

"ROAR!" Gyarados, the first to regain consciousness, glanced at Floyd and then surveyed his surroundings with keen eyes. Piecing together the recent events, he recalled their intense battle against Ursaluna.

"Blas-toise~" Blastoise's voice emerged softly as he began to stir, his eyes slowly opening to the world around him.

"Good… good, you both are awake. We must get away from here!" Floyd urged, relief evident in his voice.

"Bllastoise!" Blastoise jolted upright, a sudden realization dawning upon him, as he scanned the area, alert and ready.

"Yeah, that's right, we must hurry! Frog-san, thank you very much, we owe you-" Kanraku began expressing his gratitude to Venusaur, but was abruptly interrupted by a thunderous roar.

"ROAR!" The sound was unmistakable – Ursaluna had awakened, now even more fearsome than before.

"Oh shit!" Floyd's mind raced, a crucial detail surfacing in his thoughts – the "Guts" ability inherited from Ursaring to Ursaluna. How could he have overlooked it? Guts: a trait that boosts the ability-bearer's Attack by 50% when inflicted with a major status ailment like poison, burn, paralysis, freeze, or sleep.

"Be careful, don't even think about confronting it in melee combat, it has the ability to drastically increase his own attack power," Floyd warned everyone urgently, particularly addressing Blastoise, Venusaur, and Gyarados.

Indeed, there was no need for the warning – the trio already sensed the immense pressure emanating from Ursaluna.

"ROAR!" Ursaluna, filled with unbridled fury, charged towards them using High Horsepower. In response, Venusaur unleashed a Petal Blizzard, creating a whirlwind of sharp leaves that spiraled towards Ursaluna.

Whisshhshihiwhiw – the sound of nature's fury in motion.

"Gyarados, listen to me, you must-" Floyd began issuing a command, but Gyarados, displaying a hint of defiance, snorted and launched a Waterfall attack at Ursaluna.

"This…" Floyd was left speechless by Gyarados' impulsive action.

"Blas-toise!" Blastoise, not to be outdone, executed a powerful Hydro Pump.

Wheeeeeshhh Boom! The water cannon's impact resounded through the battlefield.

"ROAR!" Ursaluna's roar echoed, undeterred by the onslaught.

"Gyarados, can you listen to me just this once?" Floyd, realizing the futility of convincing the headstrong Gyarados, turned his attention to the other, younger Gyarados. 

"Your role here is crucial," he said firmly.

The young Gyarados met Floyd's gaze and nodded in understanding, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. Despite his reluctance to follow human commands, he realized the importance of defeating their opponent. 

With a snort that conveyed his begrudging acceptance, he prepared to act.

"Use Dragon Dance!" Floyd instructed, emphasizing the significance of the young Gyarados' participation in the battle.

The young Gyarados commenced a graceful, powerful spinning motion, initiating the Dragon Dance.

"ROAR!" Ursaluna, filled with fury, stomped the ground forcefully, using Bulldoze. The impact sent tremors through the battlefield.

Blastoise, in a tactical retreat, employed Rapid Spin, skillfully stepping back to reposition himself. Meanwhile, Gyarados, with agile grace, flew back, evading the incoming assault.

Venusaur, with strategic precision, thrust his two Vine Whips into the ground, anchoring himself firmly. He then tilted his broad leaves towards the sun, absorbing energy to perform Synthesis.

"ROAR!" In a swift motion, Ursaluna lunged, aiming a Hammer Arm strike towards Venusaur.

Caught in the midst of using Vine Whip, Venusaur couldn't dodge. In a split-second decision, he countered with his vines, while Blastoise, sensing the imminent danger, dashed in, deploying Protect.


The collision was intense. 

Blastoise, already pushing his limits, felt his strength waning. Another hit like that, and he knew he would surely collapse. The shell on his back showed signs of cracking, a testament to the ferocity of the battle.

Gyarados, seizing an opportunity, stealthily executed Aqua Tail. However, Ursaluna, vigilant and focused, was particularly guarded against Gyarados, the primary target of his ire.

