
Pokemon: After killing the demon king

After being invoked in another world and killing their demon king, I got as a reward a nice retirement. I was reincarnated into an alternative pokemon world in a rich family. Now I tried to enjoy my life. Yes I said tried because some unforeseen circumstances might make it difficult. Warning 1: I do not own Pokemon. Warning 2: Their might be some references to sex but the scenes will not be described. Why? When I read, I usually skip those parts and I am sure I am not the only one... so let us develop the plot instead. Warning 3: I am thinking of writing each arc separately and post them each time I finish one. I do not want to promise publishing x chapters per week and have pressure... so the next arc will be published one day but I do not know when Warning 4: At the end of the first arc, the main character will not capture more pokemons! I think you will agree that he has more than enough already.

alex_carb · ゲーム
30 Chs

Shameful memories

I woke up with 3 blond girls by my side. Apparently Anna and Laura always sleep with Mia. Since I was kindly forced to sleep with Mia, it meant sleeping next to them too.

I silently went out of the bed and dressed up. I then exited the room and wandered around. However I was quickly stopped by a young man.

"What are you doing here?" he asked coldly.

"I am hungry. Do you know where I could find some food?" I said while scratching my head.

"Hungry? At this hour?" he chuckled.

"That is not my fault! I am still in my growing period" I tried to justify myself. Well yes, it is embarrassing to wake up in the middle of the night for a snack. It is even more embarrassing when you are not home.

"I was going to have dinner anyway, follow me" he said before leading me to the kitchen.

"Dinner that late? You must have been starving" I replied.

"Well I had work to finish" he said before taking a cooking knife. He was cutting ingredients at such a speed that I without my years of fighting experience, I would have been dumbfounded.

"Are you one of Mia's brothers?" I concluded after watching him behaving.

"What if I am?" he said before giving me a plate containing a sandwich.

"Oh nothing. I am just surprised you did not commented my memories" I replied before taking a bite.

"Everyone has his story" he sighed before beginning eating. "Did mom teased you?" he asked between two bites.

"She did and Mia got mad" I replied after swallowing the food that was in my mouth.

"That girl. She has always been short tempered. Want a drink?" he asked while looking for beer.

"I am still a kid" I replied.

"Ah yes your body is" he realized before pouring some for himself into a pint beer glass.

"I know that it is a shame" I sighed.

"Well enjoy it as much as you can. Once you got responsibilities, it is harder to enjoy"

"I already know that"

"Then you should go back sleeping. As you said you are still a kid" he said while looking at my empty plate.

"Oh that is right. It was nice to see you" I said before living.

"Welcome in our crazy family" he muttered once I left.

I fell asleep as soon as I was back in bed. The next day, I had breakfast with only Mia since apparently everyone else was either sleeping or not here. She then decided that we should leave and we spend the rest of the day at my parent's place. I did not understand why she did not want me to wait and meet the rest of her family. I guess she was quite mad at them.

After that interesting day, the usual routine was taking place. Well, that was at least for me. I noticed that the maids and my parents were getting busier and busier, as if something big was approaching.

I thought it was something linked to the company, so I did not pay any attention to it and focused on my training. It is not like I could be of any help. I am sure they would be displeased if I tried to help and become a burden. Sometimes it is better for everyone to just watch from afar.

The dragon club tournament was the last one I could participate in as a participant of the kid category. Being soon 10, I will be transferred to the teenager category, which is for people under the age of 15.

Unsurprisingly, I once again made the children cry. I even got a nickname this time, the destroyer. I mean why would they call me like this? Is it because I destroy my opponent pokemons? Or is it because of the state the arena is after each of my fight?

At my tenth birthday, I realized two things. First, that I was going to be an adult in 5 years. So that I will have to marry in 5 years. It means that I have to speed up my plans. That is why I was planning to participate into 2 battle club tournaments per year instead of one.

The second thing was that my brother will be an adult in a few weeks. That is when I realized that he is getting married and that is why everyone was so busy. "Oh shit" was only think that came into my mind. I really messed. I did not realized it sooner. My poor brother must be in a bottomless pit of sadness.

"Brother" I called him while knocking to his door.

"What?" he said while opening the door. I could see the dark circles under his eyes. Did not he get enough sleep? Was it because he kept having nightmares? Was his wife really that horrible? I should have met her instead of staying in the warehouse. That damn witch is mistreating my big bro!

"Are you sad?" I asked bluntly.


"Well you are getting married right? Are you sad? I can help you running away" I declared firmly.

"W-what are you saying all of the sudden?"

"Do you plan on running away?" a woman with red hair said while her head popped out. Only her head was visible.

That is when I realized that if he did not invite in his room, it might be because there was a good reason and not because he was being rude to me. I realized the he was hiding his body behind the door. Was he naked? No… do not tell me I interrupted them while they were doing this… oh shit.

"Seems like I really need to pay attention to my environment. Mom was right. Well use condoms and sorry for the disturbance" I said before running away.

"Why is my brother so stupid?" my brother sighed.

"What was that?" she asked.

"I guess he thought I was sad being forced into an arranged marriage. But that was years ago" he replied while scratching his head.

"Is that true?"

"Of course it is" he said before kissing.

"Is that all are going to do for begging my pardon?" she smirked.

"First let me close the door" he said before locking the room.

"You naughty boy"

Meanwhile, I was still running away to the warehouse. Damn it! I thought he did not like that woman! I hope she is not mad at him because of my words!

I focused on training my new pokemons, which were a rufflet, a pidgey and an aerodactyl for my flying team. As for my rock team, the newcomers were a roggenrola, an anorith, a rockruff and a larvitar. As I said, this year I am going to participate to 2 tournaments. For the flying team, I have some of my old pokemons inside, so I was less stressed about winning this than for the rock team. The oldest one would be my aggron, which I got 3 years ago. I mean if you fight against a pokemon which has been trained for 10 years, then we might really lost.

Weeks passed and my brother got 15. I saw that the red haired woman was also present. I heard her name was Cassandra. I was too ashamed of myself to even try talking to her. I mean… that was quite embarrassing, was not it? If only I could go back in time…

As for the marriage ceremony, it was surprisingly simple. The two of them just fill some documents and their parents give each other presents. Then they we eat some nice food and enjoy drinks. Yes, that is all. Only close family attended to the family. I could not even invite Mia. Oh my bad, I forgot to say that they also give each other rings. Apparently that tradition is also existing in this world. I wonder why to be honest.

After a week, my brother left to his own house. Apparently it was my parents present for them. The house was quite empty now. Yes, I missed my brother. Even thought he was often busy and I too, at least I dinner I could see him.

He also announced publicly the launch of his own company. It was a company using flying pokemons to deliver food to persons who ordered via an application in the pokedex. The food was made in different restaurants, which were already customers of my family's food company. That way, we get money from restaurants before they cook, and even after. Is not it great? We can strip them from their money twice instead of only one. I must admit that I admire my brother ingenuity.

It reminds me of companies which were providing the same kind of service on earth. I wonder how he got that idea. Could he be a psychic too? No that is not possible… I should not be paranoid.