
Poke World: Dream

A Dream and A Reality. A new world awaits let's Go, explore the New world of Pokemon.

PokeMasterA · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter 7 Wandering around the village.

After reading Chimchar's status, my mind started on working with many Ideas on how I can train and maximize the abilities and Move set of Chimchar in the near futures, but before that I am going to explore the village first, maybe I can find some quest before I explore the outside world.

I started walking, I am going to market first to know how many items this 100, poke coin can buy. Chimchar is sitting in my shoulder and curiously looking around.

I saw many trainers battling with their Pokemons, hays, so many idiots nowadays. They are just wasting their money and time. I saw two trainers battling with both Charmanders scratching each other's, while the trainers shouting to the top of their lungs to use scratch one more time, eventually both Charmanders fainted on the same time. I facepalm my self, fuck haha what a joke.

I pause walking because I saw a building with PokeBall design on the center top, then with smaller words around the ball with words Pokemon Center. I remember that I need to visit it first to save my location.

Chimchar, we are going in that building first, Chimchar nods it head again saying okay. Then we started walking toward pokemon center. As I push the door open, I heard a voice saying welcome to pokemon center please come in, standing beside the door is a beautiful girl, I immediately recognize her, the Iconic Officer jenny the police officer of every poketown, but right now she is wearing guard uniform unlike in anime were she always wear police uniform in a skirt, damn what a waste of great opportunity. this game company is surely killjoy.

A: Hi I am A, I am new trainer and I would like to know everything that this establishment is offering.

Guard Jenny: Hi A, welcome to pokemon center, here we can provide healing service to all pokemons, we provide free service if you just need to restore the endurance and stamina of your pokemon, but if your pokemon fainted during the battle, we will require the Trainers to pay 5 PokeCoins to restore the fainted Pokemon, Removing status effects with cost you 3 PokeCoins.

Damn what a rift off game is this, you need to pay money to restore your pokemons.

Guard Jenny: Aside from healing service, we also provide lodging, and cafeteria services, trainers can use lodging area when logging out of the game, when you log in back you will receive buff with duration of 2 hrs which can increase your pokemon's experience with 10 percent if you defeat your opponent during pokemon battle or pokemon hunting in the wild. Our cafeteria offers variety of foods and supplements which can enhanced temporary the stats of your pokemon. The lodging for one night will cost you 50 pokecoins while the

cafeteria will charge you depends on food you decide to order. (I knew it, it is to good to be true, I think no trainer can afford it right now! too evil!!)

A: Thank You so much for all these information, I would like to try all the service that you are mention but I have something else to do, maybe I will try it some other time. For now I just would like to save my current location.

G. Jenny: Then put your Hand in this Apparatus, she pointed a square device hanging on the side of the wall. I put my right hand and I heard a sound. Ding! Location Save. Thank you.

I give thanks to Guard Jenny again, and continue on my way, I did not visit Nurse Joy for the time being, because Chimchar is still in perfect condition. (We didn't do any battling yet). Once outside the center I continue walking towards the market, but for some reason one trainer approach me, he have Charmander following him.

Boy: hey I want to battle you! ( what a rude bastard didn't even ask for my name first).

A: I don't even know you! I don't want to battle someone who doesn't have any manners.

B: scared cat are you? come on don't be a pussy. My name is Kevin and I'm gonna be the best of them all.

I just walk away, I don't feel wasting my time in this little shit, I think he have a serious mental health problem.

Kevin: Hey where do you think you're going. battle me first before you go. Still continue following me.

A: (feeling irritated) What's your problem? look I don't want to waste my time with you, I have something better to do so fuck off before it turns ugly.

Kevin: Battle me you spineless coward!

A: fuck, your on! invite me! ( you need invitation before you start battling, You cannot battle as you wish here, your opponent should agree first). Don't cry later when I beat your ass!.