
Pokemon: After killing the demon king

After being invoked in another world and killing their demon king, I got as a reward a nice retirement. I was reincarnated into an alternative pokemon world in a rich family. Now I tried to enjoy my life. Yes I said tried because some unforeseen circumstances might make it difficult. Warning 1: I do not own Pokemon. Warning 2: Their might be some references to sex but the scenes will not be described. Why? When I read, I usually skip those parts and I am sure I am not the only one... so let us develop the plot instead. Warning 3: I am thinking of writing each arc separately and post them each time I finish one. I do not want to promise publishing x chapters per week and have pressure... so the next arc will be published one day but I do not know when Warning 4: At the end of the first arc, the main character will not capture more pokemons! I think you will agree that he has more than enough already.

alex_carb · ゲーム
30 Chs

I told you to use condoms!

"Is not your brother living nearby?" my wife asked while after I exited the shower, with a towel cowering the most important part of my body.

"Yes he is" I confirmed.

"Should not we visit him?"

"I am not sure he will be there" I explained.

"Just call him already"

"Can I put some clothes before?"

"Why? I can enjoy this sigh while you are calling him" Mia said while glaring at me from head to toes. I did notice that Anna and Laura were doing exactly the same behind my back.

"Seriously… then should I remove the towel?"

"Why not" she smirked.

"I will not. So please be silent since I have to call my brother" I sighed before looking for my phone.

"Yes yes I promised" Mia said while looking innocent.

"Hey big bro how are you?"

"Good and you? Something happened?" he replied.

"Oh no… I just wanted to know if I could stop by your home for lunch since I am close"

That sneaky Mia used that moment to pull the towel which was around my waist and ran away with it.

'Would you look at that? And she finds it funny… what a perv'

"Oh well… I guess yes. When do you arrive exactly? I will have to let the butlers know"

"In three hours I think"

"Oh well that is alright. I am glad you thought about visiting me"

'Well it was not my idea to begin with… but let us play along' I thought.

"Yes you could say that"

"That is fine. Oh by the way they will be Selina's sister too. She was been residing here for the last few days. Apparently she doing some training"

'Who is Selina again? I cannot remember… I am so bad with names'

"It is his wife" Mia whispered as she read my confused thoughts.

"Oh no problem" I said while doing a thumb up to my naughty wife who was starring a my precious thing.

"Well then see you later" my brother said before hanging up.

"You seriously need to remember those essential names" Mia sighed.

'I do not even remember the names of my family members. What did she expect?'

She let out a very long sigh. I should have hide that thought.

"Maybe it is because you have too much memories that your brain saturates" she wondered.

"How am I suppose to know?" I said while looking for clothes to wear.

"What are you doing?" Mia frowned.

"Is not it obvious? I am looking for my clothes"

"No need to hurry. We still have plenty of time to play" she declared while approaching me with the eyes of a predator looking at its favorite food.

"Ah" I let out before she jumped on me.

Three hours later, we arrived at my brother house. Well instead of house, I should say mansion. It was nearly as big as my parents' one. To think that they gave it to him for his marriage while I got nothing except for a sponsorship… I can feel some favoritism… I read on earth that noble family often invest more in their first child. I guess it is true in this world too. No, I was not jealous at all since they paid for all my pokemons so far. In fact they might have invest more on me than my brother…

"I should have tell him that Anna and Laura were coming too" I realized.

"Do not worry there should be enough food" Mia replied to my concern before knocking on the door.

"The garden is really nice" I commented while looking around.

"Young ladies, Master Henry" the old butler greeted us after opening the door. It was that damn crazy old man!

"What are you doing here crazy old man?" I asked him bluntly.

"Stop being rude" Mia scolded me.

"That is not the way a gentleman should behave Master Henry. Should I teach again?"

"N-no! Hello young and sane butler, I will be on my way, my brother is calling for me" I said before running away. The trauma of his long and boring lessons was far greater than the one from fighting the demon king!

However my escape was not for long since I hit something will opening a door.

"Ouch" someone said before falling.

"That is hurt. Are you okay?" I asked while rubbing my forefront.

"I am good thanks. Oh? Henry? You are already here?" my big brother said while also rubbing his forefront and standing up.

"Yes I am. I had to escape from that crazy man"

"Ah! I forgot about your trauma! I should have send someone else to greet you"

"It is too late now" I replied while getting goosebumps.

"Oh damn. Talk about taking care of my little brother" he sighed. "Follow me, I will make sure you do not meet him until you leave"

"T-thank you"

"So how has been your journey? Where is Mia? Do not tell me you argued? If she is mad at you I will not protect you! She is far too…"

"I am far too what? Scary?" Mia said while appearing behind him.

"Oh my dear sister in law! I was going to say far too violent but scary is correct too"

"Oh my dear brother in law, when did you grow balls? To think you used to run away every time you met your fiancee" she shot back.

My brother glared at me, mad.

"It was mom" I denied all responsibilities.

"Damn mom! Why does she keep blabbing about our dark past" he depressed.

"Fufufu you are as lively as ever"

'What was her name again?'

"You are here dear" my brother said while looking embarrassed. He was hoping that she did not hear the last sentence of Mia.

"Did you forget I am also living here?" she frowned.

"No no of course I would not forget that I am living with such a loving wife" he said while getting goosebumps.

"They really are alike" Mia commented.

"You just have to handle them correctly and they behave. Mother in law tips really work" Selina nodded.

'Damn that old woman' we both thought.

"Do you think their father is the same?"

"Oh that is very probable"

"Do not compare us that old man" we simultaneously declared.

"They are so cute" they both giggled.

"L-let us prepare some tea" my brother declared.

"I will help" I added.

We both escaped from this situation. How could they corner us that easily?

"Actually I am glad you came" my brother said once we were alone.

"Eh? Why is that?"

"Well you see… I will have to announce something to Mom and Dad but I am not sure how to tell them… so I have been avoiding them lately"

"Eh? Why? Are you crazy? Mom is going to be mad"

"Well it is just… you are going to be an uncle"

"An uncle? Hahahaha I am still too young for it! Maybe in a few years when you will have kids"

"I am serious. Selina is pregnant"

That was a such a great slap on my face. I might have lost tome teeth.

"Are you really serious? That is not fun at all" I said coldly.

"I told you already! I am serious!"

"Oh damn it! I told you to use condoms!"

"Shut up! I wanted that kid! When did you think Mom got me? She was twenty! I am twenty! It is normal to have kids at this age!"

'Maybe it is here… Damn I should stop thinking like on Earth… they would be 200 years old on earth! It would be more than enough to have kids, even great-great-great-children'

"Y-you are right. I am sorry. I was not expected this" I apologized.

"That is new, you can even apologize. I guess you are mature enough now to be an uncle"

"I will drink alcohol instead of tea" I declared. I had to bury my sorrow one way or another. I was not ready to have a nephew or a niece. That would be far too expensive! I can barely keep up with the needs of my pokemons! Their equipment costs cannot be reduce to allow me to buy gift for a kid. Those toys are freaking expensive!

"You are taking it this badly? Oh boy I prefer not to think about mom's reaction"

"She is going to faint that is for sure… then pretend to be happy while cursing you to remind her that she is aging" I explained.

"Yeah that is pretty much what I imagined. However I am most worried about Dad"

"Dad? I guess you will broke his heart, seeing his little baby becoming a man. He will have to face the truth and accept that he is an old man"

"That is true" he sighed.

"You gonna tell them when I am here"


"So that I can eat popcorn while enjoying the show"

"You are the worst"

"Am I?"

"You are" he confirmed.