
Pokémon, I became Charmander

In a forest under a giant tree sleeps a dragonlike creature. The creature had an orange body with a cream-coloured underside, and on top of its slender tail a fire was burning, but weirdly this flame did not hurt it. 'Yawn' A yawn was heard, as this strange dragonlike creature woke up. Staring with its light-blue-eyes at the sky, the creature sighed and said tirely: „Cha Cha mander (Sun, just go away, I'm sleeping)“ Closing its eyes again, it falls asleep.

Iruma_kun99 · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Chapter 10: Destiny

[Ding, Congratulations host, for receiving Rayquaza's divine blessing and obtaining 10 Sky Plate Fragments, a Life Orb, 1 Escape Rope, 5 Carbos, and 1/5 CharizarditeX Fragment]

[Life Orb: Boost the power of one move x2 at the cost of 1/5 of the users HP]

[Carbos: Each Carbos raises Speed Stat by 1.]

[CharizarditeX Fragments: Collecting all fragments can be fusion into Charizardite X Mega Stone.]

When this prompt went off, tens of others came after. All of which were not favourable to Eren's current situation.

[Current Health Points: 14/31]


[Current Health Points: 10/31]


[Current Health Points: 7/31]


[Current Health Points: 4/31]

[Ding, User health is below the safe zone.....Found that user is unconscious and proceeding to automatically use life-saving items.]

[Searching for items in System Bag....]

[Ding, item found (1 Escape Rope)]

[Using Escape Rope.....]

A bright light flashed from Eren's body. Seeing the bright light emitting from the Charmandar's body made those Zubats scared. 

For fear of the light that appeared. They retreated towards the remaining dark part of the cave, leaving an unconscious Eren on the ground.

The Zubats grew more anxious as the light on Eren's body grew brighter and brighter, but almost 4 seconds later, it suddenly stopped, and with a loud bang, it disappeared completely. 

Darkness returned to the cave once more as the Zubats, who were previously hiding, were now out. Just when the Zubats were ready to continue their gang attack. 

They suddenly found out that there target had disappeared. Staring dumbfoundedly at the empty ground, they couldn't help but wonder.

(Where's the guy???)


In the exact same forest, about 100 metres away from Charmandar's cave, which is now Zubat's cave, is an open field with lots of bushes. Somewhere near this open field sleeps an unconscious Charmandar.

Suddenly, a loud shout was heard coming from near the bushes a few metres away.

"H-help me!!"

A middle-aged man was seen running around in circles while being chased by a Zigzagoon. The middle-aged man wore a white lab coat with a blue t-shirt and a pair of shorts. Spotting someone, the man shouts towards them.

"Hello! You over there!"

"Please! Help!!"

Seeing it's a small girl, he suddenly became anxious and shouted towards her.

"In my bag!"

"There's a Poké Ball!"

Hearing this, the girl ran forward towards the bag on the ground, ready to take one poké ball out, but just as she was about to reach out her hand. Something caught her eye. It was a little Charmandar and by the looks of it, it's about to wake up.

"Char char (Where am I?)"

"Char mander (Wait, shouldn't I be in the cave, and where's the Zubats that attacked me??)"

Confusion was seen in Charmandar's eye as it looked towards the scene in front of it. Prof. Birch, a Zigzagoon, and May...wait, May, could this be where the protagonist gets his/her starter...

Just as Eren was figuring out his current situation, a loud shout from Prof. Birch interrupted him.

"Please! Help!!""

Hearing this shout, the girl named May panicked, and without even thinking of it, she was about to take a Pokémon.

But again she was interrupted as the Charmandar who had woken up from its sleep, stood in front of her and spat out a flame towards Zigzagoon, instantly defeating it.

[Ding, deals 11 damage]

[Ding, Congratulations for killing/defeating a level 2 Zigzagoon and obtaining 10 experience points]

[Ding, Congratulations for obtaining 11 gold coins]

[Current experience points: 333 (87 EXP. needed to reach level 9)]

Listening to the system prompt, Eren suddenly remembered that before he lost consciousness, he turned the system prompts off, so why is it....

Just when Eren was thinking about this, a weird feeling hit him. He felt pain all over his body as his body fell heavily to the ground. 

Groaning on the ground in pain, he fell unconscious again, but only before spitting out a few chars.

"Char char ma....(That's..right...Zubat...is also... a...Poison....type.....)"


After chapter 13, I'll only be posted 3 chapters a week. Oh and also, a few of the chapters starting from 10 will be a little easy going. Meaning the protagonist won't go levelling up like crazy. So no killing....for a few chapters that is.

Anyway thanks for the support!!

Iruma_kun99creators' thoughts