
Pokemon Hunter

A man reincarnated in Pokemon world with infinite possibilities. Follow his journey. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokemon. I do not own the cover either.

Skye12_ · アニメ·コミックス
190 Chs

Fighting Combos

"Weavile, use Night Slash!"

"Poliwrath, Water Pulse!"

The moment the red flag fell, both trainers shouted their orders in unison.

Blaise was not a rookie trainer. He had plenty of experience. He knew Poliwrath Fighting-type could restrain the opponent's Dark-type. And Poliwrath's physical strength was much stronger than Weavile's. After all, physical attacking was one of Fighting-type Pokemon forte.

The only thing he needed to guard against was Weavile's unpredictable movement. Based on Hisoka's previous matches, Blaise knew that the opponent would attack quickly.

In terms of speed, Weavile was much faster than his Poliwrath. It was unfortunate that the arena was not a water-based field. Poliwrath is a great swimmer. If the match was held in a pool, it could simply rely on its fast swimming speed to overwhelm the opponent.

Following Hisoka's order, Weavile appeared beside the Poliwrath in the blink of an eye. Her right hand was raised high, and purplish-black energy formed a huge claw, ready to slash at her enemy.

Poliwrath stood unfazed by the opponent's attack. It clapped it hands twice just before Weavile's Night Slash was about to hit its body.

Then, a circle of water was sprayed out from around the body of Poliwrath, blocking the attack.

Weavile immediately felt a strong sense of repulsion from her hand. After that, she was forcibly pushed back by the continuous vibration of the Water Pulse.


She was half-kneeling on the ground, shaking her head to clear her dizziness.

Water Pulse is a defensive skill with moderate damage. It can use the high-speed vibration of water to repulse the opponent's attack. And it could also make the opponents confused.

Gentleman Blaise flashed with joy after seeing Weavile's unstable state. Perhaps he could win the final victory in this match.

His confidence soared when he thought of this. He then tapped his cane on the ground and shouted, "Nice job, Poliwrath! Follow it up with Hydro Pump!"

"Poli!" Poliwrath raised its clenched fists.

A second later, the purple glowing swirl on its stomach released a powerful stream of water at the opponent. It was several inches thick, carrying a huge destructive power.

Weavile was sitting duck after being hit by the stunning effect of Water Pulse. However, her usual hard training allowed her to quickly recover from her confused state.

"Double Team!" Hisoka ordered calmly.

For Pokemon with fast speed, Double Team is an excellent move for them to avoid opponents' attacks and Interfere with their sight. Most trainers with speedy-type Pokemon would include this type of move in their battle tactics.

The market price of Double Team Techincal Machine is quite low. So, many trainers bought them in the market to train their Pokemon. As for how to use it in a battle, it all depended on the Pokemon talent and their training.

The Hydro Pump came from the front, and when it was about to hit Weavile, her body blurred for a second before returning to normal. It looked quite similar to Kirlia when she used Teleport.

After that, the powerful water stream pierced through her figure. The only missing thing was the painful cry that Blaise had imagined in his mind before. The attack only managed to pass through Weavile without hurting her.

Then, her figure disappeared, leaving only a water stain on the ground left by the Hydro Pump. When Poliwrath came back to its senses, it found that it was surrounded by twelve identical Weavile.

The strength of Double Team depended on how many clones the Pokemon could create. The lowest level was to create two clones, and the image of the clones was not so realistic. It was easy for the opponent to find the true body among the clones.

The stronger Pokemon can create five clones, and the image was very similar to the original. It was hard for the opponent to distinguish the true body from the false clones.

On top of this were nine clones. The vivid images can even completely confuse some Pokemon with excellent dynamic vision.

Hisoka's Weavile can create twelve clones that are extremely realistic, each with a similar scent to the original. Canine Pokemon with a keen sense of smell like Arcanine can't even tell the difference between the clones.

The clones resulted in some kind of visual oppression for the enemy. Poliwrath, surrounded by twelve clones, lost its composure for a moment. Its eyes were trying to find which one among the clones was true.

Blaise quickly noticed Poliwrath's anxiety, and he immediately shouted, "Poliwrath! It's useless to guess it. Calm down. Use Hydro Pump to attack the clones around you."

This was a helpless move for most trainers after encountering opponents using Double Team because this method consumed a lot of physical strength for their own Pokemon. And Poliwrath needed to use Hydro Pump continuously to force the real Weavile out among the clones.

The violent water jet appeared again. Poliwrath controlled the Hydro Pump around its body, aiming at the clones.

The first clone was smashed by the water spray, followed by the second and third, until the twelfth Weavile clone was completely destroyed. But the real body of Weavile was still not found.

"How could this be!" murmured Blaise, shocked by the current situation.

This kind of result made him a little unacceptable. Why did all of them were clones? And where was the real Weavile?

Then, he frantically searched the whole field for traces of Weavile. That is until he saw Hisoka on the opposite side, pointing his index finger upward with a smile on his face.

'Not good,' Blaise's face turned pale in an instant.

"Poliwrath! Watch out! It is above you!" he roared, not caring about his gentleman's demeanor.


Poliwrath was about to look up after hearing its master's order when its eyes suddenly turned dark, followed by sharp pain coming from its head.

Weavile fell from the sky and drop kicked directly on Poliwrath's head. The huge force immediately knocked Poliwrath away, rolling to the ground.

Weavile undoubtedly would not give the opponent the slightest chance to recover. This was also what Hisoka taught her during training. Remember to always pursue victory even without waiting for his command in a battle.

Immediately after landing, Weavile used Quick Attack to catch up with the opponent, who was still in a stunned state.

Then, she landed a straight punch on Poliwrath's abdomen without using any kind of move, just a simple light attack. She then continued her onslaught just like a boxer delivering a set of combo punches on his opponent.

This was the fighting technique that Hisoka taught Weavile in her daily training. It was a fighting technique that he had stolen from the famous Fighting Dojo in Saffron City.

It was given to Weavile to let her learn how to make her body more fluid when attacking. After all, Pokemon can learn powerful moves. Martial art technique wasn't that really important to them.

He just didn't expect that Wravile would use all the fighting techniques she learned to deal with Poliwrath today.

Sidekick, hook punch, low kick, and thrust kick.

She was beating Poliwrath with fighting skills that caused serious injuries to her enemy, making it scream in pain continuously.

In the end, she finished her combo with an uppercut, causing the severely Poliwrath to be knocked to the ground.


The Fighting-type Pokemon's strong fitness did not cause Poliwrath to lose its consciousness immediately. It tried to get from the ground but was injured in many places, unable to resume fighting. A few seconds later, it finally fell on the field with its unwilling cry.

The game had come to an end. In this match, Weavile did not defeat the opponent quickly as most people thought. But played a wonderful set of fighting combos, which made many people enjoy watching it. They were surprised that Weavile was so fluid in attacking that she rivaled even a Fighting-type Pokemon battle rhythm.

Gentleman Blaise recalled the unconscious Poliwrath and left the field immediately. He didn't even bother to reply to his girlfriend's call from the stand. It was humiliating for him to stay in the arena while listening to the crowd cheering for Hisoka.
