
Pokemon: Brock's Younger Brother?

David never thought he would be transmigrated after a tired day of work. Waking up to the feeling of nausea. But there he was... Now on his feet up in the middle of a dark room with his other siblings there. "I'm Forrest?" Looking around David was shaken as he assessed his situation. David was in for a surprise as the son of Flint and the second eldest of the family as Brock's little brother. ___________________ There will be no "Levels" or "Talents". The Story will be more realistic with add-ons by myself of course. But I won't make the story "dark" as I enjoy Pokemon for the brighter side of the series and catching Pokemon. Some cities, towns, or small pieces of information will be made up myself to fit the story.

Del123 · アニメ·コミックス
36 Chs

A Cave?

"This is pretty simple now that I plan it out," I murmur going through some notes on my Pokedex.

I was currently arranging in what order I would be battling the gym leaders of Kanto. This will decide what badge level I will battle in each gym which is important due to difficulty.

My Pokemon heavily influence these choices so I've got to be careful.

The first gym I'm gonna be aiming for is in Fuchsia City against Koga. This is because Lairon and Geodude which the latter is home are resistant to poison. With the addition of Scyther, he has {Wing Attack} which can counter Venonat.

A gym leader's Pokemon for the gym badge battles are public. This includes their teams for all gym badge levels unless they have a requirement or it's their main team. Like Viridian City's gym where you need seven official badges to challenge it.

The argument could be made that Koga should be one of my last badges but I think not. Type advantages matter less at the higher level of the battle, but of course, this is planned as well.

Some gyms have weaker 3-5 gym badge Pokemon than others, for example, Cerulean Gym has weaker Pokemon than a place like Vermillion. This was well known seeing the Indigo League website,

My second option will be Surge as getting him out of the way early will save me the pain of battling his veteran team members. So even if he has more experience than me.

If I battle him with one badge, I should be able to just overpower his Pokemon which is good.

A small problem I'm facing is the choice to battle Erica or Misty. I'm not sure who to battle between them but I'll think about it after I win/lose my gym fights.


"Sai sai..." Scyther huffed and puffed in exhaustion for the second time I'd seen him. He just finished his stamina training while I just brainstormed for a bit.

"Lai lai!" I hear Lairon laugh at the exhausted Scyther practically laughing at him. Both of them these past few hours in the morning competed in training which Lairon obviously won.

This also included speed training somehow. It's probably because of the constant training but I've raised him to be a tank and hard hitter, so knowing even the smallest amount of speed training can do a lot.

Scyther who specialised in speed and swift attacks kept getting out sped by a tank which was embarrassing in itself.

"Scyther!" It shouted back annoyed, but Lairon just kept on going which ended up just making Scyther ignore him.

The two seemed to be in a competitive "battle" as they both wanted to be my strongest Pokemon. But Scyther unintentionally respects Lairon due to losing to him, so he can't get too annoyed at the guy.

"Alright, it's time to head out," I announce finishing up my gym leader notes. Scyther was tired from the Power, Stamina and Speed training so he will not be battling anytime soon, but I kept Lairon healthy in case I got into trouble or for a battle.

With this, I returned both of them to their Pokeball after packing all my stuff back.

I didn't want to stay in the forest too long as anything could happen here. In addition to not having any reason to stay, I may as well just speed off to my next destination.

The next place I'm heading to is a little cave near the exit of Mt. Moon.


"This looks similar enough," I say to myself seeing the cave entrance. It looked close enough to what the anime depicted using my definitely amazing memory. Hopefully, I can get a healer who could support me outside of battle which is a necessity.

On the way here I battled a few interesting trainers and won which gave me another 4000₱ because they increased the prize pool. This makes my total earnings 4500₱ which isn't too bad.

My opponents only had a Nidorino and a Yanma which Lairon dealt with quite easily.

Taking out Lairon's Pokeball I send him out to guide me. He is mainly there for protection though.



"We're gonna find another Pokemon today," I announce excitedly. This Pokemon won't be a battler and I hope to find multiple of them to send home. My siblings would definitely like to cuddle one of these guys.

"Lai?" Lairon growled out confused. Chuckling at Lairon, I proceed to take a good look at the entrance of the cave. It was quite small which will be quite annoying to navigate.

Luckily for me, Lairon can backtrack which I double-checked with my father.

Trust me I wouldn't want to die in a cave now.

Entering the cave with my Pokedex using Flash, we adventured around for a few minutes in just pure cave. There wasn't anything too fancy but I did mind my step as I noticed a few Graveler and Geodue on the ground.

Thankfully they weren't aggressive Pokemon or else they would be reduced to rubble...

After 30 minutes of roaming, I got a little bored but pushed through. But after a while, we finally got into some trouble with the local Zubat population.


Multiple screeches of Pokemon could be heard flying towards my location. Hearing this I immediately get to action.

"Lairon use {Metal Sound}," I command. Soon after this over 30 Zubats were rushings towards Lairon and I. Thankfully Lairon was able to get off his move which send them flying away.

'That could have been dangerous.'

If this was before I started incorporating {Metal Sound} to Lairon's move arsenal as an Aron. I would have been swarmed by a bunch of Zubats before Lairon could use any attacking moves.

I'll need to stretch out my Pokemon's move pool with TMs in the future to avoid problems like this. I guess being on a journey forces the person to adapt to nature, which in hindsight helps a lot.

