
Pokemon: A Magical World

A magical world of Pokemon. Or rather a real world that has merged with the world of Pokemons for hundreds of years. Altro, a salary man, found himself in the body of a high schooler who is about to graduate. More so, in the world of Pokemon. So, he who was cut off with Pokemon animation and games after his teenage years transmigrated in the real world of Pokemon. Now he who came to this magical world will create his own legend, intentionally or unintentionally. __________________________________________________ Note:- This story is only for my self satisfaction because I happen to watch Pokemon today, so maybe as well write something. There will be elements of games, animation and urban life. This synopsis is temporary, as I upload more chapters I'll change it. Well, do give your opinion on the story. Happy Reading!!! I've have other stories to write so the update schedule is not fixed. To discuss the story and chat with us. Join our Discord:- https://discord.gg/FBSufmXzN5

Dakshay · アニメ·コミックス
33 Chs

Angry Ash

Day after his win in the Vermilion city gym, Altro was going around shopping with Celeste in the city center. Clothes and necessary items for himself, better food for his Pokemon, and other vitamins that are helpful for the growth of Pokemon.

After accompanying Celeste through several shops and helping her choose dresses. Altro was mentally exhausted and wanted to rest, so they stopped by a nearby park.

'Sigh, it's amazing that even with my powerful Psychic, I am mentally exhausted.'

While Altro was taking a break on the bench, Celeste went to buy drinks for him as thanks for accompanying her shopping.



Pikachu and Mew were running around, playing in the park. Soon Altro saw another Pikachu appear near them and started playing with Pikachu and Mew.

'Is that Pikachu's trainer nearby?'

It was just a momentary thought. After that, Altro didn't care. He just sat there under the warm sunlight and enjoyed the peaceful day.


Shattering his peaceful moment, a loud, annoying voice sounded. He saw a familiar silly-looking boy with a hat rushing towards Mew and the two Pikachu. When that boy's Pikachu heard his trainer's shout, he moved.


Pikachu immediately rushed to him, and they hugged each other.

Those two were none other than Ash Ketchum and his partner, Pikachu. That scene was pretty dramatic, but Altro just sighed, thinking his peaceful time was disturbed.

From his psychic he sensed that Celeste was coming back but with two more people beside her. When Altro looked at them, it didn't take long for him to figure out who they were from their unique features. A boy with small eyes and spiky brown hair and a girl with short orange hair wearing summer clothes. They were Brock and Misty, Ash's traveling companions.

Celeste came forward and gave him a drink. "Sorry, I'm late."

"It's fine," Altro said while taking the drink and looking at the other two people beside Celeste.

Both Brock and Misty were also looking at the handsome boy in front of them curiously.

Pointing at Altro, Celeste introduced, "This is my traveling companion, Altro."

Then, pointing at the two of them, she introduced. "They are Brock and Misty. Their friend lost his Pokemon, so I was helping them search for it."

Then she glanced at Ash and Pikachu and said, "Fortunately, it didn't take long."

Altro looked at the two of them and greeted them with a smile, "Nice to meet you guys."

Brock and Misty also seemed to have a good impression of Altro. So, they also greeted him warmly. "Hello."

Misty was pretty excited talking to a handsome guy like Altro. But before she could, a scream disturbed her.


Ash's scream surprised everyone. Even Altro was a little taken aback. Ash rushed towards him with dangerous eyes, as if ready to kill him.

Brock immediately moved forward to grab hold of him. Misty and Celeste also instinctively blocked Altro, ready to protect him.

"Let go of me, Brock. I must beat that guy up."

Ash tried to struggle in Brock's grip, but it was too strong for him to get out.

"Calm down Ash. Get a hold of yourself." Brock said, trying to bring him back to his senses.

"You don't know Brock. That fu#ker." Ash gritted his teeth and continued. "Always had his eyes on my mother."

Everyone was dumbfounded by this sudden revelation. Brock was so shocked that his mind stopped working for a moment.

"Can you repeat that?"

"Since when we were children, he always wanted to marry my mom," Ash repeated with his eyes burning with hatred towards Altro.

Celeste and Misty looked at Altro with disgust and Brock had a look of admiration towards him, which Altro didn't like one bit.

He knew if he didn't give a reasonable explanation right now, his image is going to be destroyed in front of everyone.

Sighing, he looked at Ash and said, "Calm down, Ash. I have no intentions towards Aunt Delia."

Yes, he was innocent. It was the previous Altro who had intentions toward her. He was wronged here.

Ash seemed surprised when Altro called his mom, Aunt, but he still didn't believe him. "Don't lie to me."

"It's the truth." Altro's lip twitched as he said, "We were kids back then. Later I just teased you a little."

"Really?" Seeing Ash's naïve expression, Altro was glad that Ash was easy to fool.

"Gary messaged me that after I leave, you have planned to do something to my mom." Ash's words made Altro's expression dark.

'What kind of thing the previous Altro was planning? Ugh, if only I had his memories. Things wouldn't be so troublesome.'

"He was probably just teasing you." Altro sighed and continued. "You know how he likes to mess with you."

Altro remembers Gary from the anime. Seeing Ash's personality, he assumed Gary might not be much different.

And fortunately, it seems he was right.

Ash nodded his head with a thoughtful look and said, "Yeah, with Gary's personality, it seems entirely possible."

"Right?!" Altro had no guilt in blaming Gary.


"By the way, what are you doing here?" Now that Ash was clear that Altro didn't intend to do anything to his mother, and it was all Gary's cheap trick. He calmed down and his tone was also quite friendly.

From Ash's reaction, Altro understood that the previous Altro was also Ash's friend. 'Well, I thought as much when I met Delia.'

"What do you mean? I am on my journey." Altro said.

"What? Journey?" Ash seemed pretty surprised. "Weren't you going to start after your parents' return?"

'It seems Ash didn't know that the previous Altro didn't plan to wait that long.' Altro immediately figured it out from their conversation.

"If I waited that long, I won't be able to participate in the league this year."

"So you'll also participate. Great." Ash's eyes became very excited at the thought of Altro participating. "Red, Blue, and Gary are going to be surprised."


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