
Chapter no.277 The Mysterious Psychic part 1

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( Author Note : Well, good news and good news ; my family problem has been resolved so back to the daily upload and my original novel " Murim : Struggle of the Weak " has been contracted)


Night had fallen upon Saffron City where the Moon, masked by clouds, diffused a whitish glow yet the entire city was lit up by the lights of the buildings as if it was saying that in Saffron City there is no sleep.

[ Saffron City - Pokemon Center ]

The cafeteria of the Pokemon Center was bustling with activity as trainers of all ages and skill levels milled about, chatting excitedly and digging into their meals. In one corner of the room, a group of particularly animated trainers had gathered, their voices rising and falling as they recounted the incredible feats of a young, yellow-haired girl who had recently stirred quite a storm in the streets of Saffron.

"I heard she took down a fully evolved Charizard with just a Tentacool!" said one trainer, his eyes wide with amazement.

"Yeah, and she didn't even have to use any special moves. Just pure strategy and understanding of her Pokemon's abilities," another trainer chimed in.

"I was at the battle, it was truly incredible to see. She's like a Pokemon whisperer or something," a third trainer added.

"Fifty consecutive wins with unevolved Pokemon? That's insane!" exclaimed a fourth.

As they spoke, their eyes shone with excitement and admiration, their hands gesturing wildly as they recounted the details of her battles. They spoke of her incredible strategy and her seemingly innate understanding of her Pokemon's strengths and weaknesses, and how she had managed to win an astonishing fifty consecutive battles with unevolved Pokemon.

"I wish I could learn from her, I've never even come close to that kind of streak," said a young trainer, who was taking notes as the others spoke.

The group was varied, with trainers from all around the world, from young kids to the elder trainers who have been in the game for decades, all of them were in awe of the yellow-haired girl's skills. Some of them had even been lucky enough to witness her battles firsthand, and they regaled their companions with thrilling accounts of her quick thinking and lightning-fast reflexes.

"She's like a prodigy, I've never seen anything like it," said one trainer, shaking his head in disbelief.

The air was thick with the sounds of excited chatter, punctuated by the occasional cheer or exclamation as the trainers relived the girl's greatest moments. Some were even taking notes and trying to get tips from eyewitnesses on how to improve their skills.

As the conversation continued, it became clear that this yellow-haired girl had captured the hearts and minds of the entire Pokemon battling community of Saffron, if only they knew that the genius they were calling the next Champion and as an inspiration to them had only battled to pay for some pokemon food.

[ Saffron City - Public Trainer Field ]

In the west of Saffron City, one could find an arena; large and open, with high walls and a domed ceiling that let in streams of sunlight, casting the entire space in a warm, golden glow. The floor was made of polished wood and was divided into several different fields, each one surrounded by a low wall and a rope barrier.

This was a Public Trainer Field that had been built by Silph Cooperation when they tried to promote their new invention; TMs to the world.

Inside one of the public trainer fields, a girl with blonde hair slept with a straw hat covering her face.

The lights flickered and danced across the field, casting long shadows as a figure emerged from the shadows, his eyes burning with crimson light, he wore a tight-fitting turtle neck sweater that clung to his body, if one squinted their eyes, they could see the outline of the tattoos that covered his body.

The figure approached the sleeping girl and poked her arm.

" Hmm, Five more minutes," Yellow exclaimed in her sleep as Austin suddenly grabbed her shoulders.

" Kyaaa !" Yellow woke up with a scream that caused the sleeping pidgeys on the rooftop to wake up and glare at the duo while Dratini looked left to right scared out of its mind.

Yellow stopped screaming when she realized that it was just Austin who woke her up.

" Oh, Ash, Is breakfast ready ?" Yellow asked innocently before she realized where she was.

Suddenly everything came back to Yellow's mind.

She was supposed to get the Pokemon food.

She was supposed to make enough money to pay for the Pokemon food.

Oh no!

Yellow could feel the sweat starting to bead on her forehead, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to say something.

Austin just smiled," I got to say; 0-50 consecutive pokemon battles won, impressive."

Austin's words caused yellow to blush before the realization set in and Austin could see the look of sheer terror on Yellow's face who wore her emotions on her sleeves.

" A, Ash, I-I-I .... " Yellow scrambled to form words but couldn't as she had essentially told Ash that she would be the responsible one.

And she blew it. Not only did she spend all the money that he gave her but she couldn't even make up for her mistake.

Yellow suddenly covered her face with her straw hat out of embarrassment.

She closed her eyes but suddenly she smelled a whiff.

" Yellow, can you look at me ?" Austin asked in a sincere voice causing Yellow to shake as Austin slowly removed her straw hat.

Yellow's tear-filled eyes meet Austin's crimson eyes.

" ( ~ Sniff ~ ) Y, Y, You aren't mad."

" Why would I be mad ?"

" Because I messed up."

" Yellow; we all mess up, that's a part of being human. Even if you did mess up, did you not try to fix it ?"

" ( ~ Sniff ~ ) y, yeah."

" Now let's go, I got the pokemon food," Austin said as he pulled up the bags of food both humans and pokemon in his hands.

