
Pokemon Harem Master

"Ding! Congratulations, host, for achieving the achievement 'Stealing Sister's Panties,' reward: one pair of original panties." "What the hell?" "Ding! Congratulations, host, for achieving the achievement 'Pushing Pokémon,' reward: one box of condoms." Axel was speechless at his immoral achievement system. This is probably a story about an antagonist. For those on the righteous path, you might want to look away. No NTR/Green, Pokemon Harem with r18+ scenes :)

supahot · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Chapter 2: Lily

Axel and Lily, two people walking side by side on a small path in the woods.

Suddenly, Lily turned her head and smiled, saying, "Axel, Sister Naki said that you should decide which Pokémon you want to receive as soon as possible and let the professor know in advance."

Axel nodded in understanding upon hearing this and understood what Lily meant.

Without a doubt, what Naki said was for Axel to decide whether he wanted to receive the starter Pokémon from the Kanto Region or the starter Pokémon from the Hoenn Region.

Since the League Conference takes place once every three years, and this year's conference is the Quartz Conference and the Bellflower Conference, Axel will be traveling to the Kanto Region to participate in the Quartz Conference.

Considering Axel's relationship with the professor, he could choose the starter Pokémon from the Kanto Region or the starter Pokémon from the Hoenn Region. Of course, he could only choose one. However, since Lily could also choose one, Axel would have two.

Axel hesitated for a long time about this. He recently flipped a coin to decide which Pokémon he wanted to receive, and it landed as the starter Pokémon from the Hoenn Region: Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip.

However, Axel planned to first check their potential. If their potential was the same, he would choose Treecko and Mudkip. If their potential was different, he would definitely choose the two with the best potential.

Of course, Axel hadn't trained Lily to be a trainer, so whichever Pokémon she chose, it would ultimately be for himself.

"Oh, and Sister Naki said that this year we must throw a birthday party for Axel," Lily continued, smiling.

"Forget about the birthday party. Let's just prepare and hit the road these days," Axel said, putting an end to the discussion.

Axel disliked trouble, and a birthday party would undoubtedly require inviting many people, which would be bothersome.

"Whatever Axel says, goes," Lily said with a smile.

After saying that, Lily hugged Axel and rubbed her cheek against his.

"Alright, let's go back quickly," Axel said helplessly, patting Lily's head.

"Okay," Lily nodded and let go of Axel.

Axel looked at Lily's obedient behavior and felt a sense of contentment in his heart.

Speaking of Lily, it's necessary to talk about her background.

Lily was picked up by Axel eight years ago, or rather, she was a reward that Axel received from the system for not capturing any Pokémon by the age of ten.

Axel still remembered the situation back then.

After avoiding Naki's 10th birthday party for him, Axel hid in a small thicket on the outskirts of the Silver Rain City.

"Hey, system, where is the legendary Pokémon? Didn't I achieve the reward for not capturing any Pokémon by the age of ten? Wasn't it supposed to be a legendary Pokémon? Where did the legendary Pokémon go? What's the use of this useless system?" Axel muttered with a frustrated expression.

"Ding! Congratulations, host. Achievement completed: Challenge The System. Warning issued once."

"Damn it!" Axel cursed, wearing an expression of frustration.

"Ding! Please turn right and walk forward 3000 meters, then turn left and walk forward 4000 meters, then turn right and walk forward 50 meters, then turn right and walk forward 50 meters, then turn right and walk forward 50 meters, and then turn right and walk forward 50 meters to find the legendary Pokémon."

"Can't you be more straightforward? Aren't you just going in circles?" Axel muttered, exasperated.

"Ding! Please turn right and walk forward 1000 meters, then turn left and walk forward 2000 meters, then turn right and walk forward 50 meters, then turn right and walk forward 50 meters, then turn right and walk forward 50 meters, and then turn right and walk forward 50 meters to find the legendary Pokémon."

"Alright, alright, you win. I'll go, I'll go. Is that not enough?" Axel sighed deeply.

Then, Axel followed the system's instructions and started searching for the circular path.

After reaching the circular path, Axel realized that the 50-meter loop happened to surround four large trees. Moreover, it was outside the Silver Rain City area.

This made Axel somewhat hopeful about encountering a legendary Pokémon. Perhaps the system wasn't playing a trick on him.

Fortunately, because it was outside the Silver Rain City area, there was no one around.

It must be said that Silver Rain City was a city built within a forest. Although it was called a city, it was more like a small town. It had both concrete buildings and tree houses. However, there were more tree houses.

So, Axel kept going around and around.

"It seems like I'm really being fooled," Axel muttered helplessly.

Swish, swish, thud!

Just as Axel was about to leave, a girl fell from a nearby tree and landed in front of him.

Even Axel didn't have time to react to the girl's fast descent.

The girl had long red and white waist-length hair and looked cute, wearing a red robe.

At that moment, the girl had her eyes closed and seemed to have fainted.

Axel frowned as he watched her and didn't go to investigate. It was too suspicious. As for saving her, Axel didn't have the inclination, even if she was a beautiful girl.

"Congratulations, host. The reward has been obtained."

Thus, Lily was picked up by Axel and brought back immediately. He gave her the name Lily.

At first, Naki was angry because Axel had run away and avoided the birthday party, and he had also brought back a stranger, a girl.

However, when Naki learned that Lily was not only mute but also had lost her memory and had no family, she accepted it. In fact, Naki treated Lily as her own sister.

Of course, Axel made up Lily's background.

Thoughts ended.

Axel looked at Lily, who was still gazing at him affectionately and had the system scan her once again.

Latias - Lily

Gender: Female

Type: Dragon/Psychic

Ability: Levitate

Level: Lv. 70

Potential: Red Divine Beast

Evaluation: This is a Latias that has been conquered by the host, both physically and mentally. As one of the divine beasts, although it has a long growth cycle, with the help of this system, capturing it is a piece of cake.

Yes, Lily is a Latias. From the moment she was picked up, she was extremely loyal to Axel. She would do whatever Axel said.

This made Axel contemplate for a long time. Was it a reward from the system or a stroke of luck that he encountered Latias and the system modified her loyalty? Unfortunately, Axel couldn't figure it out and had to put it out of his mind.

Initially, Lily couldn't speak, but Axel diligently taught her, hoping that she would eventually be able to speak.

Once Lily spoke her first words a voice appeared in his head.

"Ding! Congratulations, host. Achievement unlocked: Teach Pokémon to Speak. Reward: Language Potion."

After giving Lily the Language Potion to drink, Axel no longer needed to teach her. As for Naki's questions, Axel evaded them.

Furthermore, in the past eight years, Axel had transformed Lily into an all-around maid. That was one of the reasons why Lily wore a maid outfit, along with the fact that Axel liked it.

As for the system's evaluation, it seemed to have revealed something that shouldn't have been revealed.

That was an unknown amount of time ago, on a stormy night. In any case, after that night, Axel achieved an achievement.

"Ding! Congratulations, host. Achievement unlocked: Pushing Pokémon. Reward: A box of condoms."

In the end, the condoms were guiltily disposed of by Axel, never to be seen again.