Gyarados, realizing Ursaluna's attention was fixed on him, felt a shiver of fear but couldn't stop his momentum.

Venusaur, ever the protector, again lashed out with Vine Whip, attempting to entangle Ursaluna's arm. The powerful creature struggled but managed to break free.

As Ursaluna prepared to strike Gyarados, an unexpected move caught him off guard. Blastoise, with a swift maneuver, utilized Fake Out.

BANG! The distraction allowed Gyarados to land a solid hit on Ursaluna's right eye with his Aqua Tail. The impact, bolstered by the waning effects of Dragon Dance, was critical, striking a vulnerable spot.

"ROAR!" The roar of pain and rage from Ursaluna was deafening. In retaliation, he grabbed Gyarados' tail, but Venusaur quickly reacted, sending four Vine Whips into the ground for stability and two to entangle Gyarados, attempting to thwart Ursaluna's next move.

Despite Venusaur's efforts, Ursaluna's strength was overwhelming. He continued his attempt to slam Gyarados onto the ground. At that critical moment, Blastoise, mustering his remaining energy, propelled himself with Aqua Jet, aiming directly at Ursaluna's chest.

"ROAR!" Ursaluna, enduring the pain, held onto Gyarados, ready to execute his slam. Suddenly, another Gyarados appeared, striking Ursaluna's left eye with an Aqua Tail.

"ROAR!" The agony was evident, as both of Ursaluna's eyes sustained injuries. The young Gyarados, with Floyd mounted on his back, arrived just in time to join the fray.

As they braced for Ursaluna's next move, his left eye slowly opened, blood dripping, yet burning with an unyielding fury.

Ursaluna, maintaining his grip on Gyarados' tail, leaped high into the air, intending to slam Gyarados into the ground. However, Venusaur, in a surprising countermove, used his two Vine Whips to alter Gyarados' trajectory, sending him soaring upwards instead. This unexpected maneuver caught Ursaluna off guard.

Upon landing, Ursaluna was immediately met with a powerful Hydro Pump from Blastoise. The force of the water strike echoed with a resounding ROAR!

The team sensed Ursaluna weakening. 

"Continue!" Floyd shouted, his voice tinged with excitement, eager to seize this opportunity to overcome their formidable opponent.

Venusaur strategically unleashed Leech Seed toward Ursaluna, aiming to sap his strength further. In tandem, the two Gyarados unleashed their Waterfall attacks, while Blastoise, gathering his might, fired another Hydro Pump.

Suddenly, the ground trembled with a massive vibration. 

Gudongggg gudongggggggg gudongggggggg – the rumbling disoriented everyone except the two Gyarados and Floyd. Blastoise, overwhelmed, lost consciousness, while Venusaur struggled to maintain his balance amidst the quaking earth.

"ROAR!" Ursaluna's roar sounded almost desperate, signaling his last-ditch effort. He unleashed Magnitude in a bid to decimate everything around him. 

Gudongggg Gudongggggg – the ground shook violently.

"We must stop it!" Floyd yelled, recognizing the urgency of the situation.

Reacting swiftly, Gyarados charged at Ursaluna with a Waterfall attack. 

BANG! The impact was followed by another fierce ROAR!

In a brutal response, Ursaluna used Bite, clamping down on Gyarados' body and then seizing his tail.

"Stop him! Aim for his left eye!" Floyd commanded. He and the young Gyarados raced towards Ursaluna, ready to assist.

But in a swift, unexpected move, Ursaluna used Gyarados' body as a weapon, slamming it into the young Gyarados and Floyd. The force of the collision rendered all three of them unconscious.

As Floyd's consciousness faded, he glimpsed Venusaur deploying a barrage of vines into the ground, rushing towards Ursaluna in a formidable display. It had to be Frenzy Plant – a last, desperate attempt to subdue Ursaluna. 

And then, to Floyd's fading awareness, appeared four Blastoises, rushing in for the rescue. As the scene blurred, Floyd closed his eyes, succumbing to darkness.
