
Pokemon: Secrets of the Fold (AU, Isekai)

When a strange, young girl is chased by an evil organization, she somehow finds her way to Earth as we know it. Upon meeting her, a seventeen year old girl and her friends who are pokemon fanatics, find themselves going on the adventure of a life time!

Maizeblu · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

A Respectable Scientist and a New World

Professor Evans Wonderbloom was a respectable scientist. One of the most respected in fact, all because of his research with pokemon DNA. And as a respected scientist, he believed that it was his pokemon's duty to also act respectable and not… demonic.

Evans stood facing the chaos. He was sure his jaw had dropped at the unsightly scene. A houndoom whom he liked to call Sir Coblin, had his jaws clamped around a light piece of fabric. It was the white beret he always wore and tugging on it from across Sir Coblin, was the houndour he called Coblin Jr. In between them all, was a coffee table with papers scattered everywhere. A result of their scuffle.

"Give it back!" Evans shouted.

Sir Coblin gave him a side look, before continuing to tug on the weirdly shaped hat.

"Fine," he said. "Then I guess we'll have to do this the hard way." he rolled up his sleeves and climbed over the short table. Evans grabbed the beret with both hands and pulled. 

"Houn houdour! Dour!" Coblin Jr. barked.

Sir Coblin continued to tug as Evans pulled. Three loud knocks sounded at the door. Sir Coblin let go and Evans felt himself flying into the table behind them. The scattered papers became even more scattered.

Three more knocks, louder than before.

"C-coming!" Evans hollered as he slapped the half chewed beret onto his head. He scrambled to his feet and navigated through his disordered laboratory, to the door. Evans gripped the handle and pulled it open.

Standing on the other side of it was a man who was wearing a black, military style uniform. "You are Professor Evans Wonderbloom?" he asked.

"I am."

The man sighed. "Then here," he said as he handed over an envelope.

Evans opened it and pulled out a picture. It was of a small girl with ears that appeared to be the ears of an eevee and in her arms was an eevee. He looked back up at the soldier looking fellow. "What is this?"

"A few days ago, that girl and an eevee escaped from our laboratory. This is just so you know what they look like. If they come here, please make sure to inform The Order immediately."

"Inform… ? I uhh… she isn't being used for experiments, is she?" 

"Just let us know if you see her," the man said. He turned around and walked back down the path he had come. At the end, he released a Pigeot who then carried him away on its back.

Evans glanced down to look at the photo one last time. "A girl huh?" he asked himself. "I wonder why they want her so badly." he closed the door and walked back to where Sir Coblin and Coblin Jr. were now wrestling and sat down on an old couch. He knew that his question earlier, must be true. The girl after all, did have the ears of the eevee she held in her arms.

He had always loved his research on pokemon DNA. To figure out how they evolved and changed their form almost completely from the creature they had evolved from. That was his life's goal and the reason he had both a houndour and a houndoom. Having different evolutions of the same pokemon, helped with his research. But to have that same research applied to humans as well. Not to mention the fact that she was just a child. Evans didn't know if he could even stomach the idea. He sighed and lay down on the couch, closed his eyes and allowed his mind to drift to much happier research.


A warm breeze brushed up against her skin and caused the grass and the trees to sway. Ashe squinted her eyes open to the bright sun in the sky. Despite her aches and pains, she managed to push herself into a sitting position. She looked around and all she could see, was forest.

"Where am I?" she asked as she stood. "Wait!" Ashe glanced around with frantic abandon. Where had it gone? That eevee? Or maybe it had just been a dream? No. She shook those thoughts from her head. It wasn't a dream… if it had been, why would she have woken up in the wilderness?

"E… ev… eevee…"

Ashe looked down and there it was. The eevee stood by her feet, looking up at her expectantly. It didn't look good however and appeared as if it could collapse at any time. "Come with me," Ashe said as she bent down and took the eevee into her arms. "I'll find a pokemon center or… a professor's laboratory, so that you can rest and recover." 

Saying those words was a surreal experience. A professor's lab? That would mean that she was in the pokemon world, wouldn't it. Ashe squeezed the little eevee tight to her body and began to walk through the brush. If she went in a straight line, eventually she would find civilization. 


"Let me go!"

The girl's screech caused him to wince. The grip he had on her arm, tightened. Who knew children could scream so loudly. Tobias rolled his eyes and sighed. "Listen you!" he said. "I saved your life!" he brought her home and wrapped up her injuries and this was how she was willing to repay him?

"Saved?" the girl asked incredulously. "Y-you brought me back to the world where those people-"

He lifted her up with the arm he was holding and looked her in the eyes. "World?"

The girl nodded.

Hadn't she been unconscious the entire time? How did this girl know she had gon to a new world. "You know about the…"

"Rift," she said. "Mew and Celebi probably opened it so that I could 'get away!' And now y-you… you bring me back?"

"Look… I helped you," he continued.

"Get back to where my captors are… you mean?"

Tobias shook his head. He didn't have time for this childish nonsense. "I won't let them capture you again," he said.

"You and what pokemon?" she asked. 


The girl nodded. "If you want to actually protect me," she said. "You are going to need your own team of pokemon. But… because you are not from this world…"

She did have a point. They were in the pokemon world now. So in order to achieve anything, he was going to need his own partner. Tobias released the girl's arm and watched as she rubbed the spot he had been holding. "How do I get one?"

The girl paused for a moment, then she looked at him and smiled. "My name is Mei," she said. "I'll take you to a pokemon professor so that you may receive your first!"