
Pokemon Delta Welcome to the Kiran region

In the Kiran region a strange phenomenon known as delta evolution has been occuring to certain species of pokemon causing them to transform in to one of 3 battle transformations in order to understand this strange phenomenon Professor Evergreen has requested to aid of his grandson Ark Evergreen from the shinnoh region to start his adventure in Kiran and study this strange new evolution

ender181 · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

the crystal inside of a stone

as I wake up I suddenly get an urge I'm being watched as I look to where the glance is coming from I see Lapis shooting daggers at me obviously still mad I came back damaged along with chameleon and told her nothing of what happened, Without missing a beat I look to meet her gaze and her eyes advert me to not have to talk about what just happened. Lapis of this is about last night I'm sorry I came back injured and said Nothing and I'm sorry for that what happened was me and charmander went for a walk an-

"Lapis" I know longer care about what happened I'm mad that as your travel partner that we've been together for everything but since coming back from the dream world you've been distant almost as If your trying to deal with you journey alone however I have a huge problem with that as your friend when you come back late at night battered and bruised your pokemon evolved bruised barely walking with a weapon granted to you by the powers of two mythical pokemon in its hand and say Nothing I'm going to be worried but as your friend I'm angry you have been pushing me away trust me we are on this journey together I didn't leave my gym to travel around and be a doting presence'

I was alittle taken aback but after hearing her through I understand why she was upset. Lapis I'm sorry for ignoring your feelings and dismissing you after recent events I've gotten used to being on my own I mean I was trapped in another dimension for 2 weeks fighting for not just my life but others as well and so I came back with that mindset where need to do things on my own but I promise you I will try my best to let you in on troubles It just might take abit of time to get back to the way things where. From there we finally head back out and make our way to crystalline city I first go to the pokemon center and stock up on pokeballs healing items as well as getting my team checked up on to make sure there battle ready before the gym with that done I head to the phone to pick up my call from professor Sycamore. "Sycamore" hello Ark I've concluded my analysis on your kirian froakie and wanted to let you know I can send it to you if you'd like" after sending my skrelp back to my grandfather I get sent kirian froakie and go to end the call with Sycamore but before I do he cuts me off and says "Sycamore" before you go I wanted to let you know a few professors including professor Oak and Juniper will be visiting shinnoh in a weeks time for a presentation with professor rowan on the starters if there specific regions I wanted to know if you would like to visit and let them study your regional variants well there and recive the regional variants for your help?"

after pondering it I accept and he sends me electronic tickers for three people I ask why three and he says just incase you pick up an extra person like an old Kanto boy he used to know did as he says that he chuckles then ends the call well I go find lapis and head to the gym. apon entering the gym the crystals that line the gym are everywhere as they glow a vibrant array of colors,wow these are amazing

"coal" well I'm glad you like it as I'm the one who designed it im the gym leader Coal welcome I can assume bases on the fact your here you must be challengers?"

"Lapis" well I'm here to see my friend beside me fight actually I'm not sure if we've met but I was the gym leader of frost circles ice gym"

"Coal" oh I've heard of you didn't you just leave your gym in the care of your younger sibling and go to travel to get stronger maybe it is best if you don't challenge me I mean after all your meant to fight beginning trainers I'm probably to advanced for you so you their what's your name" It's Ark.

"Coal" well Ark how about we get your challenge started?" as he finishes that I look over to see Lapis and her face is showing something fierce and angry I haven't seen her this mad since she' blew up at me. "Lapis" coal was it I don't appreciate the comments made I originally wasent going to challenge but now I want the first challenge I'm going to wipe that smug attitude off of you when I wipe the floor with you" before I can comprehend what's going on they set off for the battlefield I quickly gather myself then head to the stands to watch this unfold.

"Coal" since the challenger is a gym leader as well but of a weaker type ill let you choose the rules"

"Lapis" well since your being cocky how about a double battle 2v2" "Coal" well sounds good to me let's begin carbink and coalossal standby for battle" "Lapis" glaceon,darmanitan let's rock it" the two stand on opposite sides and with the two of them both ready the Judge makes the announcement 'battle begin' "Lapis" glaceon use freeze dry on coalossal and darmanitan use icy wind on carbink" as glaceon moves the attack us let out with ferocity as the attack connects coalossal shrugs it off and smirks before its fist lights up and a fire punch I'd unleashed upon glaceon "Coal" thats right coalossal keep up the pressure carbink use stone edge" as carbink readys itself rocks emerge from the ground in a frenzy and rush towards darmanitan but before they connect something new happens darmanitan starts focusing and with a new power the rocks get shattered as darmanitans fists cool down from halting the attack, What was that I quickly pull out my pokedex 'darmanitan (galar form) new moves focus punch' well this might just even the playing field a fighting move is interesting. "Lapis" darmanitan get ready attack carbink with fire pledge then follow it up with a focus punch glaceon use quick attack then follow it up it a shadow ball on coalossal don't let them get any room to work with" the two move out as they do there openets don't seem ready to just throw in the towel "Coal" as if ide just sit back and let you win this coalossal use smoke screen and carbink use rock polish" as the smoke screen is let off the battle becomes obscured and it becomes a battle of ones surroundings whoevers able to recover first might be the one able to claim victory first. "Coal" carbink use roll out coalossal its time for the big guns without wasting anymore time Coal pull up his sleeve revealing a dynamax band. wait what "Coal"this gym is a power spot now return coalossal" as coalossal is sent out it grows insize but starts to change is that G-max? I quickly pull out the pokedex to have my thoughts confirmed. "Lapis" well i may not have anything that fancy but I guess it's time I pull out a weapon of my own" as she reveals a delta band. When did she starr using delta I think but then it clicks I've been gone for weeks she must have gotten stronger well I was gone I mean training does ger your head in a different space especially when you need to forget something. without wasting time she acts "Lapis" glaceon achieve a power unlike any other delta attack" as glaceon transforms its tail gains spikes and its fur spikes up with crystals similar to the look of ice but different and lasting its ribbons gain what look like rock maces at the end of it. "Lapis" glaceon use excel rock and darmanitan use focus punch" "Coal" coalossal use g-max vocalith and carbink use roll out as tge attacks collide they explode as the gym is shook by the collision by the time the smoke settles I'm eager to see the results as I look down I see carbink and darmanitan knocked out well glaceon and coalossal are still transformed facing off but before a move can be called coalossal falls and shrinks knocked out as it gets recalled glaceon detransforms and is knocked out. "Lapis" you did good you two you deserve rest" "Coal" well you did a great job and someone of your skill deserves more then my respect you deserve my acknowledgement of your accomplishments as a gym leader and battler I'm sorry for my earlier remarks as I'm just letting my anger from my best friend and former gym leader friend leaving to travel johto onto you and yoi don't deserve that but for you efforts and victory you do deserve this is present to you the crystal geo badge for your victory in the crystalline gym" "Lapis" I appreciate your apology and thank you for a well fought battle" as she shakes his hand then returns to the stands to see me. Well Coal you ready for our match? "Coal" if your anything like your friend then I'm pumped however if you want to fight me at my best ill need my team to rest I'd you can ide like you to come back tommorow morning but if you want you can fight me now but I feel someone as you only wants to fight someone at there best" and you would be right although I do want to battle i can wait as I walk to the pokemon center to get a room for the night I think back to the match Lapis has gotten stronger I need to step up my game if I want to get to the top as I eye my glove looking at the key stone inside I smile as a plan starts to form