

Hi how's it going, did you know I died? What's with that look in your face? Too straightforward? Nothing wrong with getting straight to the point right? But doesn't matter, not anymore anyway. Names Rimon, last name fuck off you're not getting it, I hate that damn thing anyway.

Why do I hate my own last name? Well parents being no good pieces of shit help with that. I wasn't born in two chaotic place( well the least chaotic place in California). Saying we were dirt poor is an understatement. it was a miracle that we haven't got evicted yet. I guess l shouldn't be surprised they kick me out of the house entirely when I only 10 cuz I was "hogging the air" in their words, I guess they were in a rush to get me out of there. so where did I stay then? in the rotting Shack in the back, that I'm positive has been there for decades. Seriously now that think about it, it's even MORE of a miracle that the shack didn't collapse on top of me. Look at them the wrong way for a second? A fist to the face. Did something wrong with a slightest of errors? You don't even deserve the shack tonight. Yeah it was safe to say that living with my parents was hell. A hell that I had to endure for 5 years.

but I'm not the type of guy to go down without a fight. And that's exactly what I did. We were in a rather gang filled town. So I left my parents in the shit hole they lived in, and join the first gang I could. They're playing gangs in town but only pretty ones that they didn't know what they're doing. In the beginning I Was the Same, had no idea what I was doing, just wanted a place to eat and sleep. But I decided I want to improve my life. I remembered everything that happened with my parents and what they did to me and decided, I'll never be like that again. So I didn't just want to improve my life, I want to be at the Pinnacle of it.

So I got to work, I did everything the gang told me to do. I made sure to do everything they said with flying colors, I guess that's one thing I can think my shit parents for. wreck some cars, send some "messages" to the other gangs,I made sure not to fail a single mission. It also helped when I took some self-defense classes when I had the time. So when it's was time me and some others men to get in close unless they had a gun the fight was already over. it helped even more that my asshole parents beat most emotions out of me, so when it came to taking people out, even my first kill didn't get much out of me.

Of course when I start doing too well the other gang decided they wanted to knock me off the chess board. But unfortunately when there drive by failed and they got out the car to follow "me" down that alley. They didn't see the 20 guys with guns waiting for them to come out. yeah by the time they decide to take care of me I already have more than high enough position to the gang to call some shots, and call shots I did.

Over my many years of experience in the gang, I learned to work smarter instead of harder like the other gangs. using the gang's influence I got a hand of a junkyard and used that to make a business fully under our control. I took men that didn't have jobs that fit the criteria and funded them what they needed to turn scrap into good working vehicles and devices. it took a while but eventually the business skyrocketed thanks to a lucky break in our crew. so it took the business from a junkyard to a car company and a device repair and maker at once, saying the money rolled in with an understatement. So when the other gangs are struggling to get their next paycheck, we were constantly getting funded without getting money from the people.

And this I also took to our advantage. if the pigs found out that our gang was running the show it will get shut down. not to mention we also use the company to hide our drug business that was also doing extremely well. so I used are influence and all the money we had to help the people when reality we were just helping ourselves. we gave jobs in our do people who needed them, donated to the sick and homeless, while secretly getting more members at the same time. And if the pigs found anything suspicious, just plant a few corrupt cops, slip in a few hundred dollars in their pocket, and by the end of the day everyone's pretending like nothing ever happened.

At this point we were a "gang" anymore, at this point we were a full-blown Mafia. The other gangs? Those guys were gone a long time ago. but a time we were starting to get money from the business, we had more than enough men and Power to just give them a question:

leave and never come back

or the cops might be at your door in a few hours.

we weren't worried about them trying to rat us out. I mean think about it. who believe a bunch of gangsters that another gang that at this point disappeared months ago that the apparent leader of was running a quickly raising company that is known for helping people in need that the cops has checked out and gave a green light multiple times already? yeah I think we both have the answer to that.

but I know what you're thinking "are you stupid? you just let people that know that your gang was running a company go Scott free?" and you probably be right it was a stupid move. But I'll answer that question with another one. What makes you think that we weren't planning for them to do that in the first place?

Now what do I mean by that. Well the other gangs are probably planning to get more support then try to expose us and get rid of us at the same time. But what if I told you that an Detective just happened to be spying on them at that time- who totally wasn't under our paycheck by the way- found a bunch of gangs from multiple cities planning to cause chaos that Rimon, everyone's favorite entrepreneur just so happened to looking over his reports over suspicious activity near the business and finding these people suspicious and had decided give to the cops a tip?

Which would not only get rid of the gangs in the city previously but get rid of most gangs in a completely in two nearby cities. Did I also mention that we want to expand to those cities? We have no problems expanding sense we had the previous one completely under our control. Even the mayor was a puppet at this point. Like most politicians he's a greedy bastard, as long as we throw him the right amount of money he'll agree to anything we say. It also helps that I'm pretty much a messiah to the people at this point and that's not just my city anymore. With my donations to charities and fixing and saving people's lives we're able to influence all of California.

