
Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

[Warning BTW! If you read the reviews before reading, you'll get basically Fake News. One of them is basically 'I dont understand english so the book is bad' so! Just give it a try, if you don't like it, you don't like it. But the reviews are misleading.] A classic Pokemon story with a System. I want Opinions on the story quality, direction, and writing for battles or otherwise. Nobody in the Discord wants to do it, so you lucky fellows will have to do! After beating Radical Red Hardcore Nuzlocke without losing a single Pokemon, Ace was rebirthed in the Pokemon world with a System! Are you sick and tired of everyone and their mother having a Lucario? Grossed out by the borderline Bestiality between Trainers and Gardevoir? Looking for something fresh with Pokemon that are rarely used?! Then this is probably for you! (Uses Radical Red Abilities, they're explained anyway so don't worry about it.)

AgentMonke · アニメ·コミックス
153 Chs

'Clemont, Cheating Together is more fun! Ask Cynthia!' -Ace (Pro Cheater)

After exiting the cave, Cynthia looked at Byron and Ace, smiling, "We should be able to make it on time for the Exam after all!" she put her hands on her hips, smiling happily, "I thought it would take longer to examine the Runes but who knew!"

Ace scratched his cheek, after all it was so easy… He asked instead, "About that Black Augurite…" Cynthia turned and looked at him, "You want it?" Ace clicked his tongue, shaking his head, asking, "Are you giving it to Aaron?" 

Cynthia thought about it and replied, "I was going to send it to my Grandmother first before giving it to Aaron's scyther." Ace looked over at Byron, glancing at Cynthia with meaning. She looked at him and chuckled, looking at Byron up and down, thinking.

Byron froze and turned to Ace, chuckling helplessly, "You really… I'm just a Gym Leader!" Ace snorted and waved, "In every other region Bug Types are Gym Leaders, why break such a nice streak? Go on, Byron! Take down the Bug guy, I know you can do it!"

Byron shook his head and Cynthia looked at Ace with interest, "You don't agree with Aaron?" Ace crossed his arms, "I mean, I'm sure he's a nice person and all that… But Byron's my buddy!" he patted Byron's shoulder and nodded, "He can be in the Elite Four, no problem! Just like Volkner!"

Byron waved his hand and changed the subject, "Anyway, we should get going! We need to be in Lumiose soon!" Speaking of this, Cynthia snapped her fingers with a smile, "Don't worry. We can take my private jet!"

Ace and Byron looked at each other, sighing, "Rich people…" Cynthia's lips twitched and she pointed out, "You're also a rich person!" Ace froze and Byron looked up at the sky, sighing, "I'm surrounded by rich people…"

In the end, they took Cynthia's jet to Lumiose.

During the flight, she called her Grandmother and explained what happened. Granny Carolina was shocked and communicated with Cynthia about the research notes. In the end, she sent the Hisuian Items and Notebook directly to her as Garchomp held onto them.

Ace was dumbfounded watching this.

Turns out you can give Pokemon all kinds of things and teleport the pokeball back.

A while later

They landed in Lumiose in the middle of the night, going to stay in a hotel.

Ace didn't find much to do in Lumiose, he walked around aimlessly on the streets. Cynthia was shopping and Byron went out of Lumiose to train for a bit.

Anyway, they had a few days to relax.

Ace looked around at all the young kids playing with their Gameboys and even fashionable teenagers taking pictures or livestreaming. He felt a burst of pride, he kicked these fellows into the Social Media age!

Not only that, but the torture from the game's difficulty made him feel endless joy!

Just as he was walking around, he saw a little boy bragging, "Look at this! I have a level 100 Mew!" Ace looked interested and walked over, if he remembered correctly, Mew was in the game data, but it wasn't obtainable.

He looked at the blonde haired boy with thick glasses as he bragged to other kids, pushing up his glasses, "That's right! I made a device called a Gameshark!" Ace curled his lips and stood over the boy, who paused, turning around before jumping in shock, "Holy Moly!"

Ace asked, "A Gameshark?" The boy pushed up his glasses as the other children scattered quickly.

