPOILERS!! HEAVILY WARNINGS!!!) main enemies data

name:Mr.D(not real name)


job:Team Dominion leader


wearing purple tuxedo suit, and even covering his whole skin with black fabric, like his hand or so..hes wearing spherical full head mask on his head(similar to mysterio marvel but more smaller/fitted), the mask covering his whole head that making others cant see his real head/face, his voice sounds similar like darth vader w/o (breathing sound), and always talking in gentleman/charismatic tone. his body is tall and well developed...


not revealed yet

current legendary(?) pokemon:




Team Dominion(Team D):

Mr.D having the ambition to collect Legendary Pokemon DNA so he can become a being above the Legendaries, and controlling the world to his whims. (he doesnt even know Arceus existence)

Ditto is a basic pokemon for every Team Dominion member

Team Dominion members uniform is consist of purple suits for the male and female, but less extravagant than the Mr.D ofc, the uniforms for the captain rank and grunt rank is no different

ah btw i need some ideas/suggests for Team Dominion Captain appearances(or stick to appearanceless and nameless, using from other anime is fine too, this is fanfic afterall, and I OWN NOTHING!). and their Pokemon(this is a must they still bring one Ditto on their team)


Mr.D is the main enemy for the MC, in fact arceus want to deal with this Mr.D, but bcoz of theres singularity(mc), so arceus let him(Mr.D) do what he want, and just make the mc deal this Mr.D for arceus own amusement....

i create this chapter because actually Team Dominion already on the move in the backstage, and my hand itching to write/type this lol

ill updated this page later, when Mr.D officialy makes an appearances later in this story..

btw can u guys guess what legendaries pokemon he have? (actually the legendaries he have is only in appearance and not really actual legendaries well ill tell it later when his legendaries making an appearances)
