
Pokemon Revitalized

作者: LurkingLoony
Video Games
連載中 · 7.7K ビュー
  • 21 章
  • レビュー結果
  • NO.200+

What is Pokemon Revitalized

WebNovel で公開されている、LurkingLoony の作者が書いた Pokemon Revitalized の小説を読んでください。Whereas fate pursues you, destiny must be pursued instead. Whether by you... or somebody else thrusting it upon you. For the man who can run from both, what is the toll?This fanfiction is set in the p...


Whereas fate pursues you, destiny must be pursued instead. Whether by you... or somebody else thrusting it upon you. For the man who can run from both, what is the toll? This fanfiction is set in the pokemon universe with minor changes to the existing lore, though you may disagree and think they're major. You'll see those changes as the story goes on, and many characters from the original series will be making a return in large and small roles. Fighting alongside pokemon will slowly take a major role in this story, but standard battles and martial arts will be here as well. All together, that means you'll see a group of over a dozen pokemon trying to fight a realistically strong Giratina alongside a psychic and a swordsman. Also note this is based loosely on a fangame I love/hate, pokemon rejuvination. Keywords, loosely and hate.

8 タグ


Básicamente una historia simultanea de ¡¡¡BIENVENIDO A MI REINO DE HEROES!!!¡¡¡ YO SOY NARUTO DELKIRA!!! básicamente es la perspectiva desde el mundo demoniaco de naruto y como obtendrá el control del reino demoniaco para ver como ambas historias convergen. ahora si la sinopsis. Hijo del rey demonio y la criminar Arsenal(lilith Okumura).[y si es para hacer referencia a Arsenal del fanfic de honor en la familia y siendo justos no me gusto para nada ese fanfic, demasiado perderdicio de idea y tramas] ~quien diría que cuando invoque un demonio para un trato invocaría el rey demonio he he~ dijo una mujer moribunda con un traje desgarrado consiste en un abrigo negro, una bufanda de color gris y una pantalón azul marino una mujer hermosa con su piel pálida, cabello de color azul oscuro y ondulado, con grandes ojos color turquesa. Ella también tenía un par de lunares en la cara. con su traje destrozado y sangrando, no tenia mejor plan que invocar un demonio, poco conocido por el publico en general pero ey quería vivir y ahora delante de ella tenia al jodido rey demonio. Un demonio extremadamente alto, de piel clara, cabello morado hasta la cintura con una pequeña sección atada en un moño redondo y varios mechones que cubren la parte superior de su rostro. Tiene orejas puntiagudas, garras oscuras y cuernos blancos que se curvan hacia arriba. ese día mis padres se conocieron y no tarde mucho en nacer yo, Naruto Delkira, al menos ese es mi nombre en el mundo demoniaco pero en el mundo humano es Naruto okumura.

_G0J0_ · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

Rebirth of a Nation's Darling - Prince Charming

In her past life, Si Huang was controlled and manipulated by her family. She was hailed as the best leading actor of her generation, yet she met a tragic end. Unexpected circumstances granted her a rebirth. She could start all over again—with the bonus of a peculiar inheritance. ‘This is my chance!’ Si Huang thought, stroking her chin. ‘This time, I will have my revenge. An eye for an eye.’ * She reclaimed her throne in the entertainment industry, becoming the number one prince charming in the eyes of women by day, and she wielded a dark power—being a vicious mastermind behind the scenes by night. One word and the stock market was under her control. She was the mysterious angel of fortune among businessmen. One fist was enough to bring her enemies to their knees. She was a tiny conqueror among an army of men. Mm… And she was the object of a certain someone’s affection. However, one day, the world rose into an uproar—this prince charming was a woman! * Amidst the swarm of lascivious men, a certain man smirked. ‘I’ve been guarding my wife for a very long time. Who would dare steal her?’ “Sir, Mr. Li has invited Young Master Si to dinner.” “Shut down his family’s hotel.” “Sir, Young Master Si had a fight with the Wang Family's heir.” “Send a message to the surgeon. Ensure that he gives the patient the ‘special treatment'.” “Huh? But Young Master Si is alright.” “I was referring to the Wang Family’s son.” “...” * Many years later, their little bundle of joy pointed at the television screen, which was showcasing The Nation’s Most Desirable Men and Women. The little one stared at the man beside him, looking very confused. “What’s wrong, little one?” the man asked, radiant with fatherly gentleness. The little one pointed at the television hesitantly, going back and forth multiple times before finally asking, “Are you my daddy or mommy?” The man’s face darkened instantly. “I’m your father, of course!” “But they say that my daddy is the real prince charming, and prince charming married you!” The little one explained with a serious look on his face. The man was speechless.

Shui Qianche · 都市
435 Chs

Reborn with a system that calls for the Supernatural.

At 19, I died hit by a truck and well, as an avid fan of isekai the first thing I imagined was my rebirth in a new world. And to my delight, it did. However my rebirth did not take place in a world with magic or in an anime like I imagined, I simply revived in the same world I lived my entire life, Earth. I even thought it would be an Earth with magic or super power, however there is nothing different. At least my hope didn't die thanks to my "golden finger". "Welcome to the Mall. From now on you can offer supernatural energy for "Supernatural Points(SP)", which can be used to buy anything in our Mall. Good luck user." Such a system can be considered average, the only question that remains at this moment is... Where will I find the supernatural in the modern world ?. ================================================================ The universes in this fanfic for now, contain: Tomb Raider, Uncharted and Far Cry 3. Give me ideas for similar universes whether it's anime, game or movie, I only know novels, but I want to try to write something different. Similar universes (Or at least I think it is) Indiana Jones and Assassin Creed °~°. I don't know anything about history and very little about these games, it just made me want to write this, don't expect too much. The mall doesn't have anything very supernatural just "humanly possible" things, for now, I think...

Kotaku_Kotome · ゲーム
1 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定



Restrictedmature rating