And like this I was slowly and surely building an empire, One only the likes of the Top Mafias can keep up with. When I hit 75 I was without a doubt the richest person in the United States, one of the richest people in the world. In the underworld I was a figurehead that only the top mafias were even dare go against, in the daylight I was a messiah that change and saved lives of Millions everyone looked up to. And only the most influential people in the entire world even new a hint about it. I found it kind of funny, a person that ends the lives of thousands of people to achieve his goals ended up saving hundreds of million in return. Hilarious right? But all in all I'm proud of myself, I went from a dirt poor 15 year old kid to this, a man with too much money to even think about what to do with it.

But like I said before, all this doesn't matter. Not anymore anyway, but all this brings question. How did I die? Well there was one part I didn't tell you. I had a Hobby, I pretty much do in every second my free time nowadays.

I was a huge anime nerd.

Other than work on my Empire, all I did was watch anime and Read Manga. You might be thinking what does this have anything to do with my death? well it's less of a how and more like a why I wanted to. ever since I hit the Pinnacle of life after a many years in the gang, No matter how many cars I bought, No matter how many woman were at my side, No matter how many mansions I had, no matter how many people were begging at my feet for mercy, no matter how many people look up to me, I always felt there was something... missing. And then I found anime it's because I knew that I always needed tons of guards military trained- you be surprised what you can get when you have enough money and ask the right people- around me at all times with bulletproof windows that can take a high caliber sniper shot, and that's assuming they don't get scene by my snipers first. why? simple all it takes is for one person, to be dedicated enough to kill me, even at the cost of their own life, and that be that.

don't get it wrong there's plenty of people out there that want nothing more see my head on a stick. but there's one thing holding them back. No it's not the fact that I have hundreds of guards around me. Not the fact that I have half the entire state under my complete control- the Top Mafias are formidable Forces- but it's because they want to live. they know even if they manage to kill me, they probably die. so they hold back until they have the chance to kill me and they survive in the end. because I'm human all it takes is just one. one. good. shot. and it's over. there's nothing I can do. people in anime have powers, the ability to call shots because they can get rid of anyone they wish, some the ability to be able to destroy planets with a swipe of there hand. So things like bullets would mean nothing to them.

And me? To them a lot of people just listen to me. If even one of those people from, Naruto, Hunter x Hunter, Pokemon, Digimon, or God forbid Dragon Ball decide to come to my life. There be nothing I can do. That's what I realized that with the hole in me that anime and manga filled. An actual power to call my own( well Less in Pokemon's and Digimon's case) and even now with all the "power" and Prestige I have now. that black hole in my heart never left. and that's why I decided to do my last plan I will ever make. what plan you might ask? well I'm pretty sure I planned what no one else has planned before.

I planned my own death.

It's not like my death wouldn't benefit from anything. In fact it would be quite the contrary. And at the fact that I'm dead I'm sure you can guess the plan worked perfectly. I knew in order to make my plan work, I need to time it perfectly. So I posted a "traitor" in my network that the Top Mafias managed to get a hold of. With the help of that traitor we they managed to get a Time and place that I was least guarded. I will be in a mansion deep in the woods with a beautiful Lakeside. Of all my hundreds of mansions this one was definitely my favorite. in fact I remembered all that happened from detail to detail.


I was looking at the window with the mansion where the Lakeside was I was now 80,. It was a truly beautiful view. There was a reason this was my favorite after all. It was peaceful and normally there will be animals and deers outside. But with all the gunshots and explosions outside, I'm not surprised that they're gone. And it was loud out there too, just how many people did they send? Probably a lot, justly so since I had my Elite guard outside. The fighting went on for a while so in the meantime I made me one my favorite dishes, a ribeye steak. it was marinating from yesterday, so I cooked it for about 30 minutes so we get nice and tender. and just when I was about to dig in. The door to my dining room got kick down down and men rush into the room five of which I recognize. There was about 20 men in total, all but the five I mentioned earlier were ragged and breathing heavily and pointing armed rifles at me. They look like they went through hell, but whom I kidding they probably did. even though there were only 15 of them they were called the elite guards for a reason. Even among highly trained professionals they were the best of the best. If anyone told me there was a John Wick in real life it will be them.

The moment the five men laid eyes on me, they each one had different emotions" Finally, you don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment Rimon." a middle aged men said looking at me in contempt. He had comb back black hair about 5 ft 7 with a motique right on his chin. This was Rodrigo the leader of golden tiger Mafia. They were without a doubt the best trafficking business, they did drugs and guns, well until I came along. it was no surprise that he hated me. after all I took what he did best and did it better right under his nose. "Yes I am well aware Rodrigo, you wouldn't be here otherwise." I said to him with a little smile on my face. not just him but also his father tried to bring me down as well. but over the many years I knew Rodrigo and his father I always stay two steps ahead.