"Let's keep on going," I say signalling to move forward. With Lairon still, by my side, we walked for another 10 minutes until we spotted some light.

Turning to the left to where the light was, there was a railway system with torches on the walls. Taking a good look around I realise that I'm getting really close to my final destination.

If I'm correct I just need to head one direction. The height of the tunnel containing the railway system wasn't too tall making the space feel very small.

Where first? Left or right?

"I'll take a ris-" Before I could finish my words, a Pokemon's cries could be heard coming from the right.

"Fairyyyy!" A Pokemon cried out. Turning my attention to the incoming noise, Lairon readies its guard ready for any Pokemon. Soon after this a pink Pokemon I recognize as Clefairy, was running away from a group of Zubats.

"Lairon, {Metal Sound} on the Zubats."


The {Metal Sound} was aimed towards the top of the track which only hit the Zubats, knocking them out due to the pressure. The Clefairy seeing this stops in its tracks and curiously looks at me with a glint in its eyes.

"Cle?" It says tilting its head to the side.

'Okay, that was actually pretty cute.' I offhandedly thought seeing the Pokemon. No wonder it's known to brighten people's days just by looking at the thing. This is the perfect Pokemon for my siblings.

Of course, I want one for myself, but it needs to have healing abilities. So I'll catch a few of em.

"Come here," I say taking some Pokemon food from my bag and holding it out. Clefairy who saw this didn't really think much of it and gladly hopped towards my hands and took a bit.

"Clefairy!" It excitedly says covering its mouth.

Brock's Pokemon food recipe strikes again, which in my personal opinion is the easiest way to tame a Pokemon. If they don't obey you, shove some food in em, if they still don't that just means you didn't give them enough.

Taking a Pokeball out of my bag, I slowly catch Clefairy without it noticing.


Seeing that it was captured, I just grin in delight.

"Let's see its stats," I murmur taking out my Pokedex. Opening the device, I hover the Pokeball over the blue gem to scan Clefairy's moves.


[Clefairy (The Fairy Pokemon)]

Height: 0.7m (2'02")

Ability: Magic Guard (Prevents all no damaging moves from affecting it)

Moves: {Sing}, {Sweet Kiss}, {Charm}, {Pound}, {Copycat}, {Stored Power}, {Minimize}, {Amnesia}, {Encore}, {Gravity}.


In all this Clefairy could become an amazing battler. It has the potential to join my team because of {Stored Power} and {Gravity}. The move {Gravity} would be amazing as this isn't the game anymore, this move could literally change the whole battlefield while it could also be used to train my Pokemon.

'I'll keep this one.' I thought to myself.

Taking Clefairy's Pokeball I head towards the right side of the railway with Lairon. We kept going in a straight line hoping to find another Clefairy, but after an hour there was nothing more than tracks.

'Let's see if our new friends know some locations.'


"Clefairy!" The hyper Pokemon said happily as it came over giving the universal "pick me up" signal. Not minding this as I find it cute, I pick her up and give it a little hug as I couldn't help myself.

"Do you know where your other buddies are?" I question. Clefairy looking at me, puts a finger on her chin, seemingly thinking.

"Cle Cle..." It blurted out in a depressed mood.

Hearing this I just sigh to myself. Taking some more of Brock's food which is slowly running out, I give it to Clefairy to cheer her up.

The little ball of sunshine seeing the food, quickly nibbled on it almost looking like a squirrel.

I guess I got to leave.

If I stayed any longer then I would need to either sleep in a cave or the wild. I'd rather just go home. Hopefully, a {Heal Pulse} TM exists but I'm pretty sure Clefairy will learn a healing move in the future.

Putting Clefairy back on the ground, I take out her Pokeball. But Clefairy seeing this gets an annoyed look and started to pout.

"Fairy! Cle cle!" She shouted while crossing her arms. Realising the didn't want to return to the Pokeball, I helplessly smile and pick her up. She was light anyways and hugging a cute Pokemon wasn't too bad of a workout.

Clefairy knowing that I took out my Pokeball, started to get comfortable and looked on ahead.

'Surely I get to pull some girls having a Clefairy.' I joke to myself seeing the little pink fluff look at Lairon with anticipation.

"Let's go Lairon it's time to leave, lead the way."

Lairon nodding at my words starts to sniff the ground before backtracking.


"Scyther finish this off with a {Wing Attack}" I command. Scyther processing the command instantly, practically glides towards the Beedrill and flashes it across its body.


"Scyther!" Shouts seeing its downed enemy, with Beedrill unable to battle I won the battle. My opponent who saw this just sighed in defeat and sent me the money. Seeing another 500₱.

That makes my total earnings 5000₱ now which isn't too impressive.

"Cle clefairy!" Clefairy cheers not knowing that the fight has ended. Using one hand to carry Clefairy and another to return Scyther, I get on my bike and start to head to Cerulean.

With my little pink ball sitting on the basket on the bike, I peddled as fast as I could feeling the wind graze my skin.

But for Clefairy thought, things were a bit different.

"CLEFAIRYYYYY!" It screams as her mouth was comically widening because of the increasing winds. Chuckling at the sight I don't lose focus and keep on going the public roads towards Cerulean

Thankfully it wasn't too far after my little distraction.