" You got everything !" Yellow exclaimed in shock as Austin handed over a red mochi bun to her.

" Yeah, I know you wanted to try the new mochi flavor so I got some."

Yellow's gaze fixed upon the small, round mochi in her hand. The sweet glutinous rice ball was still warm, and the sweet aroma of freshly-made mochi filled her senses. But as she stared at it, her lip began to quiver, and the tears welled up in her eyes as she realized that even with all the screwups she had done, he was always there for her.

It was then that she felt a hand on her shoulder, and she looked up to see Austin. He looked at her with a mix of concern and confusion, and before she could stop herself, she had thrown herself into his arms, the mochi tumbling from her hand as she hugged him tightly.

They both tumbled down to the ground, Austin trying to catch her, but both of them fell.

" Yellow, are you ok ?"

" Yeah."

" That's good but can you get off ?"

" Ash, can we stay like this for a moment ?"

" ...."

" ....."

" Please."

" Ok, fine."

" .... "

The duo stayed on the ground in an awkward silence that was broken by Austin saying.

" I am not mad."

" I know."

" Then why are you crying ?"

" I am just thankful that I have someone like you to always rely on even when I screw up."

" Yellow; no, I .." Austin couldn't say anything back as he was thankful to Yellow for staying by his side. Even when he pushed everyone away, deep down he wanted them to stop him, help him for being consumed by his anger towards Team Rocket, towards himself, and towards the world, and for always staying by his side when he needed someone just to be there.

" Yellow."

" Yeah."

" Thanks."

" For what."

" For everything."

For Yellow and Austin, at that moment, nothing else mattered. They were wrapped up in their little world, and as they hugged on the ground suddenly a blinding camera flash illuminated the field in a brilliant burst of light. Yellow and Austin, still on the ground, were momentarily frozen in the glare, their faces etched in a mix of surprise and confusion.

Suddenly the duo saw Haunter with Pikachu on her head flying away.

Austin could hear the duo's chuckle as he looked down only to find yellow passed out while steam came off her chest

" Really."


The door to the inn opened with a loud creak, and Austin strode in, carrying Yellow in his arms in a bridal style. She was unconscious, her head resting against his chest, and he held her tightly, taking care not to jostle her as he made his way across the room.

Lucario let out a loud whistle as he saw the duo, a grin spreading across his face. "My Mew, should I call the police ?," he said, chuckling while Pikachu gulped when he saw his trainer's eyes on him.

Charmeleon, Ditto, Scizor, Wartortle, and Fearow stood guard over the photo that Pikachu had taken

" You should look back."

Austin said before going into Yellow's room as they looked back only to find Charmeleon's tail flame burning the photo.

" Char !"

" Scizor !"

" Fear !"


The pokemon panicked as they tried to save the photo while Lucario happily ate his chocolate.


Austin made his way over to the bed, laying Yellow down gently on the mattress. As he pulled away, he could see her grip on his pinky finger and his face melted into a smile.

He was about to leave, but something made him pause. He looked down at Yellow, her face in a frown as if she was having a night, and he felt a tug at his heartstrings.

Austin brushed Yellow's head softly while channeling his aura to comfort yellow in her sleep.

Slowly Austin began to drift into sleep.

The room was quiet, save for the sound of their breathing, as the night went on.


The morning sun filtered through the window, casting a warm golden glow across the room. Yellow slowly opened her eyes, her mind still foggy with sleep. She stretched her limbs, feeling the cool sheets against her skin and the warmth of the sun on her face.

As she sat up, she realized that she was not alone in bed. Austin was lying beside her, still asleep, his chest rising and falling steadily with each breath. Yellow felt a blush creeping up her face as she looked down at her hand, and her heart skipped a beat as she saw her hand wrapped around Austin's finger. She couldn't help but gulp as she looked at the intimate gesture, and her heart began to race.

With a smile on her face, she leaned in closer to Austin, her heart bursting with joy.

As she looked at him, she knew that she couldn't resist the urge to touch him, to feel his warmth and his heartbeat against her own. She reached out her hand and gently brushed her fingers across his cheek, feeling the rough stubble against her skin.

Austin stirred, but he did not wake up. Yellow, pretending to be still asleep, snuggled closer to him, her heart overflowing with happiness and contentment.

The sound of a camera's shutter clicked loudly in the room, pulling Austin out of his peaceful slumber. He opened his eyes to see his Pokemon on the other end of the bed, all crowded around, taking pictures of him with his Polaroid camera. He felt a weight on his chest as he saw Yellow lying next to him, still pretending to be asleep.

He jolted up, his mind racing as he tried to process what was happening. He could see the mischievous grins on everyone's faces while Charmeleon was bashing his head on the wall.

" Char, Chameleon" { This is cheating. ]

As he looked down at the bed, he saw that it was covered in a blanket of delicate petals, and he felt his heart skip a beat.

Yellow, pretending to have just woken up, looked around the room with confusion, her eyes flicking from Austin to the petals and back again.

Yellow was a little confused as she looked at Kitty who was buzzing extremely happily before Kitty hugged her while Austin glared at his smirking team.

