
Pokemon: A Magical World

A magical world of Pokemon. Or rather a real world that has merged with the world of Pokemons for hundreds of years. Altro, a salary man, found himself in the body of a high schooler who is about to graduate. More so, in the world of Pokemon. So, he who was cut off with Pokemon animation and games after his teenage years transmigrated in the real world of Pokemon. Now he who came to this magical world will create his own legend, intentionally or unintentionally. __________________________________________________ Note:- This story is only for my self satisfaction because I happen to watch Pokemon today, so maybe as well write something. There will be elements of games, animation and urban life. This synopsis is temporary, as I upload more chapters I'll change it. Well, do give your opinion on the story. Happy Reading!!! I've have other stories to write so the update schedule is not fixed. To discuss the story and chat with us. Join our Discord:- https://discord.gg/FBSufmXzN5

Dakshay · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

Cerulean Gym

Entering the Cerulean gym. Altro was greeted by the receptionist, who took them to the battlefield. On their way, they saw the aquarium which is popular in Cerulean City.

'I wonder if the Mermaid sisters are as beautiful as they are described.' Altro was a little expectant to see the popular mermaid sisters who do water performances here and are also the gym leaders of Cerulean Gym.

To be honest, he doesn't have much expectations for today's battle. Yesterday, they told him that the gym was under repair. 'That must mean Ash has challenged this gym very recently and because of the Team Rocket trio, the gym is under repair.'

Celeste went and took a seat. While Altro entered the battlefield without much expectation waiting for the sister's trio to come out.

But to his surprise, what came in front of him were not some beautiful ladies but a middle-aged man.

'Is he Misty's father?' Thinking of this, Altro's face became serious, and he started feeling some excitement for today's battle. 'It seems the match will not be boring after all.'

"Are you the challenger? You can call me Mr. Williams." Mr. Williams said while looking at Altro.

"You must be surprised to see me here instead of my daughters. Well, they went on a vacation to recover from the trauma of an incident that happened recently." Mr. William said sadly. He was really worried about his daughters' health.

"So anyway, I am in charge of the gym currently, so you will be facing me." Saying that, Mr. William gestured to the referee.

"This is a match between Pokemon Trainer Altro from Pallet Town and the Gym Leader of Cerulean gym. Both sides will use three Pokemons and the fight ends when one side loses all three Pokemons. Only the challenger is allowed to change Pokemon. If the challenger wins, he will receive a gym badge, 30,000P$, and a TM. But if the challenger loses, he will have to pay 8,000P$." The referee stated.

"Please bring out your first Pokemon."

Mr. William smiled and said. "Come out Cloyster."

Altro looked at the opposing Cloyster at level 28 and also used his powers to check Cloyster's data.


Name - Cloyster

Type - Water/Ice

Rank - Intermediate (Level - 28)

Ability - Shell Armour (Hidden - Overcoat)

Moves - Water Gun, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Aurora Beam, Protect, Iron Defense, Icicle Crash, Razor Shell, Super Sonic.

Egg Moves - Aqua Ring


'The Cloyster is trained well,' Altro smiled slightly and took out his Pokeball.

"Come out Gyarados."


Well, Altro would have taken Pikachu out, but he promised Gyarados in his last gym battle that he will go first in the next one.

Mr. William couldn't help but be surprised to see a majestic Silver Gyarados in front of him. He is water type trainer; he has seen a lot of Gyarados but this is his first go see such a Gyarados. His eyes immediately became excited as he looked at Gyarados and then at Altro. "Such a Majestic Gyarados."

Altro smiled lightly and waited for the referee to start. Mr. Williams coughed, thinking that he just lost his composure. It was not his fault, though. Of course, he would be excited to see such a Gyarados. He is a water Pokemon Fanatic.

"Mr. Williams." The Referee reminded.

"Ah, yes yes, I'm ready."

Altro also gave a nod to the referee, suggesting he was ready.

"Let the battle begin."

Both Altro and Mr. William commanded at the same time.

"Cloyster, use ice beam."

"Gyarados, Water Fall."

The battlefield field was a pool with floating slates on them. So for Gyarados, his Water Fall's power increased with the surrounding water.

Cloyster's Ice beam hit the Water Fall, but the power was not enough to freeze the Water Fall and Cloyster was then attacked by the heavy body of Gyarados.

"Dragon tail."

And the Cloyster was knocked out. Without even being able to perform his set of moves.

"Cloyster is unable to battle, Gyarados wins."

Mr. Williams was still in a trance by the Gyarados's performance. 'So magnificent.'

He then took back Cloyster and took out another Pokeball.

"Come out, Poliwrath."

'Level 27, Eh,' Altro thought.

"Continue." The referee waved his flag.

"Poliwrath, use Dynamic Punch." Mr. Williams commanded.

"Gyarados, Twister then Thunderbolt."

When the Twister connected to the pool, it became more like a water tornado. Poliwarth, who was stuck in the tornado, was helpless. At this moment Gyarados used Thunderbolt completely, knocking him out.

"Poliwarth is unable to battle, Gyarados wins."

'Pikachu did a really good job teaching them. I should reward him.' Altro thought inwardly, seeing Gyarados' Thunderbolt.

Mr. William called back his Poliwrath and looked at Altro.

"You have completely suppressed me until now. Let's see how you deal with this."

"Come out Slowbro."

Altro looked at the Slowbro's data and thought, "Level 32, huh?"

"Gyarados, come back."

Seeing that Altro was calling back his Gyarados, Mr. Williams was a bit disappointed.

"Come out Haunter."


"Continue." Referee shouted.

"Slowbro, use confusion." Mr. Williams shouted while waving his hand forward.

Without wasting time, Altro started giving commands.

"Use Psychic suppress him. Then hit him with Energy Balls and Shadow Balls. After that, finish him with Thunderbolt." Just as Altro commanded, Slowbro was suppressed by Haunter's Psychic, canceling his Confusion. Followed by 3 Energy Balls and 2 Shadow Balls that Haunter launched at Slowbro at the same time. Then, with a high voltage Thunderbolt, completely knocking him out.

"Slowbro is unable to battle. Haunter wins. The winner is Challenger Altro from Pallet Town."

Mr. Williams smiled wryly. He was completely suppressed today. The opponent didn't give him any chance to use follow-up moves.

'Nowadays youngsters are really terrifying. If only my daughters were as good.'

Mr. William walked up to Altro and congratulated him.

"This is the proof of your victory here, Cascade badge, and this here is the TM Water pulse. I look forward to seeing your performance in the Indigo league."

Saying that, Mr. William hesitated and asked. "Um, can I take a picture with your Gyarados?"

Altro thought about it and the consequences that may follow.

"If you want, I can give you 5000P$ for the picture." Mr. William tempted Altro.

After some thinking, Altro agreed. "Sure." It shouldn't be too much trouble. If it was any other shiny, it may have been different, but it's Gyarados we are talking about.

With that, Altro called out Gyarados.

"Gyarados, Mr. William here wants to take a picture with you. Are you fine with that?"

Gyarados carefully looked at Mr. Williams and nodded.

"Thank you so much," Mr. Williams excitedly called out to the referee and asked him to take a picture.

I don't have any more chapters stacked. My exams are nearby so I don't know if I'll have time to update until mid of May.

Hope you guys are enjoying.

Dakshaycreators' thoughts