
Pokémon, I became Charmander

In a forest under a giant tree sleeps a dragonlike creature. The creature had an orange body with a cream-coloured underside, and on top of its slender tail a fire was burning, but weirdly this flame did not hurt it. 'Yawn' A yawn was heard, as this strange dragonlike creature woke up. Staring with its light-blue-eyes at the sky, the creature sighed and said tirely: „Cha Cha mander (Sun, just go away, I'm sleeping)“ Closing its eyes again, it falls asleep.

Iruma_kun99 · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Chapter 12: Meeting May's Mother 1

Coming out of Prof. Birch's Pokémon lab, Eren looks forward towards his trainer and suddenly feels happy.

No...wait, what's wrong with me? Why do I feel like this? There's absolutely no way I would become someone's Pokémon, so why did I...

Suddenly thinking of this, he felt a heavy headache rush his way as he held his head. ..Oh, right, the game system I haven't checked my stats yet.

Pulling up the system panel, he checks his current status.

[Game Boy Panel]


Name: Eren Yeager (lv. 8)

Race: Charmander

Type: Fire

Ability: Ups fire moves in a pinch.

Gold: $413

Exp.p: 333 (87 EXP till next level)


Health points = 31/31

Attack = 15 Sp Atk = 17

Defence = 12 Sp Def = 15

Speed = 18





Available Fuctions

-System Bag (Unlocked)

Infinite Oran Berries, Flying Gem, Life Orb, 11/99 Sky Plate Fragments, 5 Carbos, 1/5 CharizarditeX Fragments

-Basic info. viewer lv.2 (Unlocked)

-System Shop (locked lv.10)

=Trainer: May


What!! I'm sure I only had infinte oran berries, 1 Flying gem, and 1 sky plate fragment...So where did these come from?...

"Little Charmander." May said, softly interrupting Eren's thoughts.

Snapping out his thoughts. He looks up at his trainer in confusion.

"Char (What?)"

"Well, I was uh thinking that, mmm, may I give you a nickname?" She said shyly while looking towards her feet.

Eren looked dumbfounded at May in front of him. Although my trainer is cute, but she is a little bit... No, take that back. She's a lot shy, even around her own Pokémon. Guess I need to work on her social skills more, but now that I think about it I wasn't much of a social person either. 

The only one I interacted with most of the time was Sis, and she was practical 12. Most of the people called me gloomy due to the aura I gave off; heck, I even beat up a few people when they tried to talk to me...

Suddenly realising he got lost in his own thoughts again, he cursed internally.

Looking up, he saw a red-faced May and suddenly felt embarrassed for letting her wait. 

Raising his hand, he engraves his name in the sand and shouted towards May.

"Char char! (My name's Eren)"

Hearing this, May looks up, and seeing the name in the sand surprises her. Wait, little Charmander can write?.. but she quickly forgets it as happiness takes over.

"Okay, little Charmander, from today onwards, your name is Eren." She said shyly.

"Oh, by the way, we need to head to Mom first to say goodbye." She said in remembrance. Picking up Eren, she heads towards her home.

Seeing the fast change in her emotions, Eren was amazed, but considering it is her mother, she should feel safe and be herself around her, so it should be normal.

Arriving at May's home, Eren looked dumfounded when he saw the huge house. Maybe I should stop going at this with my understanding of the game, as this is totally not in the game!!

As Eren was thinking, May had already opened the door and entered.

As if a heavy burden were lifted from her shoulders, May smiled brightly. Placing Eren on the floor, she said excitedly. "Come, Eren, let me take you to meet my Mother."

Grabbing Eren's little hand, she walked forward towards the back garden. Seeing May so excited weirded Eren out, but noticing the change in her personality, he smiled.

"Char (Sure)"

Reaching the garden, Eren saw a woman who looked a lot like May and had a mature aura around her. She was May's mother.

"Honey, you're back, so which Pokémon did you choose?" Noticing May, May's mother said with excitement.

Hearing her mother, May steps aside, revealing Eren, and says proudly, "This is Eren Mother and his a Charm..."

Before May finished her sentence, her mother flashed right past her, hugged Eren, and shouted overjoyed while inspecting him all over. "Wow!! It's a Charmander, never thought I'd see one in the Heonn region. Wow, you're so chubby and strong and also so cute, and you're also May's starter so...."

"Mother!! Eren's not my Starter, Torchic is." May shouted angrily.

Hearing her daughter, she stared dumbfounded.

"What!! You have two Pokémon!!!"


I know it's kind of short, but I'll try to post another chapter later.

Iruma_kun99creators' thoughts