Taking a handful of petals, Austin threw them at Pikachu who just blushed and look away shyly as Scizor and the others burst out in cackles.

" Where did you guys even get these ?" Austin wondered before Pidgeot and Dragonair's glare caused him to cough, " And girls."

" You don't need to know," Lucario answered as he walked out of the shower with a towel.

" Have some decency, Lucario," Austin said as Fearow plucked out a few petals from his hair before eating them.

Lucario just smirked and glanced at Yellow.

" Let's just say, I can't say the words I want to."

Austin glared back before slapping away Wartortle's paws that tried to take the petals away to eat.

" Ash, when is your pokemon battle with the Saffron City Gym Leader ?" Yellow curiously asked as Kitty finally let her go. She was still confused about why Kitty was so happy today.

Did she like rose petals that much?

" Huh, what are you talking about?"

" Isn't this why we are here ?"

" Nope, we are here because I want to catch an Abra."

" Oh !"


[ Afternoon ]

The sun beat down mercilessly on the parched earth, casting a fiery orange glow across the landscape. The air was thick with the scent of baking soil and the distant rumble of thunder promised a storm that would never come.

Under the scorching sun, a drenched Austin and Yellow followed after Lucario who was holding Musharna in his hands.

" Did you want to find the most psychically in-tune Abra ?" Lucario asked as he wiped the sweat off his fur.

" Yes," Austin replied as his shadow wiggled side to side.

Looks like haunter didn't like the sun.

" Ash, why is it so hot ?"

" A heatwave suddenly hit the entirety of Kanto."

" If it's so hot then have Tenty cool you off with water gun," Austin answered back.

" Good idea."

" Pika." Pikachu seconded the idea of cooling off.

It was as if a silent scream echoed through the land, a wave of psychic energy washing over Austin and Yellow. It was as if the very fabric of reality was being torn apart, and they could feel it in the pit of their stomachs. The energy was palpable, like a physical force that pressed against their skin. It was both exhilarating and terrifying.

The energy continued to build, growing stronger with each passing second. It was as if the entire land was being pulled into a maelstrom of psychic power. The ground began to shake, and rocks were lifted off the ground, spinning wildly through the air.

Musharna suddenly bolted forward while Yellow crashed down screaming.

Pikachu also crashed into the ground while holding his head.

" Pika !"

Austin and Lucario's bodies erupted in aura as they battled against the psychic energy permeating through the air.

Austin picked up Yellow and Pikachu and headed directly for the nearest cover he could find. He took a few seconds to take in what he could see. Several Pokémon were being held down by psychic power. A few were completely unconscious.

With Musharna battling it out with psychic energy.

Austin ignored Lucario's crimson eyes watching him and moved his eyes to where Musharna was being held down. He could practically see Lucario's veins pop in annoyance.

Once he was sure that Yellow and Pikachu were safe after they ran a few meters away, he looked around for whatever could be keeping the pokemon down. It had to be powerful enough to stop Lucario.

" Go Scizor and Haunter, "Austin commanded as the duo fanned out.

Still, he couldn't see nor could he concentrate on using aura sense to find what was keeping them down.

Looks like he had to do this the old fashion way.

"Can you move at all?" Austin shouted towards Lucario, getting an eye roll in response. "That's something, I guess. Is the psychic still here? One blink for yes, two for no."

Lucario blinked once, extremely slowly in a sort of exaggerated manner. Austin did not doubt that the aura pokemon was making fun of him in his head.

" Good to know. Can you sense what took you down?"

This time, Lucario blinked twice. No, he hadn't seen what had caught his body in an impossible-to-break form. Huh. So he hadn't seen what had got him nor could he properly concentrate with all this psychic energy permeating through the air.

Austin breathed out a breath, trying to figure out how to disrupt the psy-

Was it that easy?

"If this doesn't work, you have my full permission to make fun of me later," Austin warned, being careful to keep his voice steady as he didn't want to disturb Musharna.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

One of the more interesting of the held items in the pokemon world is the bone club possessed by Marowak. Although those held by Cubone are initially taken from the tail of their Kangaskhan mothers, they grow larger with them as if the ghost of its mother is aging with the child, until the bone reaches its maximum size when the Cubone evolves into Marowak.

As weapons, they are exceptionally powerful objects, but also remarkably heavy. Indeed, it is only Marowak which can lift them, and only each Marowak can only lift their bone: stronger pokemon such as Machamp who try to find it easier to lift a Groudon. They can not be thrown with altitude and will typically strike an opponent in the legs; among flying types, only the strongest of these pokemon can even hit a Pidgey with them.

They are not, however, only used as weapons. Marowak, bizarrely, finds them to be comfortable pillows as well. And in the old days of the pokemon world (and still today, in some rural areas) before many other musical instruments were discovered, it was common to find Marowak playing a special type of drum also made of bone with their clubs. The sound produced is a deep, soulful one, thought to reflect that, for all the strength they display, some part of the Marowak's spirit remains touched by loss and grief, but is loud enough to reflect that they fight through it and live on.