Nobody wants to get caught cheating!

Ace narrowed his eyes as the boy said in shock, "You're the creator of the Gameboy?!" Ace was surprised and smiled, "How did you know?" the boy blushed in excitement, "I read it online! I remember your face, you're Ace, right?! I'm Clemont! I'm a big fan!"

He turned over his Gameboy and held it up, "Can you sign my Gameboy?" Ace was startled at the novelty and smirked, "I can do more than that." as he took the Gameboy and his finger turned black.

He engraved out a signature on the Gameboy without damaging the inside before handing it back to Clemont, who was dumbfounded, touching the signature with shock, "Wow! How did you do that?!"

Ace flexed and laughed, "When you get older, you can do it too!" Clemont gasped, "Really!?" Ace nodded seriously and sat down, "How did you make that Gameshark, Clemont?" Clemont froze and pushed up his glasses anxiously, "Well… Um…" he started detailing the process.

Ace didn't understand it at all but continued nodding along before smiling, "But cheating isn't good, right?" as he tilted his head. Clemont swallowed nervously but Ace laughed happily, "Unless you're cheating with friends!"

Clemont froze, dumbfounded, as Ace nodded to himself, "That's right. First of all, Congratulations on finding Mew! It was a secret that I put in the game. I spread a few rumors on purpose but you're the only one who found it!"

Clemont gasped, "You spread the rumor that Mew was under the truck on the side of the SS Anne?!" Ace laughed, thinking about the hours he wasted on that rumor in the past. He nodded and Clemont asked, "By the way! What about Missing no.?" Ace raised his brows, "You found it too?"

Clemont let out a breath, "I thought it was a bug! Turns out, it's safe!" Ace's lips twitched and he changed the subject, "I have a gift for you." Clemont looked at him in confusion as Ace flipped out two Pokemon Eggs from nowhere.

Clemont looked at the eggs and his eyes bulged out, pushing his glasses down his nose! He pushed his glasses back and asked in shock, "They're for me?!" Ace nodded and smiled, "I think you're pretty smart. You found two secrets and created a new Device! Where's your dad?"

Clemont pointed over and hugged the eggs, "Follow me!" Ace followed Clemont, coming to a house. A tall and muscular man walked out and looked at Ace in confusion, "Clemont, who is this?" before pausing, "Pokemon Eggs?"

Ace introduced himself, "Hello! I'm Ace, the CEO of Gamefreak." The man shook his hand, "Meyer, Clemont's father… Did he do something?" Ace nodded and smiled, "Well, yes!" Meyer looked at Clemont, who was smiling happily before turning to Ace, who continued, "Long story short, Clemont created a Cheating Device for my game!"

Meyer nodded and glanced at Clemont, who looked embarrassed. Ace waved and smiled, "Don't blame him, actually, this is a good thing. There's a lot of smart people in the world. If we block them from creatively inventing, then we'll get nowhere in the end. Clemont is pretty smart and those two eggs are for finding Hidden Secrets in the game…"

He paused and coughed, "Well, it's like this. I want to use Clemont's Blueprints for the Gameshark and sell the device as a separate entity alongside Gameboys." Meyer and Clemont were shocked, "What?!"

Ace nodded and explained, "We can iron out details later, but for now, I was thinking 20/80 split with 80% going to Clemont… Or you, I guess!" Meyer frowned and looked at Ace, "What do you mean? 80 is too much!"

Ace waved his finger and chuckled, "Actually, it's not. If not for my reach and Brand name, I wouldn't even be able to take 20%! I don't think you understand, this is a really big thing! As the company grows and grows, more people will use the Gameshark and who knows, maybe it'll evolve into something else in the future? If you're still uncomfortable, then treat it as Research and Development funds."

He shrugged and smiled, "In any case, I'm not taking refusals or a higher percentage. So really, it's your problem now, not mine! Well, here's my card. We'll be in touch!" as he walked away leisurely, humming to himself.

Noivern, on his head, turned and looked at Clemont, waving a wing goodbye. Meyer and Clemont looked at the card with awkward expressions.

What a… generous guy…