"Of course we would be, after all I want to miss you come to such an ironic end." another man almost as old as me said with a shit eating grin. This was Michelangelo leader of black skull Mafia. They had connections and control over most of the United States before I came along. "Oh thank you good sir I didn't think you had such high respect of me." I said back. Michelangelo was always arrogant it's the reason why I've been able to outsmart him so many times. "Can we just wrap this up already?" a man and his late 50s said emotionlessly. it was Vice vonvest. he control over many business businesses in secret so he knew if I died a position of power would be open. Which he planned to use to start a company Civil War that he plan to use destroy the company from the inside out. "I want to be one to kill him, I HAVE to to be the one to kill him." A man said with pure contempt in rage on his face while aiming a golden pistol right at me. oh I remember him the most of all of the leaders. you remember when I said that all it takes is for one person to want to kill you no matter the cost to be able to do nothing about it? Well he's the closest you can get. "I'm honestly not surprised you want me to kill me so bad Frederick Goldstein" I said with an amuse smirk on my face. But this only seem to enrage him even more. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL ME BY MY LAST NAME RIMON." he yelled in pure rage.

He hated me for a good reason, Frederick was a guy I toyed with him since the time we were starting to upgrade to a mafia. He wanted to get rid of us quickly, but no matter how hard he tried, no matter how many sent after me, no matter how much resource he used to put me down. He always failed to do so, don't get it wrong he did succeed sometimes. But he only puts us back or prevented the inevitable. That's why over the years, he has a deep hatred for me. And call me cruel but I fucking loved it. it has gone to the point where he use most of his resources in men just to have the satisfaction of ending my life. and it's this kind of thing that I love. so I kept provoking him making him hate me more and more. Now at this point his entire Mafia, the Goldstein Mafia had one goal and one goal only, killing me. And call me crazy cuz I really am at this point, I loved every fucking second of it. it's these kind of things that I love, fighting for my life, need to check around every corner, like the people in the animes I watch. Of course nowhere near the same extent as them but I loved it nonetheless.

"honestly" Michelangelo said "it seems like you were expecting all of this, your so calm about the situation." I merely gave a little smile and said "Well you're not wrong, I guess you can say that I've also been waiting for to day too." I say calmly. "Waiting For What?" Rodrigo said confused. "For us to kill you?" "Yes and no" I said no doubt confusing them. "just what are you planning?" Goldstein growled. After I eat some more of my steak I said "does it matter? none of us are leaving here alive anyways." they were all confused. "what do you mean by that?" Goldstein said cautiously. "Didn't you all wonder why my Elite guards left immediately after they got a signal?" All the men in the room pause that this, because they indeed thought that was confusing.

"it was because I never intended on Surviving at all." Everyone in the room were shocked to hear this. "Then what exactly is your goal here?" Michelangelo said. "A going away party of course!" I said with a little cheer in my tone. "going away party? you mean you plan this?" Vice said a little bit worried. he knew how dangerously good I was at planning. "Of course! I want to enjoy these last moments with you all. Well for the next 5 minutes anyway." Everyone but me didn't like where this was going. "What happens in 5 minutes?" Goldstein ask ready to pull the trigger on me any second. "well I might as well tell you since no one can stop it." I said with a small smile then taking a sip of wine. "I'll just say this, you all know how I like to end things with a boom." Everyone's eyes widened when they heard that, only idiot wouldn't know what I meant. "Y-You really are a Madman" Goldstein said with horror on his face. "Probably but that doesn't matter anymore, well we only have 4 minutes left starting now, So do whatever you like. But don't bother trying to escape the moment you walked in the house it immediately went on unlock down. So enjoy your last moments, I know I sure will." For a few seconds of Silence swept across the room. Then the silence quickly turned to chaos. All 20 of the men scramble across the entire house, looking for any way to escape. but the more they looked the more despair they felt. because the more they looked the more they realize there was none. When the timer came down the 30 seconds, they were all sitting in the room that we were all in earlier. Just sitting there dread covered all their faces. "30 seconds left." I said nonchalantly as if we weren't going to die at the end of it. "Fine then." Goldstein said resigned. "But I'm going to die, I'm at least going to put a bullet to your head." he said while aiming the pistol at me again. "Well it's not like it will matter." I said I while shrugging my shoulders. "I prefer to die by the explosion. But only makes you want to do it more doesn't it?" I said with a tiny smile. "I guess so, but there's only one question to ask left, any last words?" I gave him a grin and said.

"Remember, God doesn't have a last name."

-flashback end-

And that was that, couple seconds after he put the Bullet through my brain. The house exploded taking everyone inside. but them all dead the plan was to have my successor. use the whole of power to infiltrate their mafias to make it under our rule. great plan if I do say so myself. well it's the same thing Vice was playing but I just did a better. you can call me crazy for wanting to kill myself for reading anime and manga. But I've been at the Pinnacle of life for decades now. As chaotic and crazy as my life's been, I'm happy how I live my life. And I'm fine with it ending there. Well it should have at least. But it didn't.

In fact I think it's just getting started. But you already knew that didn't you?

Well let's get the party started shall we?


Yeah I know I kind of gave up on my other fanfic But I'm going to try to post more chapters this time. I won't blame you if you want nothing to do with this, but I'll at least. try talk to you later.